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Universal acclaim- based on 549 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 38 out of 549
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  1. Dec 31, 2020
    MTBMB (inc both side A n B) is so good. But it's become a new trend for some idiots to call whatever Em puts out mediocre..MTBMB is definitely one of the best rap albums of all time.
  2. Dec 19, 2020
    Fire as always. Eminem's music never gets old. He's the goat and everyone with the right mind knows that. Great beats with amazing lyrics!
  3. Dec 19, 2020
    Just sounds like he was really enjoying doing this. It’s amazing honestly. Liked it more than the first part of the album that came out in January and I had already enjoyed that part a lot.
  4. Dec 19, 2020
    Surprisingly good record with his best cover yet. His best (with A side ofc) since Relapse.
  5. Apr 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Good beat selection lacks content vibey side B with good rhyme scheme I would love it if he picks good beats like these but not that of a great album especially a rapper of his level of greatness could have did better on it or he has to experience some to have CONTENT Expand
  6. Dec 20, 2020
    This album's quality caught me by surprise. Eminem was able to blend his old style with some new trap-type beats with songs such as Gnat and Book of Rhymes. My top songs from this album (in no particular order): Alfred's Theme, Book of Rhymes, Gnat, Zeus, Discombobulated. Also honorable mention to Key-Skit for being hilarious.
  7. Mar 21, 2021
    Grown on me so much. 7 cool songs and other average songs. He showed his fast-raping skills again on this project. Lyrics are very good. Rhyming perfect as always. Some certain fans of certain artists are judt pressed and delulu to call his new projects trash
  8. Dec 20, 2020
    Way better than his last three albums combined. The beats are fresh, Marshall is hungry and his victims are without a chance to get out unharmed from this lyrical massacre.
  9. Dec 21, 2020
    Been listening to this for three days straight and still hearing new puns and wordplays and all sorts of greatness! This album is absolutely pure genius who ever says it’s not is just to stupid to understand the level of intellect on this album.... “I’ll get rid of a foe like fee fy fum” YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHA FOR REAL THOBeen listening to this for three days straight and still hearing new puns and wordplays and all sorts of greatness! This album is absolutely pure genius who ever says it’s not is just to stupid to understand the level of intellect on this album.... “I’ll get rid of a foe like fee fy fum” YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHA FOR REAL THO WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!? Lmao and that pop the trunk line like wait what huh???? You picking up what I’m putting down brah? Nah you ain’t you too dumb for the rap god! Simple! Expand
  10. Dec 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eminem is taking this "horrorcore" genre to a very different level. We can say this is a advanced version of "Relapse". Expand
  11. Dec 23, 2020
    When Eminem dropped a new album when I was a kid, that was the best day ever for me. Listened to that album over and over on a cassette tape (and it was hard always rewinding a song that I loved but it was a small price to pay.
    Eminem is one of the few artists that after so long he still makes a lot of good music. Music that you hate to listen over and over because of the hidden messages,
    When Eminem dropped a new album when I was a kid, that was the best day ever for me. Listened to that album over and over on a cassette tape (and it was hard always rewinding a song that I loved but it was a small price to pay.
    Eminem is one of the few artists that after so long he still makes a lot of good music. Music that you hate to listen over and over because of the hidden messages, multiple meanings or straight up good lyrics and beats.
    This man showed his middle finger to TV, radio, magazines, other important artists and he could never be stopped because of his talent and love for rap and hip hop.
    Alfred's Theme is my no. 1 song from the album and even if it's over 5 minutes the song feels like it's over way to fast.
    I'm glad that artists like him still exist. Artists that still write their own music, that you need to use your brain to understand it and even so you find out later it had more meanings.
    He is the rap god and I'm glad he didn't become Politically Correct like many other did. He still has his balls intact and ready to smack people who talk bad about him.
    It will never be someone as good as him. He's one of the many few artists that people will love even 200 years from now.
    This man doesn't even need marketing to promote his album or songs but he still becomes no. 1.
    Comparing this with people who invest so many millions in marketing to force people into liking their song (like playing it on the radio and tv over and over all day for months, ads all over the place, promotions from all kids of places) BUT Eminem does everything 100 times better without doing all of that.
    There's a lot of good songs on this album but it's so hard to stop listening to Alfred's Theme (on repeat for over 2 days and I feel like I need more).
    99% of the time I just listen to old music 60-70-80 and even 90s because I hate so much 99 of the stuff we hear today so I didn't care for music that much, at least not new music.
    I always searched for new features or songs that Eminem may have and always was disappointed when I never found anything.
    One song from this album has more complex and wonderfully written and rapped verses that you will never find in the top 10 whole career of any pop artist you see, hell, even hip hop if you talk about these days.

