• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 25, 2016
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1008 Ratings

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  1. Sep 22, 2017
    The best R&B album released in 2016 so far.
    Mind Of Mine is a must-have to everyone who loves modern r&b.
    Every song drops quality, musically, lyrically and vocally. Mind of Mine is a chill trip from love, sex, sadness, depression and happiness. The lyrics are deep (and self-written) and the transitions are so clean. Vocally is a beast (listen to befour, pillowtalk or she) And the
    The best R&B album released in 2016 so far.
    Mind Of Mine is a must-have to everyone who loves modern r&b.
    Every song drops quality, musically, lyrically and vocally.
    Mind of Mine is a chill trip from love, sex, sadness, depression and happiness.
    The lyrics are deep (and self-written) and the transitions are so clean.
    Vocally is a beast (listen to befour, pillowtalk or she)
    And the song in urdu is the cherry of the cake.
    A big ten but the debut of an ex 1D former.
  2. Mar 25, 2016
    With a mix of The Weeknd's sound and lyrics, ZAYN's Mind of Mine it's a different face of Malik's work in One Direction. As it happened with Miley Cyrus' Bangerz, he wants to left the image he had with the band.
  3. Mar 25, 2016
    For his first album, he has managed to pull together an album that not only expresses himself as a talented singer-songwriter, but also gives the listener a sense of the potential they should except from Zayn in the future. The songs fall into a wide-range, and each one has a personal touch from Zayn himself. His music is a far-cry from the manufactured pop he was singing from 1D.

    For his first album, he has managed to pull together an album that not only expresses himself as a talented singer-songwriter, but also gives the listener a sense of the potential they should except from Zayn in the future. The songs fall into a wide-range, and each one has a personal touch from Zayn himself. His music is a far-cry from the manufactured pop he was singing from 1D.

    The album is very cohesive and beautiful.
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Of course some songs stand out more than others, but every song is enjoyable to listen to - there are none that are completely distasteful. His tone helps carry the songs, as it is beautiful and soothing, yet slightly rough too. He shows his diversity throughout the course of the album, with several ballads, such as Fool For You and BLUE. Also, some more R&B influenced songs like Drunk, Wrong, TiO. But what he does which no other Western mainstream pop or R&B singer has done is include a song (intermission) which he sings entirely in Urdu. This album really shows the blend of his cultural and musical influences. His Pakistani roots shine through in Flower (and the end of It's You), and the R&B that he loves so much from his dad listening to that type of music as he was growing up, is definitely incorporated into the album. Another admirable thing, for me at least, is how he is straight to the point; he is incredibly honest with the lyrics and holds nothing back - whether it's talking about falling out of love, his sexual desires, or how he feels he wasted time in the past and now this is his time to be the real him. Expand
  5. Mar 25, 2016
    It's an amazing album with songs that are quite pleasant and makes relax if you feel stressed out, and the best part of it it's Zayn's wide vocal range, you can hear through the entire album and it makes you feel like you're in heaven.
  6. Mar 26, 2016
    AUMENTA ESSA NOTA AGORA!!! Zayn fez um ótimo trabalho ao sair da bandinha flop One Direction. O álbum é conceitual, tem ótimas letras e batidas relaxantes, um debut impressionante. Pisou no Purpose!
  7. Mar 27, 2016
    There are lot of reasons to say that this album is going to BE the Album Of The Year.
    1) The first and the most important reason is the authenticity that ZAYN has brought to this album. His song called 'Intermission:Flower' sees him sing in his native language which is Urdu. It is so nice to know that he remembers and appreciates hi routes.
    2) The variety and diversity of the beats in
    There are lot of reasons to say that this album is going to BE the Album Of The Year.
    1) The first and the most important reason is the authenticity that ZAYN has brought to this album. His song called 'Intermission:Flower' sees him sing in his native language which is Urdu. It is so nice to know that he remembers and appreciates hi routes.
    2) The variety and diversity of the beats in the record.It is very easy to note the slick Production of the record,which is by the Double- Grammy winner Malay-Ho.Each song has its own vibe ,from the soultry ballad 'FOOL FOR YOU' to more upbeat and funky 'LIKE I WOULD'.
    3) ZAYN'S VOCALS.It is a well-known fact that Zayn was the best singer in 1d with the best vocal technique and is an A-LISTED singer by critics.It is easy to see why it is so in this albu,. The riffs and high notes with the falsettos are out of this world.

    So after one year of him leaving the band, Zayn Malik is showing the world why he did so. ABSOLUTE BANGER OF AN ALBUM,considering it BROKE THE RECORD by becoming the FIRST DEBUT ALBUM to be #1 on iTunes in 70+ countries. ZAYN,the solo artist HAS ARRIVED.
