• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Feb 2, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 61
  2. Negative: 3 out of 61
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  1. Feb 2, 2018
    Microshift is instead a macro shift for Hookworms, not only that, but it's one of the finest examples of a band finding its sound, finding its own expressiveness and originality, delivering what's gonna be definitely one the best albums of 2018.
  2. Feb 3, 2018
    The sound here is fresh, modern, experimental, clear, transparent, vivid, stable, unstable, powerful!
    Microshift is an excellent album because it is bright, huge and sincere in its' intentions: it describes a dystopian age with half-light tones.
    Great work.
  3. Feb 2, 2018
    “Microshift” is like if you took the band’s previous albums and peeled back the noise and fuzz and drowned out vocals to reveal a fruitful inner core. Thematically, it’s epic in its ambitions. It unveils every prick and notch in the feelings of being so depressed and hopeless, then reverses itself. It becomes an anthem of opening up every package of despair that holds you down and“Microshift” is like if you took the band’s previous albums and peeled back the noise and fuzz and drowned out vocals to reveal a fruitful inner core. Thematically, it’s epic in its ambitions. It unveils every prick and notch in the feelings of being so depressed and hopeless, then reverses itself. It becomes an anthem of opening up every package of despair that holds you down and encourages you to go on. Although it’s title “Microshift” may lead you to believe it’s only a small step forward, it’s a drastic change for the band’s sound. They still manage to hold up their skill of creating vast and dynamic soundscapes, actually no, they take it to a new level. Listening to this album, I felt like I was soaring through space. I felt like an unattainable version of myself, the best I could ever be. This is the best album of 2018 (which isn’t really saying much, seeing how it’s only February 2nd). I don’t know if the year will get better than this, but if it does, man oh man are we in for one hell of a year! Expand
  4. Feb 4, 2018
    This is the album which, after years or enjoying Metacritic passively, finally made me create an account and contribute. I enjoyed Hookworms previous album (maybe 7.5/10) but this might just be The best "rock" album I have heard since Arcade Fire's "Funeral". One of my measures is the "lump in the throat" test - more often achieved in live performance (Arcade fire, Bon iver, Frank Turner,This is the album which, after years or enjoying Metacritic passively, finally made me create an account and contribute. I enjoyed Hookworms previous album (maybe 7.5/10) but this might just be The best "rock" album I have heard since Arcade Fire's "Funeral". One of my measures is the "lump in the throat" test - more often achieved in live performance (Arcade fire, Bon iver, Frank Turner, The Maccabees, Twenty-one Pilots (before they were famous) , even Of Monsters and Men) but even rarer on record. But Microshift did it at least three time. I'm not going to go into great detail - just tunes, passion, emotion, a great "flow" through the album ... if this isn't my album of 2018 then hell, its going to be a great year. Expand
  5. Aug 31, 2018
    I have listened to this album about 10 times in the last week, and it challenges you with every listening. Love the wall of sound on the first track, Negative Space, always finding something new and beautiful in there. My favorite track is Boxing Day, which sounds like how we all feel every once in a while. Definitely take a listen!
  6. Feb 2, 2018
    This might be a terrible comparison:
    my sister loves Men Without Hats, but I just couldn't get into them.
    But if I liked Men Without Hats, it would be exactly like this. This album is superb. Just bleeding superb. "Ullswater" makes 9/8 as accessible and memorable as Arcade Fire made it with "Modern Man", but there's more power and force here. I can't list a bad track on here,
    This might be a terrible comparison:
    my sister loves Men Without Hats, but I just couldn't get into them.

    But if I liked Men Without Hats, it would be exactly like this.

    This album is superb. Just bleeding superb. "Ullswater" makes 9/8 as accessible and memorable as Arcade Fire made it with "Modern Man", but there's more power and force here.

    I can't list a bad track on here, though I wish Boxing Day didn't end so abruptly.

    But do buy this. It's a wonderful experience.
  7. Oct 2, 2018
    Every song is amazing... except for boxing day. Not sure about that one, maybe it'll grow on me. Love this album though
  8. Feb 5, 2018
    Never heard of this band before but I really like this album! Sounds like The Shins meets LCD Soundsystem. Rousing opener Negative Space sets the tone for an energetically grandiose yet emotionally intimate and beautifully produced LP. I highly recommend checking it out!

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Feb 8, 2018
    Microshift manages to be both their most accessible work and their most intense: the sound of an already powerful band gaining not just clarity, but focus.
  2. Feb 8, 2018
    Microshift clearly demonstrates that Hookworms are operating on a new level.
  3. Feb 7, 2018
    In some ways, Microshift is Hookworms’ equivalent of that album [Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion]. A band with an established sound embracing electronics and pop songwriting like never before, but managing to do so without it feeling remotely forced, and finding their biggest audience yet as a result.