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Universal acclaim- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 86 out of 98
  2. Negative: 2 out of 98

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  1. Tab
    Sep 28, 2008
    The trick is to let this work of brilliance stand on its own. When album this genuine and passionate happens, recognize what went into it. That's where you'll find what to get out.
  2. Nov 1, 2011
    This is an ambitious record, not what I'd call easy listening but always interesting listening. The thing about Beck for me is - he's a great artist but quality control is often a problem on his records and they can be very self indulgent. For the most part here though he keeps that in checks
  3. Jun 15, 2019
    This is a solid pop record. One you can listen to from start to finish and enjoy every track. Danger Mouse’s production and Beck’s indie soul proves to be a great paring. I wish they would do another record together.
  4. thehamster
    Jan 18, 2009
    This album was for sure a letdown after The Information....Modern Guilt has a couple of good moments but it suffers from being WAY overproduced. I sorely missed his band on these songs and would think a little more life could have went into this if they were present. Danger Mouse for sure brought some ideas, but 10 songs of them in a row sounded a lot alike. Not horrible, but not up to This album was for sure a letdown after The Information....Modern Guilt has a couple of good moments but it suffers from being WAY overproduced. I sorely missed his band on these songs and would think a little more life could have went into this if they were present. Danger Mouse for sure brought some ideas, but 10 songs of them in a row sounded a lot alike. Not horrible, but not up to normal Beck standards. What made the Information so good is what is missing here.....variety. Back to the drawing board Beck.....remember to bring the band next time. Expand
  5. FranklinFudge
    Aug 19, 2008
    Beck hasn't made a good album since the 1990s, which is unfortunate, since he was one of the 90s' most reliable indie rockers. Even Danger Mouse couldn't turn his career around, and Danger Mouse has been infallible lately. Stay away.
  6. Sep 7, 2010
    Not as much fun as Odelay or The Information, but still an expectedly solid effort from Beck. The album is just good music. You may not find yourself singing along to many songs, but you won't find yourself skipping any either.
  7. TM.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Amazing, as expected. Like The Information, Mellow Gold, and Sea Change mixed together.
  8. BradleyH.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Beck sails through a sea of modern mediocrity. Standing along side of NIN, Morrissey, Radiohead and Coldplay who have consistently released albums that other artists could only dream of making, always relevant.
  9. ZachT.
    Oct 5, 2008
    The first thing on this albums is the beck's voice , this voice became really great . Just listen chemtrails the first beck singles , a nice psychedelic songs. The first half of this album is a pure masterpiece , all songs are great , especially Walls or chemtrails which are pleasure for my ears , but the real orgasm is Volcano , it close this album magnificently. Better Than Sea The first thing on this albums is the beck's voice , this voice became really great . Just listen chemtrails the first beck singles , a nice psychedelic songs. The first half of this album is a pure masterpiece , all songs are great , especially Walls or chemtrails which are pleasure for my ears , but the real orgasm is Volcano , it close this album magnificently. Better Than Sea Change in all way , maybe the best since Odelay. Great Job Beck Expand
  10. MaxM.
    Jul 8, 2008
    I had to listen to this album multiple times to really get the feel for it but it seems like I enjoy it more every time I listen.
  11. JohnW.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Beck's return to rock. Every cd he's ever made has been different and life changing. Debra is still is funniest and most creative song to date from the Midnight Vultures cd. modern guilt hasn't totally grown on me to be my favorite of his but I've only listened to it once and i was falling asleep at 3 in the morning so yeah. I'm gonna listen to it and smoke a bowl Beck's return to rock. Every cd he's ever made has been different and life changing. Debra is still is funniest and most creative song to date from the Midnight Vultures cd. modern guilt hasn't totally grown on me to be my favorite of his but I've only listened to it once and i was falling asleep at 3 in the morning so yeah. I'm gonna listen to it and smoke a bowl of dro to it. Expand
  12. Giterdone
    Jul 9, 2008
    Ok Beck, you went from Nigel's beautiful hi-fi crisp and bright production to the mudd, hissy, lo-fi production of Danger Mouse. Bad choice man. This is your most disappointing release.