  8. Mar 28, 2016
    For his debut effort, this is exceeds expectations. The vocals are emotive and raw, you can actually feel him pour his emotions into the songs. I've seen people say how he's singing about sex. Yes, he is but that's not all? If you actually listen to the lyrics it's an even mix of pain, being made to feel like a puppet and manipulated, how he's had a rough time with love, and how he'd goFor his debut effort, this is exceeds expectations. The vocals are emotive and raw, you can actually feel him pour his emotions into the songs. I've seen people say how he's singing about sex. Yes, he is but that's not all? If you actually listen to the lyrics it's an even mix of pain, being made to feel like a puppet and manipulated, how he's had a rough time with love, and how he'd go above and beyond for the one(s) he loves. Saying he's just singing simply about sex is and insult to him and his music. This is an album where every single song is a jam, whether it's a dance song, something chill, or a ballad. Not one song is just a filler for the album, which says a lot considering there's 14 songs on the album, 18 on the deluxe version, and 20 on the target exclusive. Expand
  9. Apr 12, 2016
    Mind of Mine is a genre of it's own. As Zayn himself stated, he is not trying to label himself anything. He is just doing what feels right to him and what makes him happy, and this album is the perfect reflection of that. There is some R'n'B influenced sound to some songs, there are some insanely well produced ballads, there is even some chill Reggae that tastes great with a joint or two.Mind of Mine is a genre of it's own. As Zayn himself stated, he is not trying to label himself anything. He is just doing what feels right to him and what makes him happy, and this album is the perfect reflection of that. There is some R'n'B influenced sound to some songs, there are some insanely well produced ballads, there is even some chill Reggae that tastes great with a joint or two.

    It doesn't happen often that I genuinely like every song on an album, much less an album consisting of 18 songs! But Mind of Mine is a brilliant exception with not a single skippable song. And you cannot listen to it in any other order than the original one, because you'd be missing the absolutely thought through, magical transitioning from song to song. (My favourite is Intermission : Flower to rEaR vIeW and BLUE to BRIGHT)

    Besides the breathtaking production, other worldy, flawless vocals and genuinely strong songs, Mind of Mine deserves 10 extra points for its diversity and experimental elements. Honestly, kudos to Zayn for not restricting himself to one set genre, for not fearing to experiment and for following his heart. It really did pay off!
  10. CZS
    Mar 25, 2016
    Mind of Mine is the debut album from Zayn Malik, the former 1D star. It exhibits his high quality songwriting skills laced with steamy and smooth vocals. The album produces amazing musicality and it's hard to pick any one song that it is truly lack anything. Tunes such as Lucozade or Blue might cause the average listener to stray away, however, music lovers might take note in theirMind of Mine is the debut album from Zayn Malik, the former 1D star. It exhibits his high quality songwriting skills laced with steamy and smooth vocals. The album produces amazing musicality and it's hard to pick any one song that it is truly lack anything. Tunes such as Lucozade or Blue might cause the average listener to stray away, however, music lovers might take note in their absolute rawness. This commonly called "PRnB" album puts a funky spin on the genre. If you're into alternative RnB, neo soul, or just looking for something new, give the album a good two listens and be amazed. Malik manages to deliver an exquisite LP that will surely leave you wanting more. Expand
  11. May 13, 2017
    Soulful, nocturne and sensual. The best tracks are for me: BeFour (hopefuland poppy) , Rear View, She, Lucozade and of course Pillowtalk (a year later and it still goes hard) I love specially the way each song is connected like an stream of conciousness. Great debut!
  12. Mar 26, 2016
    His first album and is already the most acclaimed of the moment. Mind Of Mine deserves a great recognition with well-produced songs, it's a really great job.
