• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 2278 Ratings

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  1. Apr 4, 2022
    listened to some of this artist who i never heard of, on youtube, and it was garbage. can hardly call it music. and it's all spanish. no good.
  2. Apr 4, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lo amooo ♥️ me encanta la versatilidad de esta mujer en este álbum y siempre Expand
  3. Apr 4, 2022
    One need not be a Spanish speaker to appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship behind and sheer musical diversity of "MOTOMAMI," with traditional Latin rhythms that combine with elements of genres as varied as rap, jazz, R&B and industrial, minimalistic yet richly evocative production and Rosalia's stellar vocals together forming one of the most inventive and exciting pop albums of the yearOne need not be a Spanish speaker to appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship behind and sheer musical diversity of "MOTOMAMI," with traditional Latin rhythms that combine with elements of genres as varied as rap, jazz, R&B and industrial, minimalistic yet richly evocative production and Rosalia's stellar vocals together forming one of the most inventive and exciting pop albums of the year thus far.

    Choice Cuts: "SAOKO," "LA FAMA (feat. The Weeknd)," "HENTAI," "DIABLO"
  4. Apr 4, 2022
    I was so surprised when listening to this album even when I already knew it would be different! Still haven’t gotten tired of the songs, they are unique. Timeless!
  5. Apr 4, 2022
    For more than 50 years, I have listened to music, from almost every genre and from many places on earth. I have always been at the forefront of new music and new artists, and love being challenged on my perception of music. I know Rosalia and love a lot of her music, her whole being, the deeply rooted cultural expression, her unique voice and the desire to "play" with her art. With thisFor more than 50 years, I have listened to music, from almost every genre and from many places on earth. I have always been at the forefront of new music and new artists, and love being challenged on my perception of music. I know Rosalia and love a lot of her music, her whole being, the deeply rooted cultural expression, her unique voice and the desire to "play" with her art. With this album, she hits right into the core of the art of exciting and wondering at almost every parameter in music. Ingenious and unique without comparison some of the best I have heard in decades. Expand
  6. Apr 3, 2022
    94? Really? Well, this marks the end of me using metacritic as reference.
    I wonder what other **** are we eating because critics don't understand a thing of what they are earing (not listening. There is nothing to listen in there)
  7. Apr 3, 2022
    Un disco explícitamente generacional que analiza en exhaustividad, reafirma, plasma y encapsula una forma de ser frente a la realidad y el futuro cercano.
    Una de las mejores piezas musicales de la década.
  8. Apr 2, 2022
    I was really excited about Rosalía releasing an album and I am really surprised, in the best way possible. That’s a masterpiece period.
  9. Apr 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La verdad me encanto demasiado estee album. Es lo mejor su ritmo y sus letras son muy entretenido Expand
  10. Mar 31, 2022
    I don't understand how professional critics can praise an album where they don't understand what is being sung. The musical evolution is not only the rhythms but also the clear vocalization of what is being sung, in order to find meaning in the songs.
  11. Mar 31, 2022
    es increíble lo versátil que es la Rosalía, no tengo dudas de que estamos presenciando un gran cambio, un avance musicalmente hablando, un álbum sensacional
  12. Mar 31, 2022
    Motomami de Rosalia is not quite perfect as they say but it manages to be a good experimental album
  13. Mar 31, 2022
    El mejor dico que he escuchado.
    Mis canciones favoritas de este album son : Saoko y chicken teriyaki.
  14. Mar 25, 2022
    Once more, Rosalía writes her own rules and gifts us new pathways for creators, showcasing her talent for experimentation without fear.
  15. Mar 30, 2022
    this album is a masterpiece. Rosália is a incredible artist, she deserves everything.
  16. Mar 30, 2022
    [ bad ]

    adjective, worse, worst;(Slang) bad·der, bad·dest for 36.
    not good in any manner or degree.
  17. Mar 30, 2022
    Amazing! Increíble! Rosalía tiene una gran voz y en Motomami nos da todo aquello que queríamos y que aún ni siquiera sabíamos que queríamos, la mejor!!
