• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 29, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Apr 14, 2011
    Meyrin Fields may be under 12 minutes long, but it's still a musical goodie bag that sounds like it was as much fun to make as it is to hear.
  2. Apr 14, 2011
    The main frustration with Meyrin Fields is that neither artist seems hindered individually, only lost to elevate his respective partner in a meaningful way.
  3. Apr 14, 2011
    All things considered, this EP seems to be breeding ground for experimentation and possibly be what's to come from a second LP.
  4. Apr 14, 2011
    I'd like to hear Broken Bells at its strongest, not nestled into mediocrity.
  5. Apr 19, 2011
    The combination of Mercer's lyrics and indie-boy-who-can-actually-sing vocals, paired with Danger Mouse's undeniable ear for awesome pop, means it's always going to be well above average. Very good, in fact. Occasionally great. It doesn't need to be anything else.
  6. 83
    Burton builds layered, twilit soundscapes for Mercer's pensive musings; these songs are the stuff of cloudy days and sleepless nights, and that's okay.
  7. Apr 14, 2011
    This EP sounds like more than the sum of its parts. Maybe it's the realization that Gnarls Barkley will never top "Crazy" or that the Shins may never re-form, but there's an intriguing sense of desperation on these songs, as though both Mercer and Burton are realizing that this band could indeed be their lives.
  8. Apr 14, 2011
    It's otherworldly but still heart-tugging.
  9. Apr 14, 2011
    The songs appear to take chances--sweeping chord changes, symphonic progressions, darts into electronic sound--but there's little at stake.
  10. Apr 22, 2011
    Only two of the four songs are technically new, but quality is what counts here. Crunchy and distant but still endearing, the duo breaks down technology to make it sound breezy.

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