  13. Mar 26, 2016
    Its a solid debut album. I already knew Zayn had the best voice in One Direction but never had an idea about his song-writing ability. The lyrics are awesome especially in the song "Lucozade". His vocals are moody, sexy,expressive and full of riffs and runs. R&B is exactly his forte and he has shown mastery in it. His peers will have a lot of pressure now that he has set a standard alreadyIts a solid debut album. I already knew Zayn had the best voice in One Direction but never had an idea about his song-writing ability. The lyrics are awesome especially in the song "Lucozade". His vocals are moody, sexy,expressive and full of riffs and runs. R&B is exactly his forte and he has shown mastery in it. His peers will have a lot of pressure now that he has set a standard already in the mainstream music. Expand
  14. Mar 26, 2016
    WOW..I never had thought that I would actually like..not like but LOVE an ex boyband member's album. When this kid first left 1d I thought he would flop real hard but boy he proved me wrong. The album is really impressive. With the touch of Justin Timberlake's early stuffs, little Miguel and Frank Ocean and a large portion with 90s R&B Zayn not only proved he has a great knowledge how R&BWOW..I never had thought that I would actually like..not like but LOVE an ex boyband member's album. When this kid first left 1d I thought he would flop real hard but boy he proved me wrong. The album is really impressive. With the touch of Justin Timberlake's early stuffs, little Miguel and Frank Ocean and a large portion with 90s R&B Zayn not only proved he has a great knowledge how R&B works but also has very strong vocals to support it. The writing could be slightly better but I am sure he will learn more as he experiences more in life. Its an excellent debut album. R&B lovers would love it. Expand
  15. Mar 27, 2016
    lemme tell you about how god blessed me. he gave us zayn who in turn zlessed us all with this album. it's honestly a soothing r&b record. :) there's a reggae song on the target exclusive, funny lyrics but his voice totally fits the reggae tune. and there's this oldschool r&b track like Truth and She Dont Love Me maybe and Drunk is my all time favourite, Fool For You and Golden arelemme tell you about how god blessed me. he gave us zayn who in turn zlessed us all with this album. it's honestly a soothing r&b record. :) there's a reggae song on the target exclusive, funny lyrics but his voice totally fits the reggae tune. and there's this oldschool r&b track like Truth and She Dont Love Me maybe and Drunk is my all time favourite, Fool For You and Golden are beautiful. the type of songs you hear in movies.and the songs transistion so well like..any negative comments are from people who don't have an open minded attitude towards genres outside their comfort zone. J'ai fini :). Expand
  16. Mar 27, 2016
    I love everything about it. From the intro up to the last song. It just blows your mind. Amazing debut album!
  17. Mar 27, 2016
    Just an introverted boy justifying his thoughts about love, sex and humanity. His uniqueness is in another level, I think Zayn is going to be a memorable artist over the world.
  18. Mar 28, 2016
    For a debut, this is a solid pop-r&b album. Zayn's vocals were the highlight of listening- his voice is the one of the strongest out of anyone in pop today and it especially shines in songs like It's You, Flower and Rear View. His ability to emote in his songs adds a personal element to an album many have criticised for being contrived. Lyrically, the album is clunky in places, but againFor a debut, this is a solid pop-r&b album. Zayn's vocals were the highlight of listening- his voice is the one of the strongest out of anyone in pop today and it especially shines in songs like It's You, Flower and Rear View. His ability to emote in his songs adds a personal element to an album many have criticised for being contrived. Lyrically, the album is clunky in places, but again the superb quality of Zayn's voice and delivery are the focal point of the album for me. As he wrote on every song in the album there is clearly a personal touch, and through his voice you can hear the emotion and effort he put into the album. I really got the sense rather than just trying to produce a cliche album to tick boxes and sell records, he was doing his best so build on the greats that influence and inspire him to show the r&b world what he's truly made of and show off his creativity. Expand
  19. Mar 28, 2016
    Mind of Mine is one of the best albums I've heard in the past few years. I can't remember the last time I listened to an album and didn't want to skip at least one song on it. It's so unique as well. None of the songs are exactly the same as each other, even if lyrically and thematically the majority of songs are about love/sex. They still sound different and stand out as individual songsMind of Mine is one of the best albums I've heard in the past few years. I can't remember the last time I listened to an album and didn't want to skip at least one song on it. It's so unique as well. None of the songs are exactly the same as each other, even if lyrically and thematically the majority of songs are about love/sex. They still sound different and stand out as individual songs rather than blending together. I also can't think of one artist whose audience is mostly American/British teenagers/young adults, who has a track in Urdu on their album. Zayn has really gone out of his way to put himself in this album, something that he was never allowed to do with One Direction. Expand
  20. Apr 1, 2016
    nothing much to say...this album is an incredible start for zayn's solo career..it may be a better headstart than Justin Timberlake's level. most of the songs are great, although some lyrics were weak but still there are powerful songs like befour , its you , Rear View , borders, Truth , Lucozade (which is a fantastic freestyle !), no boring meaningless song. which is very good... overallnothing much to say...this album is an incredible start for zayn's solo career..it may be a better headstart than Justin Timberlake's level. most of the songs are great, although some lyrics were weak but still there are powerful songs like befour , its you , Rear View , borders, Truth , Lucozade (which is a fantastic freestyle !), no boring meaningless song. which is very good... overall I really like His album! Expand
  21. Apr 13, 2016
    Mind of Mine is the best thing I've ever heard in my live don't @ me. I cried in the middle of the night listening to it for the first time. Zayn deserves all the Grammy's.
  22. May 13, 2017
    Real music, great voice, amazing production. A+ on a first album !!!!
    I wasn't expecting that from a debut artist that was in a boyband to be honest but Zayn outdid himself, much respect
  23. Mar 25, 2016
    album maravilhosoo pisou na discografia do 1dlixo, serio muito bom mesmoooooooooo um luxo de album, 1d could never, pisou nos lixossssssssssssssssssss
  24. Mar 25, 2016
    Amazing sound! I think this is a great start for this young man. His writing improved a lot since his time in one direction and he really could do something different than when he was in the boyband . I personally think the songs "rear view" and "fool for you" are the two shining parts of the album followed by the intermission wich was really a surprise.
