• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 4504 Ratings

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  1. Jun 16, 2017
    Lorde brings all her pain about her ex boyfriend, with juicy metaphors and euphemisms about sex and forgetting about the events that happened. Its kinda sad one thing: we waited so many years to bring a cd only about ex and famous life... I expected a lot and in the end was disappointed. By the way, incredible cd, "Green Light" and "Liability" are true masterpieces but was enough toLorde brings all her pain about her ex boyfriend, with juicy metaphors and euphemisms about sex and forgetting about the events that happened. Its kinda sad one thing: we waited so many years to bring a cd only about ex and famous life... I expected a lot and in the end was disappointed. By the way, incredible cd, "Green Light" and "Liability" are true masterpieces but was enough to understand what have you been through in this events of your life. Expand
  2. Jun 16, 2017
    oh wow lorde really outdid herself melodrama is a masterpiece hands down the best album released in 2017it deserved a perfect score you go girly keep killing it
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    when I first listened to this album, I immediately burst into tears.
    a masterpiece, heartbroken.
    It's surely going to be the album of the year.
    Lorde's voice makes everything magic.
  4. Jun 16, 2017
    Absolutely blew my mind. I love the moods and atmosphere created by the album's production and instrumentation. Her approach to pop music continues to be unique, angular and tastefully subversive. Her vocals are stunning and her songwriting has only gotten better. She is still smart and now more personal with her descriptions of heartbreak in its many forms. The overall experience ofAbsolutely blew my mind. I love the moods and atmosphere created by the album's production and instrumentation. Her approach to pop music continues to be unique, angular and tastefully subversive. Her vocals are stunning and her songwriting has only gotten better. She is still smart and now more personal with her descriptions of heartbreak in its many forms. The overall experience of listening to the record is gorgeous and it takes you on a real journey into what was going on in her heart for the past four years. Expand
  5. Jun 16, 2017
    I'm in a daze! This album is just mind-blowing and so unique, I got the same thrills as I had when Pure Heroine came out. Probably Melodrama is the best album of year 17 so far!
  6. Jun 16, 2017
    An amazing sophomore effort from Lorde. You can appreciate the way she's matured, the album sounds very cohesive and there's no track that could be left off. The Louvre and Writer In The Dark are both highlights and probably the best songs of her career besides Ribs. 10/10.
  7. Jun 16, 2017
    Yes. While Katy Perry and Halsey provided their underwhelming albums, Lorde is the only artist right now who provided her fans with what they asked for. Great album, a masterpiece! Album of the year so far
  8. Jun 16, 2017
    Post-first listen reaction: Yeah, this is a powerhouse. Lorde had already established herself as a songwriter who was wise beyond her years on her debut 4 years ago, but in that time she has matured a lot and these songs are a direct reflection of that. MELODRAMA lives up to its title... this thing is wildly melodramatic and pretty emotional at points but still manages to be a fun listenPost-first listen reaction: Yeah, this is a powerhouse. Lorde had already established herself as a songwriter who was wise beyond her years on her debut 4 years ago, but in that time she has matured a lot and these songs are a direct reflection of that. MELODRAMA lives up to its title... this thing is wildly melodramatic and pretty emotional at points but still manages to be a fun listen somehow? It's a credit to Lorde and her team of producers, who really don't take a wrong step here and are in complete control at all times. The best pop album of the year, possibly of the past 2-3 years, and I have a feeling it will only get better the more I listen to it. Expand
  9. Jun 16, 2017
    The album is dull and uninspired, I don’t get why critics keep hyping up basic music artist. Nothing new or creative about the album. She has potential as a songwriter but this album sounds like the typical ‘indie pop girl’ music of the last 7 years.
    The songs all have a similar sound, just like her last album except this time there seems to be a bit of Born to Die copying going on.
  10. Jun 16, 2017
    Four years after the release of her much-acclaimed debut, NZ princess Lorde sets the world ablaze with the release of her sophomore effort 'Melodrama', and like its name suggests, the album is an emotional journey that's definitely not for the emotionally weak. Long gone is Pure Heroine's alternative teenage-angst sound, only to be replaced with even weirder and wilder sounds. O'Connor'sFour years after the release of her much-acclaimed debut, NZ princess Lorde sets the world ablaze with the release of her sophomore effort 'Melodrama', and like its name suggests, the album is an emotional journey that's definitely not for the emotionally weak. Long gone is Pure Heroine's alternative teenage-angst sound, only to be replaced with even weirder and wilder sounds. O'Connor's songwriting gets even better, though you thought it couldn't get maturer, right? Lorde explores questions left since PH: the "it's a new art form showing people how little we care" in 'Tennis Court' becomes "we pretend that we just don't care, but we care" in 'Sober', which for me showcases how mature and grown she's come to be.
    The best part about the record is that it is undeniably relatable, for any person who is in their early-20s and just got their hearts broken, and all they want is to party it off. One of the highlights of the record, although it's very hard to choose, is 'Supercut', that sees Lorde exploring a full-on synth-pop she's never done before.
    Whether she's partying on the weekend ('Sober'), remembering an ex-lover ('Writer in the Dark'), or just contemplating the imperfections of existing ('Perfect Places'), "Melodrama" works in every way and every aspect, and I expect a lot of Grammys to pour on it. Solid 10!
  11. Jun 16, 2017
    The album lacks creativity and good songs. Wish she would take more inspiration from Britney Spears next time. Really a bad album. Green Lights and Supercut are far superior from the rest. Overall a childish and poor effort.
  12. Jun 16, 2017
    ALBUM OF THE YEAR. She did that! She saved 2017 and this album is AMAZING.Deserves grammy.I died I am so happy for this.Lorde's back is Powefull She killed it!
  13. Jun 16, 2017
    Lorde proves she is the connoisseur of pop once again, setting trends for the following years in pop.