  18. Mar 29, 2022
    E vamos de perfeição sonora. Cute a melhor do Álbum, mas não tira o brilho de nenhuma outra faixa.
  19. Mar 29, 2022
    Letras horríveis,sem nenhum sentido.
    Tem a música "Saoko" muito boa,mas a letra não faz sentido,esse álbum não está bom na letra.
  20. Mar 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La musica y la producción están bastante bien, ojalá pudiese decir lo mismo de la letra, las canciones realmente son difíciles de entender incluso hablando español, además de que esta plagada de muchísimos sin sentido, lo cual, hace que no te puedas tomar enserio todo en conjunto y lo vuelve algo tedioso y molesto, pero bueno, para pasar el rato supongo que a alguien debe gustarle Expand
  21. Mar 27, 2022
    Motomami is the best album by Rosalia. It can show her versatility and show that she can do experimental things. So ****
  22. Mar 27, 2022
    Amazing . La Fama issssssa BOP. chickeeen chicken teriyakiiiiiii Rosalia did a excellent job with this album. She did that.
  23. Mar 27, 2022
    Gran obra de la artista española, trae un aire fresco al género urbano sin dejar de lado el arte y sus raices culturales. Un álbum muy experimental y emocional que se agradece en una época donde todo lo popular tiene la misma fórmula. Además, tiene el plus de también formar parte de la producción y composición, haciéndola una artista más completa y no solo una intérprete. Motomami tiene unGran obra de la artista española, trae un aire fresco al género urbano sin dejar de lado el arte y sus raices culturales. Un álbum muy experimental y emocional que se agradece en una época donde todo lo popular tiene la misma fórmula. Además, tiene el plus de también formar parte de la producción y composición, haciéndola una artista más completa y no solo una intérprete. Motomami tiene un sonido nuevo, claro, sabe lo que quiere, provoca, emociona y conmueve. Expand
  24. Mar 27, 2022
    This album is not "experimental" is the most commercial thing I've heard in years and ALL songs are made to be viral on TikTok for like a week and then be forgotten, full of album fillers, the musical production is mediocre, the lyrics make no sense and I speak SPANISH and whatever she's saying in her songs is NOT and there's no way she's representing Latin music with this garbage, this isThis album is not "experimental" is the most commercial thing I've heard in years and ALL songs are made to be viral on TikTok for like a week and then be forgotten, full of album fillers, the musical production is mediocre, the lyrics make no sense and I speak SPANISH and whatever she's saying in her songs is NOT and there's no way she's representing Latin music with this garbage, this is "music" made for people outside Latin countries, to make money without any meaning behind!! El Mal Querer was decent and actually had a concept, this album is the complete opposite, I'm not listening to her anymore Expand
  25. Mar 26, 2022
    best album of the year, experimental, powerful, beautiful, my favorite song is hentai and candy
    the rhythm is perfect
  26. Mar 26, 2022
    Not generally a fan of this type of music but it was pretty great.

    Needed a lot less 'The Weeknd' though, can't stand his talentless ass.
  27. Mar 26, 2022
    simplesmente genial… o yeezus dela. acho que esse álbum vai moldar o rumo da música por pelo menos os próximos 5 ano ou mais
  28. Mar 26, 2022
    Not bad but not that good. The fuss is defo not good tho. Better things out there sans doubt. Don't let they sell this to you as revolutionary when clearly is not, these sounds have been out for ages, check Arca, check even MIA. When it comes to the tracks, 3 good of 18.