    "I'm still east side bi..."
    Oh yeah, this album will be on repeat for at least 6 months because I find it very hard to go to the next song when almost all of them are impossible to say no to, the repeat button is my best friend when listening to his album.
    EM gets a lot of hate but he also should know that he is also loved and gets a lot of respect from fans, including me.
    I'm not a big fan of anybody, I'm not a fan boy of anything, but Eminem's music made my childhood and even now, my adulthood less bad. It puts a smile on my face even if there's a lot of stuff that makes you think you lost that smile, forever.
    Zeus, Book of Rhymes, Tone Deaf, Alfred's Theme. Just these songs can make the best album of 2020.
  12. Jan 20, 2021
    Excellent!!! I can’t count the amount of times I actually laughed out loud while listening to this album. lol Straight fire this guy is a genius
  13. Dec 18, 2020
    Интереснейшая работа , с битами камикадзе , недружелюбной атмосферой , и с некоторыми треками с ностальгическим стилем.
  14. Dec 19, 2020
    absolutely better than side A, and also better than revival and kamikaze, just 2 trash songs (She Loves me + black magic), good producing, better featurings, more catchy ones, and surely mtbmb side b is in his top five.
  15. Dec 19, 2020
    Everything is amazing, from the lyrics and wordplay to the horror themed production, and it flows so well. Best thing Em has done in ages.
  16. Jun 25, 2021
    Brilliantly produced, more laid-back Eminem stops his angry persona to give an album thats more or less made to please his fans, throwing back to his older albums, while still keeping his newer style in check
  17. Dec 19, 2020
    This is really one of his best works. No doubt, this is definitely a classic for me
  18. Dec 19, 2020
    This might be one of Em's best albums since The Eminem Show, and I don't say that lightly considering I love his entire discography. The way he incorporates his style and flow into more modern beats takes them to another level that the majority of artists today could never achieve or even dream of. And those beat changes though... killing the game! This is the perfect infusion of ShadyThis might be one of Em's best albums since The Eminem Show, and I don't say that lightly considering I love his entire discography. The way he incorporates his style and flow into more modern beats takes them to another level that the majority of artists today could never achieve or even dream of. And those beat changes though... killing the game! This is the perfect infusion of Shady with the "new era" of hip-hop; current sounding beats with the spirit and feel of classic and new Eminem. His previous album ("Side A" of MTBMB) was already solid, but this just builds on that and somehow makes it even better. I feel like he had a lot of fun on this project, and is back in his element like old times. Then of course, there's the lyrics, flow, punchlines, entendres, metaphors, wordplay, etc. that are insane as always, and I'll probably be deciphering them for months to come lol. I love it! This album is truly a masterpiece, and an instant classic imo. The fact that we got two Eminem albums this year (and a lot of other great music) is at least one good thing I can say about 2020, and was a great way to open and close it out. Thank you Em for saving it as much as you could! Expand
  19. Dec 20, 2020
    Amazinggggggg, I love this album. It has some of the highest production value of any Eminem album and his rhyme schemes are next level.
  20. Dec 20, 2020
    He proves again why he is the Greatest lyrical artist of all time. Beat selection was good. Beat switches are great. Side B is filled with side A songs for just about any other rapper.
  21. Dec 20, 2020
    It's really good it reminds me of an old eminem and slim shady.................
  22. Dec 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I enjoyed the album. There are bangers as well as songs that detail his feelings and thoughts. Again, the syllable smithing is out of this world. I would like to see less romantic songs from Eminem only because they feel soulless and really just filler. The toxic tracks of the past like Love The Way You Lie struck gold but efforts like In Too Deep, Farewell, and more seem forced and merely rehashes of unsuccessful tracks seen before on Kamikaze, Revival, and MMLP2. Still, the lyrical content and the wordsmithing outweighs most negatives to the album as Eminem seems to craft rhymes and verses more for fun than for any specific goal. As an Eminem album goes, there are dozens of lines dedicated to a figurative woman that he ks borderline harassing with pick-up lines that remind you of a dad joke book. The energy picks up with tracks like "Higher," and "Book of Rhymes" which see Eminem strive for more achievements in a rap game that increasingly deems him an outdated lyricist. Does Eminem get better with time? It depends. The argument can still be made that Eminem cannot build the best song with a limited skill set. However, when teamed up with artists like White Gold or Royce da 5'9", he can ride the highs of his peers while shining in his own lyrical aspect.