    She is a wunderkind who turned into a grown genius. 10/10
  14. Jun 16, 2017
    Her music is unique,she is a very good songwriter.I'm happy to see beautiful&different music like that in 2017. This is a masterpiece and I feel Björk vibes sometimes in Melodrama.This is what I've waited from the Next Legend of Alternative.
  15. Jun 16, 2017
    A powerful portrait of loneliness, heartbreak, youthful nights and young love. It's really an amazing follow up, and a beautiful album on it´s own. Gonna be immersed in the Melodrama world for a while. (9.8/10)
  16. Jun 16, 2017
    A phenomenal album that perfectly frames the life of the average young adult. Melodrama tells a tale of love, loss and self-care in such a refreshing and contemporary way that undoubtedly resonate for years to come.
  17. Jun 16, 2017
    She's GENIUS!

    For me Ella is one of those artist, who makes music in her unique way, she expresses her feelings and emotions through the songs. She doesn't create something just to be popular and reach as many number 1 hits as it possible. 'Melodrama' - it is pure art. Behind each song I can hear how carefully she choices the lyrics and instrumentation. Whole album is unified and
    She's GENIUS!

    For me Ella is one of those artist, who makes music in her unique way, she expresses her feelings and emotions through the songs. She doesn't create something just to be popular and reach as many number 1 hits as it possible.
    'Melodrama' - it is pure art. Behind each song I can hear how carefully she choices the lyrics and instrumentation. Whole album is unified and Indivisible. Story line comes through the all compositions and that's made the concept. And this is insane how young girl without huge army of songwriters and producers can make such a great work.

    She's only 20 years old, but she creates one of the best and deepest album I've ever heard. Love you, Ella ♥
  18. Jun 16, 2017
    Icónica Lordiosa, cómo siempre dándonos arte. Eterna patrona de Anal del 62, nunca decepcionanda y 0 monótona, cierta bagresita no se relaciona :*** sigue asi mi lordesita ya queremas ver como sales en tur. Todas las canciones de MeloARTE son artísimas. Ojalá y ganes un grammy maniuska. jejeje salu2 a secta pap
  19. Jun 16, 2017
    This is my favorite album since Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Where most pop girls try and fail these days, Lorde succeeds. While the sound is pretty minimalistic, it sounds like a huge luxurious pop album. Every song is not pop friendly yet could probably be a total jam on the radio (if radio would allow it) because of each song's pure original song and lyrical beauty.This is my favorite album since Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Where most pop girls try and fail these days, Lorde succeeds. While the sound is pretty minimalistic, it sounds like a huge luxurious pop album. Every song is not pop friendly yet could probably be a total jam on the radio (if radio would allow it) because of each song's pure original song and lyrical beauty.