  29. Mar 25, 2022
    Not a fan of rosalia but, that is the best album of the 2022, love all song's of MOTOMAMI
  30. Mar 25, 2022
    Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko Saoko papi Saoko
  31. Mar 25, 2022
    es un gran album, su combinación de géneros y sonidos hacen que el album sea muy disfrutable
  32. Mar 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The range of genres and styles on this album shocks me. It is an incredible rollercoaster bouncing from one song to another and not knowing what to expect next. The transition from CUUUUuuuuuute to COMO UN G is absolute incredible going from a cyberpunk high-paced track to this piano ballad. Hands down my favorite album of the year so far. Expand
  33. Mar 24, 2022
    It´s just a work of art. my favorite song was diablo, is like a soft reggeton but all songs are perfect
  34. Mar 24, 2022
    Perfect, just that, motomamimotomamimotomamimotomami
  35. Mar 24, 2022
    Es un álbum raro que no esperaba de la Rosalía yo en lo personal esperaba algo mejor pareciera que no uso mucho la cabeza para hacer la musica pareciera que solo se grabó cantando por ahí no son temas elaborados algunos beats son buenos pero en general decepcionó la Rosalía
  36. Mar 24, 2022
    I'll say it very quickly, because I don't want to waste too much time: I find it incredible that someone takes cheap entertainment music as something transcendental. There are even mature people who are apparently possessed by a sudden childishness. First: stop saying that Rosalía is some kind of genius. He doesn't play any instrument well and most importantly, behind each song there is anI'll say it very quickly, because I don't want to waste too much time: I find it incredible that someone takes cheap entertainment music as something transcendental. There are even mature people who are apparently possessed by a sudden childishness. First: stop saying that Rosalía is some kind of genius. He doesn't play any instrument well and most importantly, behind each song there is an average of 12 people between writers, composers and producers. Rosalía does not have artistic control, she is a product built by a community of people. Second: This algum does not innovate ANYTHING. It is a product of the rhythms and sounds of fashion with the addition of exoticism to Anglo-Saxon ears of the imitation of flamenco that Rosalía performs. This singer failed on the flamenco circuit, she never got any opportunity in any flamenco club, not even a middling one, not one of the important ones. Third: the marketing campaign behind it is gigantic, so much so that it's disgusting. Expand
  37. Mar 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Call me when she does something worth praising. All i heard was melting sound, dry dembow and lyrics written by a 8 years old. Twinks, stream arca instead. Expand
  38. Mar 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So bad album all time, how this album, worst album, seriously, idk about this album too. Expand
  39. Mar 24, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Producción, experimentalismo, riesgo, sentimiento, concepto, cohesión estas y muchas cosas más son todo lo que está bien en este album Expand
  40. Mar 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es lo mejor de la música en español creando sonidos nuevos y recogiendo varias ideas, se ven las influencias de varios artistas y eso Rosalía siempre ha mostrado, tomar esas referencias y transformarlas. Expand
  41. Mar 23, 2022
    One of the worst written albums of the century, I honestly regret listening to it. Vocals get irritating very easily.
  42. Mar 23, 2022
    No hay nada que agregar, solo escúchalo, que te harás un favor, créeme. Aoty
  43. Mar 23, 2022
    Just WOW... She couldn't be more brave to do this album. Finally something that feels fresh in the industry and sounds different.
    It is disruptive, it is chaotic, but exciting and as she said, it definitely describes the roller coaster she lived when being on tour and then in lock down. It really makes you feel that up and down when you listen to the whole thing.
    El Mal Querer fans were
    Just WOW... She couldn't be more brave to do this album. Finally something that feels fresh in the industry and sounds different.
    It is disruptive, it is chaotic, but exciting and as she said, it definitely describes the roller coaster she lived when being on tour and then in lock down. It really makes you feel that up and down when you listen to the whole thing.
    El Mal Querer fans were fans of an album, but the artist is Rosalia, and she is a person that evolves, she could have repeated the same recipe and play safe, but she took the risk and offered us again an amazing piece but completely different.
    It opens your mind musically, destroys prejudice and of course blows your mind away with that voice.
    There is space for sense of humor, nostalgic moments, experimental moments, but also chill moments in her most structured songs.
    I hope it gets the recognition she deserves, she is way ahead of time.
  44. Mar 22, 2022
    wow Rosalía seriously surprised me with this work so good and so revolutionary for her musical panorama, very good album, its only deficiency would be the lyrics of some songs that do not imply something
  45. Mar 22, 2022
    Excelente álbum. Rosalía demuestra su versatilidad en todo su esplendor con todos los géneros que aborda.
  46. Mar 22, 2022
    Quiero ser rara para que hablen de mi, el álbum.

    La Fama es sin duda la mejor canción de todo el álbum.
