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  1. Jan 22, 2020
    terrible record, a grown man once again crying over the public’s opinion on his work.
    amazed at the high user score on this
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    this album sucks why does he still make music the entire album feels like he’s trying to fit in more with the generation he complains about and godzilla might be the worst song ever made
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is straight up garbage. Eminem tried so hard to be edgy but it wasn't funny or offensive just awkward
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    "like a liar's pants, I'm on fire" is all you need to know, to know that you shouldn't bother listening to this
  5. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s just another **** Eminem album. It’s not original and too preachy. Expand
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    No growth . No experimentation . No nothing . He’s just not there yet and this album proves it .
  7. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is pure garbage. He needs to quit the staccato flow nonsense. Expand
  8. Jan 22, 2020
    Eminem has a terrible nasally voice and this album sucks. Don’t like it and wouldn’t recommend
  9. Jan 22, 2020
    Eminem sigue haciendo el ridiculo, las canciones y las letras son dolorosas de la pena que dan
  10. Jan 22, 2020
    This may be the worst album eminem has released, lyrically and melodically, it's just steaming garbage.
  11. Jan 22, 2020
    Worst album of the year. Avoid at all costs. Eminem has not grown musically in years, but has only gotten continuously worse as an artist. Again, definitely skip this one
  12. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Another Eminem album reliant on shock value. Nothing we hadn’t heard before. We’ve all heard Rap God and know you can rap fast so there’s no need to ram it down our throats. Ears feel like they’ve been assaulted after hearing about 4 words a second. Expand
  13. Jan 22, 2020
    Completely unoriginal, lacks enthusiasm, and an overall disappointment. Eminem continues to disappoint and this is just another installment in a long line of horrible albums.
  14. Jan 22, 2020
    Eminem tried to pull a Beyoncé but he doesn’t have the fanbase or relevance to do so.
  15. Jan 22, 2020
    The best thing about this album is probably the features. Everything falls flat and let's be real, Eminem is on the verge of irrelevancy. Seeing this old man struggling to stay on the charts is almost humorous after he previously called a bisexual man a slur and then on this album, proceeded to poke fun at Ariana Grande's concert in which 22 people lost their actual lives. If this man hadThe best thing about this album is probably the features. Everything falls flat and let's be real, Eminem is on the verge of irrelevancy. Seeing this old man struggling to stay on the charts is almost humorous after he previously called a bisexual man a slur and then on this album, proceeded to poke fun at Ariana Grande's concert in which 22 people lost their actual lives. If this man had any sense of decency (let's be honest he doesn't) he wouldn't have included that insanely disrespectful line. Expand
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    Really uninspired album. Incredibly forgettable and the amount of cringy lines that have horrible delivery is insane
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    Same ole Em. Controversial lyrics and responding to rappers that levels beneath him...
    Can’t wait for him to retire...
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    this **** cheeks even for em wtf bro, like i couldn’t even listen in one sitting typa cheeks
  19. Jan 22, 2020
    Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucksThsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Thsi album sucks Expand
  20. Jan 22, 2020
    Trash str8 garbage I just want this man to retire he’s had a good run but he’s just too stuck in the past to keep doing this to himself
  21. Jan 22, 2020
    By far his worst album. While other albums had atleast one good song, this just has none. There's no heart in the songs, no real meaning to the lyrics, just bad.
  22. Jan 22, 2020
    It’s not that bad but Eminem stans are so annoying for spamming it with perfect scores ahaaahaha
  23. Jan 22, 2020
    middle aged man still whining about his step dad and revival album two years later lol
  24. Jan 22, 2020
    This **** is trash !!!!!!!!! Go and get the **** off the airwaves!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album literally **** sucks. The production is either really bland or really annoying. The lyrics are corny and stupid and its just so **** ANNOYING when he keeps complaining about Revival! Name dropping people (again) and his lyrics almost entirely rely on shock factor. A disgrace of an album Expand
  26. Jan 22, 2020
    em fell off for sure. it jsut aint good and his flow is dated n corny. doesnt match the hype
  27. Jan 22, 2020
    Not good. Eminem hasn't had a good project since the turn of the century. Unfortunately for the music community, he's easily got the most dickrider fans in the industry. Strong 0.