  25. Mar 28, 2016
    A highly anticipated album and Zayn did not disappoint. His melodic, well controlled voice is evident on all the tracks especially on It's You, Fool for You, the urdu Intermission : Flower (i wish this was longer..would have loved a full song), Rearview, Wrong. Definitely looking forward to more things from Zayn.
  26. Mar 31, 2016
    I didn't know what to expect from this album but it definitely exceeded any of my predictions. In Mind of Mine, Zayn really showed off his vocal abilities with smooth runs, beautiful falsettos, and a thick roughness to his voice that definitely suits him for R&B. This album however, isn't just R&B; it feels like a mixture of R&B, light pop and a side of EDM. Favorites of the albumI didn't know what to expect from this album but it definitely exceeded any of my predictions. In Mind of Mine, Zayn really showed off his vocal abilities with smooth runs, beautiful falsettos, and a thick roughness to his voice that definitely suits him for R&B. This album however, isn't just R&B; it feels like a mixture of R&B, light pop and a side of EDM. Favorites of the album include :She, Drunk, Rear View,Tio, Wrong, and Lucozade. I definitely would recommend this album to others who love music and are interested in some new fresh material to listen to. Zayn really showed a side to him that many didn't know he was capable of. Very strong debut album! Expand
  27. Mar 31, 2016
    I was lucky enough to hear an early preview of this album thanks to the lovely folks over at RCA and I went in expecting good things. I couldn't even have begun to imagine just how good it was going to get, though. The singles we were teased with in the run up to the album release were just a fraction of the talent that Malik possesses: from the spine-tingling vocals and beauty ofI was lucky enough to hear an early preview of this album thanks to the lovely folks over at RCA and I went in expecting good things. I couldn't even have begun to imagine just how good it was going to get, though. The singles we were teased with in the run up to the album release were just a fraction of the talent that Malik possesses: from the spine-tingling vocals and beauty of iNtErMiSsIoN: fLoWeR to the lyrical genius of tracks like rEaR vIeW, almost all mixed with the kind of beat that's going to pulse through summer 2016. I had high expectations of Zayn's debut and he exceeded every single one of them. This is only the beginning; I can't wait to see what comes next. Other highlights of the album for me: the unexpected shift of BRIGHT; the unusual structure and pace of lUcOzAdE; and the summer-ready vibe of DO SOMETHING GOOD off the Target exclusive edition. And that's before you even get me started on the vocals and the range that he's got going for him. Mind of Mine is fresh, unique, and set to put Zayn on the map as a solo artist. Expand
  28. Feb 16, 2017
    Zayn made a good decision by leaving One Direction because this is so much better. Personally, I consider this the best debut album I've ever heard because the way he plays with his voice is just beautiful. Every song is really good because he just knows what he's doing and he's not afraid of it. The lyrics - it's something expectable coming from a guy in his early 20s and it feels good. IZayn made a good decision by leaving One Direction because this is so much better. Personally, I consider this the best debut album I've ever heard because the way he plays with his voice is just beautiful. Every song is really good because he just knows what he's doing and he's not afraid of it. The lyrics - it's something expectable coming from a guy in his early 20s and it feels good. I am not ashamed to say that I totally fell for Zayn and his voice and I can't wait for other music. Expand
  29. Mar 31, 2016
    Love Mind Of.Mind . I am not a big 1D fan but I have always been impressed with Zayn's voice. All the songs are well produced, the vocals are soaring and nuanced and the lyrics change meaning with each listen. He should be proud of this album. I am very proud of him!!!!! I love " She Don't Love ME" Tio, Befour, Like I would, borderz, bright is my new favorite .
  30. Mar 25, 2016
    MELHOR ÁLBUM EVEEEEEEEEEER. Quero Drunk, Wrong, She, TIO, LIKE I WOULD, FOOL FOR YOU COMO SINGLES. Quero muitas performances, muitas high notes, pq ta demais esse álbum, Parabéns !!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. May 12, 2017
    His vocal skills help pave over the (rare) moments when the lyrics seem a bit juvenile or the sound feels a little too familiar, and help make Mind of Mine an impressive debut. It's music he couldn't have made with One Direction and while it may not be breaking any new ground, it's new for him and he's talented enough to make that interesting for anyone who likes well-made pop music.
  2. May 11, 2016
    Mind of Mine leaps right over anything on Justified and carves a path of its own. Next decade’s boybands will doubtless provoke discussion on which of them will break out like this, which one will be a Zayn.
  3. 60
    Throughout this album, Mr. Malik opts for a low-octane approach, with varying success.