    The sound on each track is memorable and big. Her vocals never come across as some random coffee shop artist. They are something truly magical. There is no filler because Lorde is smart enough to know a 40 minute album means there is no room for failure. I never found myself looking at my phone to see when the album is over or because I forgot what the song title is called. She has created an absolute masterpiece. It's a shame that it won't get noticed a lot like Witness did. The album is begging to be a hit machine. Not only is it a fantastic pop album, an overall fantastic album in general. Nothing will top this album this year. The album is a work of genius.

    Green Light: An absolute party heavy blast from start to finish. The perfect way to build up to a big sound. The production doesn't carry this song to make it a dance heavy song. It's Lorde's vocals and her lyrics. 10/10

    Sober: One of the most original songs of the year. Totally original lyrics with her weird vocal changes make this another blast. 10/10

    Homemade Dynamite: Production isn't as heavy as I thought it would be but that's not a bad thing and doesn't mean that it's bad. Lyrics aren't as good as the other songs but her vocals and the catchiness of the song distract from that. 9/10

    The Louvre: Organic sound that has a really unique vibe. Once again fantastic lyrics backed up her raw vocals. This one kind of got to me because I am still getting over a heartbreak from over a year ago :-( 10/10

    Liability: I didn't think I would like this before I heard it. A lot of indie type pop girls fail at ballads. The sound is really minimal on this but somehow she makes it seem huge. The lyrics are heartbreaking and stray far from the stupid cringey ballad lyrics we usually hear from Katy. A total emotional and heartbreaking song. 10/10

    Hard Feelings/Loveless: A lot of the time when a song is split up in two titles, it's kind of stupid. The production slowly moves from something kind of familiar to something really groovy. Lyrics are memorable from beginning to end. I was kind of worried when I saw the time length. How did these two songs go by so fast without dragging? 10/10

    Sober II (Melodrama) Fantastic production and lyrics as well as her raw emotional vocals. Just one complaint, I wish it were longer. This is like a short sample you get an ice cream shop. 9/10

    Writer In The Dark: Once again Lorde has another emotional filled song without getting cheesy. 10/10

    Supercut: I feel like this is a sequel to Green Light. It baffles me how she can turn a dance ready song into something really emotional and meaningful. 10/10

    Liability (Repise): Great way to end the album. Just wish it were LONGER!

    Perfect Places: Extremely catchy and fun. It doesn't depend on it's catchiness though. Her lyrics and vocals carry the song the most. This needs to be a single on the radio. It has so much potential to be a huge hit. 10/10