  47. Mar 22, 2022
    Muy buen álbum, amo que la Rosalia se reinvente y salga de su zona de confort, mis canciones favoritas fueron: diablo, candy, la combi versace ( y basicamente todo el álbum)
  48. Mar 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. OMG! I've never heard something so confusing, my native language is Spanish and all the songs are so difficult to understand, too many nonsense things, the worst album I have ever heard! Expand
  49. Mar 22, 2022
    Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano. Perfeito, álbum do ano
  50. Mar 22, 2022
    El álbum es impecable a las palabras de rosalia, dijo que su álbum era experimentak y lo logró. Se identifica la montaña rusa de emociones que queria lograr y acompañada de una voz espectacular en cada canción.
  51. Mar 22, 2022
    I loved the journey listening to this album across different genre and tons of unique sounds and types of music. Some of those sounds are horrendous and extremely annoying to listen to, though. Her uniqueness and quirkiness can annoy me at times. It seems to be a me thing looking at others opinions.
  52. Mar 22, 2022
    Album of the year!!!! Experimental but not too over the top with it, good blend making a masterpiece
  53. Mar 22, 2022
    Game changing on spanish music scene, so much sounds from past and nowadays experimental, great record.
  54. Mar 22, 2022
    In this album, Rosalía gave us her intelligence at the highest level. each song is perfect in its own way.
  55. Mar 22, 2022
    This is the most unique, full-of-identity, and uplifting album I've ever listened to in I-don't-know-how-many years! La Rosalía showed how trully a musician she is, and raised the level of the music industry for how albums should sound as a body of work. From the ballads like "HENTAI" and the most speedy one "BIZCOCHITO", she equally mastered the production, vocals, and visuals.
  56. Mar 22, 2022
    This album overflows creativity in its maximum conception of freedom and risk. A commitment to a musical world open to new structures, combinations and sounds. Rosalía is undoubtedly an exponent to follow.
  57. Mar 19, 2022
    No esperaba esto después de sus singles pero nos ha callado la boca con su talento, su valentía y su arte.
  58. Mar 22, 2022
    Everything about this album is so beautiful and fantastic, from her vocals to the lyrics and the quite experimental production. Love the whole 'moto/mami' theme throughout the project. Give it a listen if you haven't, definitely gonna be one of my faves this year.
  59. Mar 21, 2022
    Un álbum con ritmos muy paupérrimos y letras sin sentido. Una cantante polémica que no triunfo en el flamenco y hace un álbum polémico para levantar su carrera
  60. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es todo lo que la música en español necesitaba la Rosalía se la rifo Expand
  61. Mar 19, 2022
    Amazing work and the songs sakura, combi, diablo and candy are trulyyy great
  62. Mar 21, 2022
    MOTOMAMI es un reflejo del crecimiento artístico de Rosalia, en el cual conllevan diferentes géneros: pop, bachata, reggaetón, experimental, flamenco y más…de la mano de las nuevas tendencias sociales, en un mismo álbum encontramos uno de los más álbumes más vanguardistas de los últimos años. Bien lo menciona Rosalia, “El Mal Desear”, con la mayor fuerza de feminidad de si misma expresa suMOTOMAMI es un reflejo del crecimiento artístico de Rosalia, en el cual conllevan diferentes géneros: pop, bachata, reggaetón, experimental, flamenco y más…de la mano de las nuevas tendencias sociales, en un mismo álbum encontramos uno de los más álbumes más vanguardistas de los últimos años. Bien lo menciona Rosalia, “El Mal Desear”, con la mayor fuerza de feminidad de si misma expresa su fuerza y gracia en este álbum. Expand
  63. Mar 21, 2022
    este álbum es lo mejor de lo que va del año; es una maravilla como Rosalia logra combinar estilos, sonidos y géneros en varias canciones. 10/10
  64. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amei as músicas: como um g, candy, diablo e l combi Versace. Vocais e produção com qualidade.
    Apesar disso esperava mais da Rosalía e esperava um álbum mais coeso também, parece que ela tentou fazer tudo e agradar a todos nesse álbum.
