• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 4504 Ratings

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  1. MES
    Dec 15, 2017
    I honestly don't see anyone giving this album much less than an 8. While not a diehard fan, Lorde demonstrates some outstanding songwriting skills. Her talent is undeniable and this album is, I think, stronger than her well-received debut. I can't wait to see what she does next, but I'm more than content to enjoy Melodrama while I wait.
  2. Jun 16, 2017
    Four years after the release of her much-acclaimed debut, NZ princess Lorde sets the world ablaze with the release of her sophomore effort 'Melodrama', and like its name suggests, the album is an emotional journey that's definitely not for the emotionally weak. Long gone is Pure Heroine's alternative teenage-angst sound, only to be replaced with even weirder and wilder sounds. O'Connor'sFour years after the release of her much-acclaimed debut, NZ princess Lorde sets the world ablaze with the release of her sophomore effort 'Melodrama', and like its name suggests, the album is an emotional journey that's definitely not for the emotionally weak. Long gone is Pure Heroine's alternative teenage-angst sound, only to be replaced with even weirder and wilder sounds. O'Connor's songwriting gets even better, though you thought it couldn't get maturer, right? Lorde explores questions left since PH: the "it's a new art form showing people how little we care" in 'Tennis Court' becomes "we pretend that we just don't care, but we care" in 'Sober', which for me showcases how mature and grown she's come to be.
    The best part about the record is that it is undeniably relatable, for any person who is in their early-20s and just got their hearts broken, and all they want is to party it off. One of the highlights of the record, although it's very hard to choose, is 'Supercut', that sees Lorde exploring a full-on synth-pop she's never done before.
    Whether she's partying on the weekend ('Sober'), remembering an ex-lover ('Writer in the Dark'), or just contemplating the imperfections of existing ('Perfect Places'), "Melodrama" works in every way and every aspect, and I expect a lot of Grammys to pour on it. Solid 10!
  3. Jul 7, 2019
    Lorde has a lyrical elegance that allows me to keep coming back, even a year after release, feeling "Melodrama's" emotional complexity.
  4. Jun 16, 2017
    Felizmente Deus é maravilhoso, após 4 longos anos nos agraciou com essa obra-prima. Amém Ella Yelich-O'Connor, pode vir Grammy de Album of the Year
  5. Jun 24, 2017
    Lorde couldn't have done a better sophomore album. In fact, I didn't expect break up / love songs from Lorde considering Pure Heroine as an album totally not about that, which surprised me in a good way, even writing about cliche stuff such as heartbreak, Lorde proves to be THAT GIRL, that songwriter. David Bowie was right when he called her "the future of music". Melodrama is aLorde couldn't have done a better sophomore album. In fact, I didn't expect break up / love songs from Lorde considering Pure Heroine as an album totally not about that, which surprised me in a good way, even writing about cliche stuff such as heartbreak, Lorde proves to be THAT GIRL, that songwriter. David Bowie was right when he called her "the future of music". Melodrama is a rollercoaster we all must go into at a point in our lives, and I'm so proud for going through her music as of Pure Heroine, The Mockingjay Soundtrack, now Melodrama and expect many more masterpieces to come. Expand
  6. Jun 16, 2017
    Lordeee, obrigado por salvar o POP!!! Vem AOTY, vem GRAMMYS!!!
    Não importa o que os haters falam, o que vemos aqui é mais um trabalho maravilhoso de uma excelente artista. Se o David Bowie disse que ela é o futuro da música, quem somos nós para discordar. Aqui está a prova de que ele estava certo, sinto apenas por ele não estar vivo para ouvir isso.