  13. CM.
    Aug 3, 2008
    Pretty so-so at first listen. I think it takes a few thorough plays to really appreciate this album. After hearing it through a few times I really like it, it has the same type of feel as The Information. The short play time helps, the songs are all really tight. Replica and Profanity Prayers are two of the best cuts in my opinion, the only song I really don't like is Soul of a Man.
  14. ScottD.
    Jul 15, 2008
    It seems all the critics care about is Danger Mouse's production. Which, don't get me wrong, is a big part of this record, but come on! It's a BECK album. And when you think of it that way (and be sure to give it numerous listens because it's a grower) you realize the genius of it. It really is a great, fast, sometimes-fun-sometimes-dark album.
  15. AndrewL.
    Jul 27, 2008
    One of the best albums of the year.
  16. RossM.
    Jul 7, 2008
    Love it! I have liked all of Beck's albums, each one offering something new and this one is no exception. Beck changes direction to more of a 60s sound that still manages to sound fresh.
  17. StevenS
    Jul 8, 2008
    The only reason this album doesn't warrant a 10 is also the reason why I wouldn't consider it a stone cold classic, it's a minor detail but an important one. That reason is; the unrelenting and probably intentionally discomforting drumbeat put on Replica. While the end of that song eventually segues its way into the dark, gorgeous soundscape that populates the rest of this The only reason this album doesn't warrant a 10 is also the reason why I wouldn't consider it a stone cold classic, it's a minor detail but an important one. That reason is; the unrelenting and probably intentionally discomforting drumbeat put on Replica. While the end of that song eventually segues its way into the dark, gorgeous soundscape that populates the rest of this brilliant album it proves to be somewhat of an annoyance during the first part of the song. While it probably still is somewhat compelling and true to the artists vision (possibly even intended to push a certain point) it still doesn't sound all that great. Other than that this is by far the most interesting and possibly the best disc Beck has ever made. 9.5/10 Expand
  18. BrandonS.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Good stuff here. More focused than his other recent albums. Me likes.
  19. DaveB.
    Jul 8, 2008
    Classic quirky Beck with beats that suck you in and lyrics that sneak into a remote closet in your brain (even without drugs). "Profanity Prayer" is a must hear and may prove to be on of Beck's 3 or 4 best songs. A well crafted album.
  20. Yo
    Jul 9, 2008
    Does this man ever slip up?? Classic!
  21. Joris
    Aug 11, 2008
    Very strong first few and last few songs, only the title track is a bit of a let down. It should have contained 1 or 2 songs more, it's a bit too short to really make it album of the year. Besides this, the lyrics are poetry, they give me goosebumps. It's a great Beck album which means evolution, inspiration and sheer originality! And although some songs would have been better Very strong first few and last few songs, only the title track is a bit of a let down. It should have contained 1 or 2 songs more, it's a bit too short to really make it album of the year. Besides this, the lyrics are poetry, they give me goosebumps. It's a great Beck album which means evolution, inspiration and sheer originality! And although some songs would have been better without the dancy Danger mouse production i 'd still call it a huge step forward wherefor i can only applaud him. Not his best album, but definitely one of his better. If I really had to pick some standouts: Soul of a Man, Chemtrails, Replica, Volcano and Profanity Prayers. Expand
  22. IlyaR
    Aug 13, 2008
    It's amazing how rich this album is in both substance and music while still tight and very riffy in the Beck mode. One of his best in a while.
  23. JamesB.
    Aug 3, 2008
    Good songwriting with great production!