    This album highlights a growing concern with Eminem stans and his doubters - what can this man say that he hasn't already? Does he have stories that he can still share that will engage an avid hip-hop fan? If so, would it have been better to replace more club styled songs like "Killer," or, "Those Kinda Nights," with more raw subject matter? It seems like Slim has stepped out of the mindset that involves having to fit the needs of all of his doubters, but it will take more than high speed flows to capture the young followers of a much different scene than the one Eminem stepped onto. Now, we wait... to see where the Rap God moves next.
  23. Dec 21, 2020
    Heard the side B from track 1 to 16, and then heard the album from track 1 to 36 multiple times before leaving the review. Let me start with the "yikes" first. I admit, as loyal a stan as I am, there are definitely filler tracks that I can do fine without. But apart from skips like In Too Deep, Farewell, and Favorite **** the overall project is just pure dominance. Here's the thing, beingHeard the side B from track 1 to 16, and then heard the album from track 1 to 36 multiple times before leaving the review. Let me start with the "yikes" first. I admit, as loyal a stan as I am, there are definitely filler tracks that I can do fine without. But apart from skips like In Too Deep, Farewell, and Favorite **** the overall project is just pure dominance. Here's the thing, being lyrically smart and aggressive is nothing new to Em, and that there are a few wordplays that are dangerously swaying between punchlines and dad jokes. But its replay value is immense at least to me, as the production is up to date, and just when I imagined Em should be out of new syllables to rhyme, he still pulls it off with new rhyme schemes and flows.

    Fire album overall, suitable for both listening very attentively and playing in the background.
  24. Dec 21, 2020
    At the beginning i was unsure about the whole album. Eminem didnt sound hungry on this one. Hes also not angry anymore, but arter a couple of listens i found this album a masterpiece!

    Fav tracks: She Loves Me, Book of rhymes, Gnat, These demons, zeus, discombobulated, black magic, Alfreds theme
    Least fav: Killer, guns blazing,
  25. Dec 21, 2020
    Eminem at high level, awesome beats, and lyrics by Eminem. I really liked this album, it has a different vibe from kamikaze. MTBMB was strange for me, but Side B was not, it is different but not strange, it is Eminem different but it is Eminem, it is an album that pleases the stans
  26. Dec 21, 2020
    Album of they tear hands down, not a single bad song i mean just listen to book of rhymes and tell me that shut dont slap
  27. Dec 21, 2020
    Who listens to rap "critics"?

    This is Eminem at his best. He has found his sound in modern hip-hop with Side B. And this is the best Eminem we have had since the Eminem Show, in my opinion. Why do I say that? Because, simply put, these songs sound great. These songs focus on going back to basic hip-hop and nailing the sounds again, and the product is something special. The
    Who listens to rap "critics"?

    This is Eminem at his best. He has found his sound in modern hip-hop with Side B.

    And this is the best Eminem we have had since the Eminem Show, in my opinion.

    Why do I say that? Because, simply put, these songs sound great. These songs focus on going back to basic hip-hop and nailing the sounds again, and the product is something special.

    The lyricism is better than much of his recent work, because a broader spectrum of people understand the complexity without needing to be a scholar. Some Stans may hate that, but hip-hop fans are going to really vibe with the sounds and the speeds of Side B.

    Again, don't listen to whatever these critics are, this is Eminem at his very best.
  28. Dec 21, 2020
    You can hear Em bringing current stuffs into aware, awesome bars& punchlines, beat switch and cadences. Awesome Em deluxe album 69/10
  29. Dec 22, 2020
    It's a MASTERPEACE . 14 tracks for deluxe version , awesome ! Music , lyric , everything are perfect

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Dec 31, 2020
    Side B is a 16-track expansion that delivers familiar territory with some pops of Em at his sharpest.
  2. Dec 28, 2020
    Side B is not a total miss though, nor even a miss at all. Once Mathers stumbles through this opening salvo and the awkward bits of “Tone Deaf”, the album settles into a comfortable space, and even becomes enjoyable.
  3. Dec 21, 2020
    Over the three-song run of "Alfred's Theme" (which jacks Charles Gounod's "Funeral March of a Marionette," best known as the theme music to Alfred Hitchcock Presents, to delirious effect), "Tone Deaf," and "Book of Rhymes" (which climaxes with a flurry of DJ Premier scratches), Slim Shady stuffs more rewind-worthy punchlines and flow variations than most rappers will deliver in a whole career. ... Other attempts feel more forced. ... More compelling are the two tracks produced by D.A. Got That Dope.