  7. Jun 16, 2017
    Absolutely blew my mind. I love the moods and atmosphere created by the album's production and instrumentation. Her approach to pop music continues to be unique, angular and tastefully subversive. Her vocals are stunning and her songwriting has only gotten better. She is still smart and now more personal with her descriptions of heartbreak in its many forms. The overall experience ofAbsolutely blew my mind. I love the moods and atmosphere created by the album's production and instrumentation. Her approach to pop music continues to be unique, angular and tastefully subversive. Her vocals are stunning and her songwriting has only gotten better. She is still smart and now more personal with her descriptions of heartbreak in its many forms. The overall experience of listening to the record is gorgeous and it takes you on a real journey into what was going on in her heart for the past four years. Expand
  8. Jun 16, 2017
    Pode entrar Album Of The Year, Lorde mostrando que toda a espera valeu a pena com um álbum coeso e sem fillers. Destaque pra Sober, Homemade Dynamite, Liability e Perfect Places.
  9. Jul 14, 2017
    Simply the most well rounded pop album new(ish) on the market. Extremely catchy, groovy, and full of positive vibes. By far her best work and will likely go down as the best album of her career. Crazy to think she was already huge and then came out with something even better. Well done, Lorde.
  10. Jul 21, 2017
    The best pop album of 2017 so far. Lorde songwriting and - this time - song production is totally amazing. Her inspirations seems to flow from Robyn to Bjork, in an spectacular sophomore project. The almost-four years of waiting were totally worth it.
  11. Nov 5, 2017
    If there is still doubt that it is the album of the year then rethink, it is absurdly well done and certainly one of the best albums of this decade, praise is few for this masterpiece.
  12. Jul 26, 2017
    "Melodrama" delves into Lorde's post-fame life, which also marks as the continuation of where Pure Heroine left off, 3-4 years prior. It is a loose concept album with great and introspective songwriting about heartbreak, solitude, love, and everything in between. Initially a little bit disappointed by the album, I kept finding myself returning to the album and liking it better with each"Melodrama" delves into Lorde's post-fame life, which also marks as the continuation of where Pure Heroine left off, 3-4 years prior. It is a loose concept album with great and introspective songwriting about heartbreak, solitude, love, and everything in between. Initially a little bit disappointed by the album, I kept finding myself returning to the album and liking it better with each listen. Sonically, some of the tracks in here also showcase Lorde's growth as an artist, most notably "Hard Feelings / Loveless" and "The Louvre". Other favorites include "Writer in the Dark", "Liability", "Supercut", "Sober", "Homemade Dynamite", and "Perfect Places". Expand
  13. Jun 16, 2017
    Certamente falar sobre o Melodrama não será fácil, pois falar de qualidade é praticamente indescritível. Surpreende-nos o fato da Lorde ter amadurecido tanto em tão pouco tempo. Enquanto a maioria dos artistas demoram 2 ou 3 álbuns para amadurecerem em suas composições (ou nem amadurecerem), Lorde se torna uma singularidade nesse meio, fazendo isso em seu segundo álbum de estúdio. PodemosCertamente falar sobre o Melodrama não será fácil, pois falar de qualidade é praticamente indescritível. Surpreende-nos o fato da Lorde ter amadurecido tanto em tão pouco tempo. Enquanto a maioria dos artistas demoram 2 ou 3 álbuns para amadurecerem em suas composições (ou nem amadurecerem), Lorde se torna uma singularidade nesse meio, fazendo isso em seu segundo álbum de estúdio. Podemos falar que ela já estava madura e grande em seu álbum de estréia, o Pure Heroine, mas Melodrama vemos uma Lorde totalmente diferente daquele que vimos aos 16.
    Em 11 faixas a artista consegue transmitir tudo ou 99,9% de tudo que é proposto pelo álbum, pois é impossível humanamente transmitir o que sentimos ao próximo sem que haja modificações na percepção ou na transmissão.
    De Green Light a Perfect Places, Lorde percorre o caminho que todo ser humano em sua vida o faz: a saída da idade de fantasias para a idade madura, onde o melancolismo e dramaticismo chegam ao seu auge na interioridade de cada um. A efemeridade da vida é que provoca tais lutas internas, e a artista consegue captar tais circunstâncias: um verdadeiro dom que nasce da vivência bruta dessas contradições.