  65. Mar 21, 2022
    This is so experimental, love the way she starts the album with the “¿Chica, qué dices?” And one of my top 5 is for sure Sakura
  66. Mar 21, 2022
    Just another reggaeton album. Nothing special, just a mix of old Latin music and good voice, but nothing special.
  67. Mar 21, 2022
    MOTOMAMI es un disco experimental que acierta en varios ritmos, tonos y géneros que es inexplicable cómo lo hace. MOTOMAMI no es para cualquier oído, ya que es un álbum que nos quiere llevar a diferentes lugares e ideas y . Desde un bolero con "DELIRIO DE GRANDEZA" hasta un suave trap/reggaeton melancólico con "CANDY", este álbum cumple con las expectativas de aquel oyente que le gustaMOTOMAMI es un disco experimental que acierta en varios ritmos, tonos y géneros que es inexplicable cómo lo hace. MOTOMAMI no es para cualquier oído, ya que es un álbum que nos quiere llevar a diferentes lugares e ideas y . Desde un bolero con "DELIRIO DE GRANDEZA" hasta un suave trap/reggaeton melancólico con "CANDY", este álbum cumple con las expectativas de aquel oyente que le gusta atreverse a escuchar diferentes sonidos sin ningún temor. MOTOMAMI es un arriesgado paso para alguien que viene de influencias del Flamenco y música tradicional española que cumple con todas las expectativas, un álbum que no te explicas como, pero funciona. Todo eso es ser una MOTOMAMI y ROSALÍA lo supo al momento. Expand
  68. Mar 21, 2022
    Meaningless lyrics. A combination of sounds that could be interesting if there weren´t millions of independent artists who also experiment and are not recognized.
  69. Mar 21, 2022
    Uno de los mejores albums. Rosalía se ha reinventado y arriesga en este nuevo disco.
    Canciones para todos los gustos.
  70. Mar 21, 2022
    Me parece un disco increíble, por la creación propia de un estilo como es el de Rosalía, y la combinación de diversos estilos en un mismo álbum. Simplemente excelente!!.
  71. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. motomami es innovación, es transgresión, ella vino a cambiar las reglas del juego, la producción es una joya y los vocals maravilla Expand
  72. Mar 21, 2022
    es un album muy bueno y si realmente lo escuchas de principio a fin lo notarás
  73. Mar 21, 2022
    Este álbum es una experiencia única Literal cada canción es diferente a la anterior me encanta q ella se haya arriesgado y a pesar de las malas críticas por los haters ella pudo demostrar q este álbum es una joya
  74. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es realmente malo, las letras sin sentido y contracciones forzadas le dan un toque de mediocridad, tampoco es obligatorio sacar música Expand
  75. Mar 21, 2022
    AOTY. Amazing album. A experimental album with a mix of different genres. Another great work by Rosalia.
  76. Mar 21, 2022
    Arte puro, te amamos Diosalía, hiciste que todos se pusieran a tus pies con esta obra maestra
  77. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. pues eso que muy buen disco y eso, la combi versace y g3 n15 mis favs, y se ve que tengo que rellenar para que me deje postearlo así que bueno pues aquí y eso Expand
  78. Mar 21, 2022
    A few promising songs but.. not the masterpiece worth waiting three years for
  79. Mar 21, 2022
    Rosalía logró producir un álbum variado, cohesivo y personal como toda una profesional que es. Cada canción transmite un sentimiento diferente que te hace disfrutarlo más
  80. Mar 20, 2022
    Mind blowing, absolutely fantastic! Her vocals, the production and the genre variety just leaves infinite sensations after listening the whole album. 10/10!
