
Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Blender
    Less of the recent Jesus-jazz, more funk minimalism--so far so good.... But the once-and-future Prince doesn't seem to be rooting around in the rich melodies of "Raspberry Beret" or the frenetic nu-wave soul of "Uptown." [#27, p.144]
  2. A casual exhibition of Princeliness, stocked with a handful of old tricks but no new ones.
  3. The A.V. Club
    Musicology is never bad, and though it does get bogged down in indistinguishable ballads, it usually finds a way to recover. [28 Apr 2004]
  4. Music that, while often pleasant, lacks the power of not only his best work, but also most of his successors' stuff.
  5. Uncut
    Might be a primer for his various selves, so redolent are individual tracks of previous songs. [Jun 2004, p.92]
  6. Mojo
    Brilliantly produced and performed, rather than astoundingly well written. [Jun 2004, p.112]
  7. Ultimately, 'Musicology' is a kind of flawed redemption, neither inspired enough to be a true classic, nor insipid enough to make it unworthy of your attention.
  8. Not only is the product musically conservative, chocked full of soul ballads and tame funk workouts, there's nary a trace of the devilish sense of risk that has permeated even his worst material.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 40
  2. Negative: 9 out of 40
  1. JoeG
    Mar 21, 2006
    Average at best. There are some boring stretches here, some lite jazz noodling, and the songwriting isn't the greatest, but this is Average at best. There are some boring stretches here, some lite jazz noodling, and the songwriting isn't the greatest, but this is probably his best album since 1996. That's not saying much, but at least it's well-produced, usually well-played (there may be noodling, but there's some great guitar here and there), well-sung...some of this feels pretty conventional, almost meat & potatoes, but it still has its charm, and Prince's sense of humor shines through a couple of songs. Full Review »
  2. AndrewM
    Oct 6, 2005
    Musicology is pure funk from the soul. I can listen to this CD over and over again, and it still rates up there with anything I listen to. Musicology is pure funk from the soul. I can listen to this CD over and over again, and it still rates up there with anything I listen to. And I listen to a wide variety. True though, its highest point is by far the title track. Now can make songs this immortal anymore, for me its one of the greatest songs there is. True!! Nuff Said!! Full Review »
  3. JasonC
    Apr 9, 2005
    Doesn't live up to the hype, but it's not bad. A decent Prince album, like "Diamonds & Pearls" or "Controversy," but not a great Doesn't live up to the hype, but it's not bad. A decent Prince album, like "Diamonds & Pearls" or "Controversy," but not a great one. There are a few boring tracks, and even though most of the tracks are good, they feel a bit too safe, like Prince is going back to old, proven formulas - he does them well, though. The title track, "Illusion, Coma...," "Life 'O' The Party," "Cinnamon Girl," "On The Couch," and "Reflection" are solid, the best tracks. Worth getting if you're Prince fan, but still over-hyped. Full Review »