    Lembro-me nesse momento da canção Hometown Glory do álbum "19" da Adele, e como ela conseguiu transmitir em uma música tão simples a grandiosidade e ao mesmo tempo a efemeridade da vida de Londres e de como se sentia nesse meio. Lorde da mesma forma, em faixas como Sober, Writer in the Dark e Liability, dá a cada um de nós uma avalanche dos nosso próprios sentimentos.
    Se há pontos fracos no álbum, estes são quase imperceptíveis. Melodrama se traduz numa real obra-de-arte. Se Lorde fosse uma pintora, com certeza, Picasso e Van Gogh estariam honrados em tê-la como contemporânea na produção de quadros.
  14. Jun 16, 2017
    Album do ano felizmente, quem discordar é fã da Lana que quer tentar boicotar o hinário, parem de dar notas vermelhas, e se continuarem o album do ano ainda sim não se abalará.
  15. Oct 8, 2017
    10 is too low to describe this album. I really like Pure Heroine but I didn't find it the masterpiece everyone was talking about, so when I first got into Melodrama I was thinking "this will also be a very good album but everyone will overrate it just because of some reasons I don't know". Well, I was wrong. This album really is "pure heroine". Lorde found a way to reinvent her style and10 is too low to describe this album. I really like Pure Heroine but I didn't find it the masterpiece everyone was talking about, so when I first got into Melodrama I was thinking "this will also be a very good album but everyone will overrate it just because of some reasons I don't know". Well, I was wrong. This album really is "pure heroine". Lorde found a way to reinvent her style and her sound and at the same time every song reminds me to her previous music, but this music just sounds better to me. I can't stop listening to it. It has uptempo, midtempo, ballads and every song got its exact space in the album. It's just perfect. Expand
  16. Jun 16, 2017
    In this new album proved that with few doses of melancholy and some mix of dance pop with piano and voice you can make a great album. The new songs bring a girl more honest and vulnerable than the hard girl from pure heroine.
  17. Jun 16, 2017
    Very well projected album. "Melodrama" has everything, from a drama record to a party record.
    A lot of emotions in this record, that keeps us attached to it. Good job Ella.
  18. Jun 16, 2017
    This album is simply amazing.Lorde's lyrics are BETTER than ever,her vulnerability on the album is beautiful,the production is smooth.I never expected to say that but she outdid PH
  19. Jul 25, 2017
    A cohesive and well-crafted album, a huge step up from Pure Heroine. The feeling this album gives off is universal and everyone can relate to at least one point of the album. Oops...! Lorde did it again.
  20. Jun 16, 2017
    Such an amazing album
    Its incredible how talent is Lorde , The Louvre is my favorite song soo farr , LORDE MAKE MY WIGG FLEWWW TO ANOTHER CONTINENT , GAWD IM SNATCHED!
  21. Jun 19, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lorde ha dado un paso gigantesco desde Pure Heroine. Muestra una imagen diferente a lo que ella había mostrado en su trabajo anterior, a madurez se ve reflejada claramente demostrando una evolución como artista, así como también en si misma y su manera de pensar. Las líricas son exquisitas, los sonidos son frescos, el aura es encantadora; a medida que el álbum transcurre, ninguna canción es igual a la otra, pero a su vez, la identidad de la canción es parte de ese álbum, y te permite enamorarte, todo se entrelaza a la perfección. Melodrama es definitivamente algo que sólo Lorde podría hacer. Expand
  22. May 29, 2019
    Perfect album from first track to last. Break-up album but also about a young adult trying to find her place in adult world.
  23. Jul 24, 2017
    Definitely this album is better than her last one, I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Recommended songs: Supercut, Hard Feelings/Loveless, Sober, Perfect Places and of course the lead single Green Light. Every song is perfect
  24. Feb 15, 2019
    o mais perto que uma artista pop chegou da perfeição. não apenas o melhor album de 2017, e sim deste século.
  25. Jun 16, 2017
    Lirica e sonoramente, o álbum é incrível, bem escrito, as letras são profundas, ela realmente conseguiu se fixar como uma artista de grande renome no cenário internacional. Digno de ser chamado de álbum do ano, um pop inovador e que merece atenção. Meus parabéns à Lorde.