  28. Jan 22, 2020
    Wanted to enjoy this album but unfortunately it does not deliver. Couple good songs, the rest are trash.
  29. Jan 22, 2020
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
    bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this. bro what the **** is this.
  30. Jan 22, 2020
    Absolutely atrocious, without a doubt the worst rap album I’ve ever heard.
  31. Jan 22, 2020
    Pretty much in-line with his most recent output. Eminem isn't interested in telling us anything new at this point in his career.
  32. Jan 22, 2020
    This is awful beyond words. Absolutely no reason to subject yourself to this torture.
  33. Jan 22, 2020
    Overrated imo don’t @ me........................................................................................................................................................................
  34. Jan 22, 2020
    This sucks and it was at a better rating than To Pimp A Butterfly .........
  35. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. spoiler alert. eminem fans dont know good music from a 30lb cow yet some how they got luck because neither have substance to them. Expand
  36. Jan 22, 2020
    He just sounds like a bitter old man as usual in quite a few spots of the album. The best song on the album "You gon Learn" belonged to Royce. A number of corny lines, just did not enjoy this album at all.
  37. Jan 22, 2020
    Features really carried this album, very disappointing from Eminem to be quite honest.
  38. Jan 22, 2020
    didn’t even listen to it lmao I just know it’s gonna be hot garbage. most overrated artist of all time
  39. Jan 22, 2020
    Trash. unlistenable. Lyrically the album is very weak as well. Should have stanned on the docs
  40. Jan 22, 2020
    As Eminem’s career goes forward he keeps trying to prove us something. He doesn’t need to do that he’s just messing up his discography
  41. Jan 22, 2020
    This album were so bad it made me feel sick, the name of the album suggested eminem was going back to his old nightmare core style of music but that wasn't the case.incredibly cringe worthy puns that sound like they where written by a edgy 10 year old combined with beats that i can only compare to being **** in the ear by the most disgusting men u can think of and Eminem's over the topThis album were so bad it made me feel sick, the name of the album suggested eminem was going back to his old nightmare core style of music but that wasn't the case.incredibly cringe worthy puns that sound like they where written by a edgy 10 year old combined with beats that i can only compare to being **** in the ear by the most disgusting men u can think of and Eminem's over the top flow make this album truly a horrible experience and i really wished i had been murdered by it. Expand
  42. Jan 23, 2020
    This is not even Eminem's best work, and people claim it's the best hiphop work so far. Eminem is just trying to make a living of stale dad-rapping. There are couple of good bars here and there, but overall both the production and the flows lack creativity. Political lyrics also don't help when they're nonsense, either.
  43. Jan 23, 2020
    Didnt like it at all. It was too long, lyrics that made me cringe, he comes off as an edgy teenager but he’s actually 47
  44. Jan 23, 2020
    ass the worst album after revival but had some nice tracks with juice wrld and don toliver
  45. Jan 23, 2020
    Just retire please. Lines were crossed in this album particularly regarding lyrics about the Ariana grande concert terrorist attacks.
  46. Jan 23, 2020
    Album is definitely not worth the listen. Eminem has fallen off in the past years.
  47. Jan 23, 2020
    Eminem should stay in 2008, his fans are the worst, he is dead, but they are too scared to admit it.
  48. Jan 23, 2020
    Terrible. awful. worst album of the decade. Boring asf. Hella corny too.
  49. Jan 23, 2020
    not good...................................................................................
