• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2009
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Mixed or average reviews- based on 392 Ratings

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  1. ScooterC.
    Oct 5, 2009
    This album is ALL over the place! The lyrics are fascinating, yet a bit forced. Mariah's voice is a whisper or high whistle notes. Arrangements are intensely over produced or very simple, like my favorite LANGUISHING. H.A.T.E.U. is good, so is OBSESSED, but enough with the remixes BORING!
  2. Feb 13, 2011
    This is a mature, solid album with a few surprises (her 'ode' to Eminem) and plenty of old school r and b... my favorite is It's a Wrap, so classic yet so inventive... Mariah is at the top of her game.
  3. BurtB.
    Sep 30, 2009
    Another age inappropriate album from a former pop heavyweight.
  4. ajd
    Sep 29, 2009
    Yawn...when will she ever evolve musically??? A true artist is the one who tries different music styles and keeps their music fresh! But she has been serving her close minded fans the same crap for the last few decades! Same old boring slow jams, Same old hooks, same old themes....same old Mariah!! The best songs are the Up-tempo ones, other then that, its pretty....yawn.....ZZZ...oh Yawn...when will she ever evolve musically??? A true artist is the one who tries different music styles and keeps their music fresh! But she has been serving her close minded fans the same crap for the last few decades! Same old boring slow jams, Same old hooks, same old themes....same old Mariah!! The best songs are the Up-tempo ones, other then that, its pretty....yawn.....ZZZ...oh sorry.....Lame! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. The album was composed by R&B's best songwriters of the late 2000s, Terius Nash (The-Dream) and Christopher Stewart (Tricky); they give each song the intelligent mid-tempo bump-and-grind they've made into a specialty.
  2. Overall, Carey's throwback vibe on Memoirs is refreshing and much welcomed.
  3. It's puzzling to hear one of music's most powerful voices continually corralled into a feathery R&B midrange; imperfections are nowhere to be found on Memoirs, but neither are many true revelations.