  26. Jul 23, 2018
    More than one year since it was released, and I'm still addicted. I'm so proud of her. Best album of 2017
  27. Jun 22, 2017
    Esse álbum é MARAVILHOSO, Lorde mudou a sonoridade (comparando com PH) e ficou muito bom, as letras são perfeitas, a produção nesse álbum está no ponto, e não tem uma faixa ruim ou que possa ser considerada filler.
    Meu top 3 no álbum fica com: Sober II (Melodrama), Perfect Places e The Louvre. Menção especial a Liability que é uma das músicas mais profundas que já ouvi
  28. Jun 16, 2017
    Melodrama was worth the wait. Lorde gave us a lyrical album full of magic in it. While Pure Heroine tried to show us her most insurgent side, Melodrama tries to show us Lorde's most sentimental one. The album opens with ''Green Light'', introducing us to her concept of ''party on her own'', a pop/dance song, and follows this concept until ''Liability'', the second single released after GL,Melodrama was worth the wait. Lorde gave us a lyrical album full of magic in it. While Pure Heroine tried to show us her most insurgent side, Melodrama tries to show us Lorde's most sentimental one. The album opens with ''Green Light'', introducing us to her concept of ''party on her own'', a pop/dance song, and follows this concept until ''Liability'', the second single released after GL, where Lorde tell us how people are so different, and how people become a burden in other one's lifes. The sentimental parte goes on, but in different ways. ''Hard Feelings/Loveless'', a ballad that shows how Lorde matters about the way the world is full of hatred nowadays, and this concepts ends in this record. The following songs, ''Melodrama/Writer in the dark/Supercut'', retake the concept of Liability, craving the sentimental and poetic part of the whole record. It ends with the third single released, ''Perfect Places'', a beautiful song about being sober and believing that everyone has a perfect place to go and to feel important.
    A beautiful and intimate record.

    Green Light 10/10
    Sober 10/10
    Homemade Dynamite 9/10
    The Louvre 10/10
    Liability 10/10
    Hard Feelings/Loveless 8/10
    Melodrama 8/10
    Writer in the Dark 10/10
    Supercut 8/10
    Reprise 7/10
    Perfect Places 10/10
  29. Jun 27, 2017
    At first i thought that Pure Heroine, was way better because for me it was more relatable, but the construction of Melodrama it's just flawless. Supercut speaks for my mind, that song makes me feel full of something beautifully abstract.
  30. Aug 7, 2017
    Lorde stays true to herself in her new album "Melodrama," and I think that this is really a beautiful piece of work. You can definitely see how she has matured and grown since her first album, "Pure Heroine," not just in her singing, but in her songwriting.

    This album documents the story of a young female as she arrives, stays, leaves, and reflects on a party she has gone to. Each
    Lorde stays true to herself in her new album "Melodrama," and I think that this is really a beautiful piece of work. You can definitely see how she has matured and grown since her first album, "Pure Heroine," not just in her singing, but in her songwriting.

    This album documents the story of a young female as she arrives, stays, leaves, and reflects on a party she has gone to. Each song on her album has a deep meaning, and the lyrics hold a personal meaning to her. The music wasn't put together randomly--everything in her songs have a meaning. This album, combined with her first album, all but assures her status as a rising pop legend.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. 80
    There are no gimmicks. There’s nothing screaming for acceptance. Melodrama is a raw, real album under its sparkly clean production. One written for the masses but able to resonate with each individual listener.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 6, 2017
    Lorde's biggest achievement is retaining her emotional insight into herself and her generation despite her utterly transformed life. [Aug 2017, p.100]
  3. Jul 6, 2017
    Still only 20 years old, Lorde could have been forgiven for floundering under the weight of expectation. Instead she’s reasserted her status as today’s ultimate alt-pop artist with a record that balances the contemporary with the classic in typically immaculate style.