    Nobody has made dance music and blended it with such great emotions since TFM. This might be her at her talent peak. The album took 18 months to make and it shows off the hard work. I don't care how much tickets are, I have to see this talented performer.
  20. Jun 16, 2017
    Grammy here we go.
    As a masterpiece of associative perception, "Melodrama" is so cathartic that you may finish the whole album unknowingly. Not only that, every tracks here connects the title "Melodrama" tight, playing a drama together in front of us.
    Compared with her first album "Pure Heroine" ,this one narrows its theme but makes it deeper,focusing on the youth spirits of this
    Grammy here we go.
    As a masterpiece of associative perception, "Melodrama" is so cathartic that you may finish the whole album unknowingly. Not only that, every tracks here connects the title "Melodrama" tight, playing a drama together in front of us.
    Compared with her first album "Pure Heroine" ,this one narrows its theme but makes it deeper,focusing on the youth spirits of this age—confused, lonely as well as meaningless roar for being valued, which can resonate with us more. Lorde delivers those things to us with the catchy rhythm, amazing harmonic and characteristic vocal,all of which is familiar but bends the formula in surprising ways.
    No question, she is the drama queen.
  21. Jun 16, 2017
    Genius. Old soul reaches down to the roots and makes you understand her experience. That is art at it's most raw. Pull the tears and pathos from a jaded spirit. In 30 years no one will have any meaningful idea what you mean when you say Taylor Swift. They will know Ella.
  22. Jun 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Following her breakthrough success with Pure Heroine, New Zealand's brilliant Ella O'Connor delivers the second chapter of her career that looks promising. Through "Melodrama," the singer presents us with a darker and somewhat passionate side of her person. After releasing an album with no romantic lyrics and only adventures of ordinary teenagers, Lord returns to being common with a message beginning and ending a post-relationship, experienced by the composer herself a few years ago. Beginning with Green Light, her first single and also considered one of the best songs of the year, Ella reveals her weaknesses as a human being and opens the door to her best compositions through love, pain, loss and fear. The Homemade Dynamite range reaches one of the high points in a warm and cozy way. In addition to the four previously released tracks, we are presented with another 7 new songs that make up an album that would have everything to be simplistic were it not for the perfection exhibited by the performer during the little more than forty minutes of the performance. We still doubt who will be one of the top Grammy winners next year? Expand
  23. Jun 16, 2017
    Beautiful record, with the highs and lows of an emotional night. Bowie vibes shine through with songs like Writer in the dark, and a hint of Robin laced lavishly around many trakcs, such as Green Light and Supercut.

    Supercut is really something isn't it?
  24. Jun 16, 2017
    Honestly an amazing album, the lyrics and production flows joy into my veins and lifts me up with it's beautiful melodies. The louvre is a masterpiece, Writer in The Dark, Supercut are all beautiful and songs like Homemade Dynamite and Green Light are sure to be hits. Best album in years!
  25. Jun 16, 2017
    No more words. Grammy awards committees must feel good right now as they dont need to discuss and argue for which album is going to be the album of the year anymore. Lorde has already taken it by this flawless album.
  26. Jun 16, 2017
    People say that "Melodrama" is just a shadow of PH, but it`s not. There is one word to try to describe this album is incredible. Lorde created the best pop/alternative album of decade. I`m in shock of album songs so far. Just masterpiece. No words.
  27. Jun 16, 2017
    A 20 years old girl from New Zealand has made a record like this, So elegant, so mature but yet so youthful.I'm completly blown away, problably one of the best pop albums in years.
  28. Jun 16, 2017
    Lorde captures emotions like none other. Her second album is a masterful study of being a young woman, a sleek and humid pop record full of grief and hedonism, crafted with the utmost care and wisdom. Lorde has created the defining pop album of the decade. Green Light and Liability captures the mature vulnerability of adolescence.
  29. Jun 16, 2017
    A very cohesive and well-arranged album. It deserves all the acclaims it's been getting so far. Despite the album being great as a whole, there are not many stand-out tracks or single-worthy songs that you would enjoy listening on the radio. Still, an amazing effort by lorde who writes and co-produces ALL her songs herself.
  30. Jun 16, 2017
    OMG! SHE REALLY DID THAT. I can only say this: This is album of the year 100%. And deserves a grammy 100%. Pure Heroine was beautiful but this is more beautiful than Pure Heroine.

Universal acclaim - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. 80
    There are no gimmicks. There’s nothing screaming for acceptance. Melodrama is a raw, real album under its sparkly clean production. One written for the masses but able to resonate with each individual listener.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jul 6, 2017
    Lorde's biggest achievement is retaining her emotional insight into herself and her generation despite her utterly transformed life. [Aug 2017, p.100]
  3. Jul 6, 2017
    Still only 20 years old, Lorde could have been forgiven for floundering under the weight of expectation. Instead she’s reasserted her status as today’s ultimate alt-pop artist with a record that balances the contemporary with the classic in typically immaculate style.