  50. Jan 23, 2020
    This thing is just bad from start to finish, not good. Djdjdjjdjdjdjdjfjfjfjfjjfjfjfjfjdjdjdjd
  51. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. overall garbage album this old head needs to stop releasing because it’s not 2009 anymore and his rap is just painful to listen to Expand
  52. Jan 23, 2020
    corny and lazy lyrics, rapping fast is cringy, and he doesn't rhyme well, eminem should stop making music
  53. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don’t think I can say this with any other word in the logic filled thoughtful English syntax: Bruh Expand
  54. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album, I live by it. It’s so trash I love it. It starts trash, and ends trash, I love it. And as an Eminem Stan, Trash music is what I love the most. From the **** hooks, to the trash mixes, I love it, it’s so so so so trash I love it. Don Toliver carried this album with black thought it’s great trash work. Eminem has been going from trash to trashier I love it. I think this is better than Slim Shady LP and Marshall Mathers because of hiw trash this is. Loved it. Expand
  55. Jan 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. His worst album on far, and who'd have thought anyone could make an album worse than revival and kamakazi! Eminem acts like he's still 21 starting beef with people and hating the system or whatever, yet he's a middle aged man who's no longer relevant. He should take a leaf out of JAY-Zs book, who has matured as any artist should, and created 4:44, an album 100x better than anything Eminem has made. Though nothing is as bad as his wall punching, monster drinking, 'I tell my mom to F off' fan base, who leave bad reviews on the greatest albums of all time, such as MBDTF because they can't admit Eminem is washed up. The fact on one album he's dissing modern rap and 'mumble' rappers, then works with these new young artists, such as Juice WRLD (R.I.P gone too soon) shows how hell do anything for streams. Expand
  56. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Man is Eminem past his prime yeesh like I couldn’t believe how awful this album was. Expand
  57. Jan 23, 2020
    ironic how it's named music to be murdered by and now i want to kill myself
  58. Jan 31, 2020
    The album was very bad. The only Think Good was Eminem beating his own record for most word per minute
  59. Feb 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. He Doesn't have a clear topic, and almost every bar is cringy or corny, and sadly em is running out of ideas Expand
  60. Feb 5, 2020
    At this point, em can fart (at a really fast pace on repeat) on a record and these cancerous stans will suck it all up like smelling roses. sales and Stan reviews don’t matter when the golden “white boy” of hiphop gets props for vomiting rhymes over trash / generic beats. I believe there are way better lyricists (currently) who cover more interesting and intriguing subject matter than EmAt this point, em can fart (at a really fast pace on repeat) on a record and these cancerous stans will suck it all up like smelling roses. sales and Stan reviews don’t matter when the golden “white boy” of hiphop gets props for vomiting rhymes over trash / generic beats. I believe there are way better lyricists (currently) who cover more interesting and intriguing subject matter than Em and break musical ground within the genre of hiphop. Em’s content Over the last decade can be boiled down to: “I’m a rich, angry man-child who raps fast”. the dude is 40, but sounds like he just hit puberty. That’s not interesting. That’s corny. The end. Expand
  61. Feb 10, 2020
    Modern Eminem blows and y’all should be ashamed of yourselves for making this the highest userscore album of all time. Honestly hard to listen to this album.
  62. Jul 30, 2021
    This is one of the corniest albums ever made and makes me want to die. Doesn't have a single good song.
  63. Apr 2, 2021
    People like you exist
    Groups other than yours persist
    Fantano is awesome
    Eminem is stinky
    This future is wholesome
    Please, this isn't kinky

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    He clearly cares about his output, but “Music To Be Murdered By” is, unfortunately, another mixed bag of tricks, propped up by lyrical acrobatics and underwhelming production.
  2. 70
    If they look hard enough, any artist could find criticism of their work online. That’s sort of the curse of the Information Age. But not everyone overreacts quite as much as Eminem does. But if his fears grow tiring, his lyrical ability can still give you something to admire, even if the album is somewhat uneven.
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    It is not, strictly speaking, a good record—Eminem hasn’t made one of those in a decade—but it boasts enough technical command and generates just enough arresting ideas to hold your attention.