
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. The Quietus
    Aug 8, 2017
    Sangare sounds energised by the new production context: the new sound becomes her, and as one would expect it is her power, verve and versatility that truly carry the album. [Jun 2017, p.70]
  2. Jun 15, 2017
    Backed by a chorus of backing singers clearly having the time of their lives and giving her further wings, Sangaré is poet and storyteller, moral guide and denouncer of injustice all wrapped up in one singular, beautiful voice.
  3. Jun 8, 2017
    Sangaré is a force, and on Mogoya, she makes some truly showstopping waves.
  4. Jun 8, 2017
    The result is an impressive, attacking set, but then Sangaré has always been adventurous.
  5. 80
    A refreshingly short, focused piece of work.
  6. Jun 8, 2017
    Wisely not handing over the reins completely to the makeover crew, the new Sangaré is not so very different from the old one--and when you have a voice like hers, it really doesn’t make a lot of difference what knobs are being twiddled in the studio. Sangaré rocks in her own way, and nothing is ever going to change that.

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