  24. KurtC.
    Aug 30, 2008
    Beck's musical slump continues. It's really a tragedy because he was on such a prolific ride with every album he released from 1994 and 1996's modern classics "Mellow Gold" and "Odelay," respectively, to 1998's stunning off-roader "Mutations," on to 1999's eclectic grower "Midnite Vultures," and finally to his career's pinnacle, 2002's depressingly Beck's musical slump continues. It's really a tragedy because he was on such a prolific ride with every album he released from 1994 and 1996's modern classics "Mellow Gold" and "Odelay," respectively, to 1998's stunning off-roader "Mutations," on to 1999's eclectic grower "Midnite Vultures," and finally to his career's pinnacle, 2002's depressingly beautiful "Sea Change". The gossip around "Sea Change" was the love of his life broke his heart and out came his most raw, honest and ingenious work of art. It also drained him of everything he had left. Since then, Beck has struggled to create anything that can touch the greatness of any of his previous work. This year's "Modern Guilt" continues to see the decline of Beck and it really saddens me. I saw Beck on his "Sea Change" tour at Wolf Trap and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. He was ON and his band really helped carry him. Fast-forward a few years later to 2005's "Guero" tour at The Patriot Center and it was like night and day. Beck could barely perform the last half of his set. He didn't even MOVE. His stage hands had to switch his guitars on and off him, step on his effects pedals for him, and basically act as his crutch just to get him through. There was no encore which is unheard of for a headliner. That's the feeling and impression I get with Beck's latest albums and now with "Modern Guilt"...he's just barely getting by and simply fulfilling his contractual obligations. Not that there aren't some diamonds in the rough here (certainly not his best songs ever, but they're relatively good), such as "Orphans," "Gamma Ray" and title track "Modern Guilt," but the bus stops there. The remaining seven tracks meander off into cruise control, letting producer DJ Danger Mouse seemingly take full control thereby giving "Modern Guilt" a disappointingly un-Beck feel. What is the Beck feel you ask? Listen to the range of experimentation going on with every album before "Guero": boldly diving into multiple genres with a keen ear for melody, funk, folk, and mischievousness. Beck doesn't seem to be having fun anymore, not that "Sea Change" was a fun album...far from it, but it had soul. That's what's lacking from post-Sea Change Beck for me and I really want him back. Snap out of it, buddy. Please. Expand
  25. CliffD
    Feb 1, 2009
    This album did branch out, stays fresh with each listening, and is the most tasteful album beck has ever put out. That being said, I do appreciate Beck's tastelessness, but I didn't ever miss when listening to Modern Guilt. Watch out though this one just creeps up on you until at the end you are depressed into a coma.
  26. BethC.
    Feb 7, 2009
    Great fun - just like old times. gotta love him.
  27. DC
    Jul 10, 2008
    This is the most precise album he has done since sea change. Beck rocks it with danger mouse flare. Perfect pairing.
  28. MattA.
    Jul 12, 2008
    Super Album. I really don't get the negative press. I will say I am a Beck fan, but this is an album that ranks right up there with some of the best of the year so far. The lyrics are tough and deep. I really like the blend of rock and beats. One of Beck's stand out albums. Maybe because so many of the songs are so dark, it is downer for people, but for me, this is right up Super Album. I really don't get the negative press. I will say I am a Beck fan, but this is an album that ranks right up there with some of the best of the year so far. The lyrics are tough and deep. I really like the blend of rock and beats. One of Beck's stand out albums. Maybe because so many of the songs are so dark, it is downer for people, but for me, this is right up there with Odelay and Mutations as Beck's finest work. Expand
  29. VictorR.
    Jul 14, 2008
    Why are the critic being so harsh on this album? Is beck a real asshole in person, or is it because he is a scientologist? I can't say, but so far I haven't stop listening. A very personal record, ethereal but not sentimental. Like a the glimpse of the end of the world through a digital periscope.
  30. RioG.
    Jul 16, 2008
    Very disappointing. If it wasn't Beck I wouldn't give it a second listen. Boring.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Here, they [Beck and Danger Mouse] deliver enough substance and style to make Modern Guilt an effective dosage of 21st century paranoia.
  2. It sits alone in his cannon as being slightly uncomfortable but in turn is a brilliantly concise work (it runs to a little over 30 minutes).
  3. Burton makes the ultimate endgame sound like a party you'd still want to be invited to--one that even Beck might enjoy, despite himself.