  81. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This effort from Rosalia sadly couldn’t catch me after multiple listens. There was no cohesiveness and I feel like she shouldn’t delve into the reggaeton sound. The attempt at mixing both of her loves was a failure in my mind and the addition of sounds from TikTok personalities just made the experience of listening to this album unbearable. I loved her previous work and that’s what made me fall in love with her music, but this is certainly a step backwards. Expand
  82. Mar 21, 2022
    It contains everything that makes Rosalía's music great and turns the dial to 11. On my first listen the album not only kept my attention the whole way through, but it kept me at the edge of my seat, every time i thought I knew what was coming, Motomami threw a curve ball at the listener. It's adventurous, bold, sexy and artistically charged. The most experimental album from a *MAINSTREAM*It contains everything that makes Rosalía's music great and turns the dial to 11. On my first listen the album not only kept my attention the whole way through, but it kept me at the edge of my seat, every time i thought I knew what was coming, Motomami threw a curve ball at the listener. It's adventurous, bold, sexy and artistically charged. The most experimental album from a *MAINSTREAM* artist since Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"/"ARTPOP" era and one of the best albums of this year so far if not the best.
    Standout tracks: "SAOKO"; "BIZCOCHITO"; "DIABLO"; "CUUUUuuuuuute"
  83. Mar 21, 2022
    Nuevos sonidos, totalmente diferente a los esperado de ella. Ha decidido probar nuevas formulas y le ha salido redondo. Nos ha callado la boca. La musica son sonidos, vibraciones, sentimientos y ella lo ha conseguido. Algunas canciones con letras absurdas para nosotros, pero con ritmos pegadizos y nuevos. Otras canciones con letras más profundas que acompañan a la base a la perfeccion.Nuevos sonidos, totalmente diferente a los esperado de ella. Ha decidido probar nuevas formulas y le ha salido redondo. Nos ha callado la boca. La musica son sonidos, vibraciones, sentimientos y ella lo ha conseguido. Algunas canciones con letras absurdas para nosotros, pero con ritmos pegadizos y nuevos. Otras canciones con letras más profundas que acompañan a la base a la perfeccion. Felicidades rosalia por el discazo! Expand
  84. Mar 21, 2022
    Un álbum muy variado, algo diferente a lo que Rosalía ha hecho. Muy orgulloso de este trabajo
  85. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Achei bem repetitivo, bem frio precisava mais de originalidade e usar menos o autotune Expand
  86. Mar 21, 2022
    Is an ambitious project, a big change in her career with a new genere and new rhythms, making a fresh and visionary album. She came from an all flamenco album and a inspired flamenco/alternative album, and this last one is definitely the album that puts her in all the eyes of the world, making her one of the best artists in the world right now. This album is the consecration of the star.Is an ambitious project, a big change in her career with a new genere and new rhythms, making a fresh and visionary album. She came from an all flamenco album and a inspired flamenco/alternative album, and this last one is definitely the album that puts her in all the eyes of the world, making her one of the best artists in the world right now. This album is the consecration of the star. All the people is talking about her and it makes sense. Expand
  87. Mar 21, 2022
    Otra obra de arte de la Rosalía. Aunque seguro choca mucho con el imagen que tienen los españoles de nuestro estrella flamenca catalana, el disco es muy especial y una mezcla de estilos distintos y interesantes.
  88. Mar 21, 2022
    Mezcla de estilos, sonidos, tonos, voces... es una maravilla.
    Lo siento por los sordos que dicen que es malo.
  89. Mar 21, 2022
    A beautiful and experimental follow-up to her second album. Absolutely love it
  90. Mar 21, 2022
    Rosalía siendo honesta siempre con su música y lo que ama hacer, dándonos nuevos sonidos y no más de lo mismo, ella apostó por arriesgar todo y es lo que la hace un verdadero artista, este álbum es una montaña rusa, que gran experiencia, que buena producción de sonidos, entre más lo escucho y descubro metáforas en su álbum más me gusta, el mejor álbum que he escuchado, sin duda alguna.Rosalía siendo honesta siempre con su música y lo que ama hacer, dándonos nuevos sonidos y no más de lo mismo, ella apostó por arriesgar todo y es lo que la hace un verdadero artista, este álbum es una montaña rusa, que gran experiencia, que buena producción de sonidos, entre más lo escucho y descubro metáforas en su álbum más me gusta, el mejor álbum que he escuchado, sin duda alguna.
  91. Mar 21, 2022
    El concepto, las letras, lo que quiere transmitir… ¡así da gusto escuchar un álbum!
  92. Mar 21, 2022
    Perfección y vanguardia, Rosalía se superó a sí misma y fue muy valiente en este proyecto que da un giro totalmente alternativo a la música en sí.
  93. Mar 20, 2022
    Totally risky, something totally different to see in Hispanic mainstream music
  94. Mar 20, 2022
    Hablar de motomami es hablar de él fuego que te puede transmitir rosalia en cada song y ver más allá de las letras,que junto a cada song te envuelve en todo su mundo,solo escuchando la versión moto y la versión mami se escucha tosa la versátil voz que tiene esta grandiosa mujer y lo nuevo que tiene por dar a la nueva música en la industria.
  95. Mar 20, 2022
    De los mejores álbumes que he podido escuchar en mi corta vida, te trasmite olas de ritmos que te dan ganas de no desperdiciar tu vida.
  96. Mar 20, 2022
    Rosália é extremamente corajosa, por ent tão pouco tempo de carreira, arriscar a fazer um trabalho que no começo, se parecia com algo genérico, mas nos impressionar trazendo força alternativa do começo ao fim.
  97. Mar 20, 2022
    a timeless album, The way in which Rosalía conveys the feelings and concept of the album to us through the production and lyrics is unmatched.
  98. Mar 20, 2022
    To start; the Album couldn’t start nor end any better. Saoko is a strong beginning showing how this isn’t EMQ. Disappointed I was at first, it subverted all expectations I had. Saoko shows two polar styles come together in a wonder collage - stylistic jazz to hard reggaetón. Granted I wish the lyrics had more transformative meaning, it’s a great first impression.

    Sakura on the other hand
    To start; the Album couldn’t start nor end any better. Saoko is a strong beginning showing how this isn’t EMQ. Disappointed I was at first, it subverted all expectations I had. Saoko shows two polar styles come together in a wonder collage - stylistic jazz to hard reggaetón. Granted I wish the lyrics had more transformative meaning, it’s a great first impression.

    Sakura on the other hand ends a polar opposite way singing away to her audience, ready for the next journey in her life. It’s a real raw performance with raw feelings most of us would understand - extreme fame.

    As Saoko has 2 - 3 mixed styles, it goes on for the next 7 songs all in a different conceptual mix on a genre. Dembow, Bulerias, Bachata, Etc. Then comes the MOTOMAMI interlude, introducing the second act of 4 split songs which have a Moto and then a Mami. This duality ends at the next interlude of ABCDEFG. I really enjoy that this album has only 2 features of different artists (3 if you consider James Blake). The two artists are really opposite - The Weekend is an artist at the top of his game, he is peaking whereas Tokischa is very low on this pole. She is a regional hit just as Rosalia started and she is obviously trying to promote her such as an apprentice. A duality of music and fame this really shows the artistic genius of Rosalia and her transformative duality that hasn’t been done before at this caliber. I hope to see her grow farther than she’s ever dreamed, that is if she wants this fame. If you read this - Rosalia, I am just another stranger but I would love to extend my pride for you. This is another great step for music from EMQ to MOTOMAMI. Can’t wait to see what comes next.
  99. Mar 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her motomami could mean anything, it's amazing from start to finish exploring vast genres from bachata, to flamenco, to experimental pop and reguetón. Expand
  100. Mar 20, 2022
    Wonderful album, i’ve been a rosalia fan for a lot of time and watching a new reborn in her music, knowing that she was risking a lot made me feel more proud of her.

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. May 26, 2022
    MOTOMAMI is experimental in a way that does not sacrifice function over form. These songs have a pop purpose: they are fragmented, but they are laid in catchy hooks and enthralling beats. MOTOMAMI doesn’t fail to entertain.
  2. Mar 24, 2022
    In taking bits and fragments from both her previous work and that of her contemporaries, Rosalía has fashioned an album rife with the contradictory sounds, lyrical themes, and artistic impulses of the past and present.
  3. Mar 21, 2022
    With a little help from an impressive array of collaborators and producers that include heavyweights like Pharrell Williams, El Guincho and Frank Dukes, Rosalía takes clear and complete control of her voice by getting her ideas across without being too caught up in them.