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Universal acclaim- based on 114 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 114
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  1. Feb 3, 2023
    I haven't heard such a wonderful album in a long time and I'm so grateful to have been introduced to the incredible artist that is RAYE.
  2. Feb 3, 2023
    So proud of her and everything she did for this debut album to be this perfect. She’s humble, talented and hard working. You’ll go far girl
  3. Feb 3, 2023
    A voz perfeita e coesa existe e Raye veio pra provar isso. É um álbum rico demais em beleza, elegância, sentimentos e sonoridade.
  4. Feb 3, 2023
    esse álbum é fanático, cada música muito bem pensada e posicionada, parabéns raye por essa obra prima
  5. Feb 7, 2023
    This is so good.
    All the tracks tells a story, her story
    My fav of the album is flip a switch
  6. Feb 4, 2023
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  7. Jun 9, 2023
    I have sat with this album for months now, since its release. I really wanted my review to be honest and have had time to digest what Raye offered the world, this record so far has been one of my favorite releases of the year. The way Raye has been able to stay true to herself with making some great bops like Flip A Switch, Black Mascara and Five Star Hotels but as well be so honest andI have sat with this album for months now, since its release. I really wanted my review to be honest and have had time to digest what Raye offered the world, this record so far has been one of my favorite releases of the year. The way Raye has been able to stay true to herself with making some great bops like Flip A Switch, Black Mascara and Five Star Hotels but as well be so honest and raw is something to be proud of and heartbroken at the same time. This is an artist who has gone through the gutter professionally and personally, "ice cream man" is a powerful statement about an experience many people go through. The way the album opens with the Introduction and Oscar Winning Tears is stunning, you instantly know you are in for a treat. The jazz undertones in The Thrill Is Gone, Worth it, and Buss It Down are surprising but leave the door open for a future Jazz album that could move the world. This project is a gift to the world and i cant wait to see where Raye goes from here. My one critical comment is how short some of the songs were i feel like they could've been extend an extra 30 seconds. Expand
  8. Feb 4, 2023
    Wow, album is so good. I did not expect this at all! And so many different genres, pop, electro pop, Rnb, funky soul, indie pop rock.. damn it gurrl. And the way she's using her voice is so interesting.
  9. Feb 5, 2023
    This album is filled with raw, emotional, honest and strong lyrics, with great rhythms, awesome productions and of course Raye’s beautiful voice. It deserves a lot of commercial success and many awards!
  10. Feb 3, 2023
    one of the best albums I've heard in a long time. she put all her time and thought in it.
  11. Apr 28, 2023
    A great debut album... So emotional so personal
    Me listening to this album feel like I can say so many things I couldn't say before........
  12. Feb 4, 2023
    The debut album of UK’s music industry wonder Raye is a raw, overt, candid and in-your-face record. It’s amazing how she makes the lyrics be congenial to the melodies. Not only is this album an ears-blessing musical experience, it also showcases her vocal and songwriting abilities, it proves why she’s been present in the industry for the many years as she’s penned songs for artists such asThe debut album of UK’s music industry wonder Raye is a raw, overt, candid and in-your-face record. It’s amazing how she makes the lyrics be congenial to the melodies. Not only is this album an ears-blessing musical experience, it also showcases her vocal and songwriting abilities, it proves why she’s been present in the industry for the many years as she’s penned songs for artists such as Madison Beer, Zara Larsson, Beyoncé, Khalid, Little Mix and many more. Overall, “My 21st century Blues” is a recognition-deserving and worth-listening album. Have a listen to it - you will relish it. Expand
  13. Jul 30, 2023
    Album of the year, best new artist, best pop vocal album, she really deserves all the awards!
  14. Feb 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Artist! Artist! Artist! Artist! **** Her name is… RAYE! That b dont play. Expand
  15. Feb 4, 2023
    It's impossible to deny Raye's artistry but I'm pretty sure this is one of the best debut albums of this decade and for sure, the most artistic and diferent one - in all the positive ways. She has this new flow and energy combined with raw truth adding perfect production, making a nearly perfect album.
  16. Feb 4, 2023
    I’m so proud of RAYE she outdid herself with this album she deserves all the love of the world and it really means everything to her releasing her baby after 7 whole years!! STREAM M21CB
  17. Feb 3, 2023
    This album wonderfully showcases Raye's vocal abilities and versatility. "Environmental Anxiety" despite its important message is a terribly chaotic and strange song.
  18. Feb 8, 2023
    nossa muito diva serio escapism vive na cabeca 24horas por dia fico passando mal
  19. Mar 10, 2023
    Este álbum é incrível do início ao fim e para quem gosta de música é um álbum completo com muitas melodias,arranjos perfeitos e fora o vocal da raye que é perfeito.
  20. Feb 25, 2023
    This is an album I can listen to all day long. The story each song tells, the pain, the happiness, with mixed of piano,pop synth, guitar, and her amazing voice, already makes it a top contender for album of the year. I found all the elements of music in this. I'm so happy and i love how much music means to her. Please Raye never let any mother****er get u down. You're are true gem. Buss itThis is an album I can listen to all day long. The story each song tells, the pain, the happiness, with mixed of piano,pop synth, guitar, and her amazing voice, already makes it a top contender for album of the year. I found all the elements of music in this. I'm so happy and i love how much music means to her. Please Raye never let any mother****er get u down. You're are true gem. Buss it down is my fav. I happy that you are finally gonna shine. Take the spotlight, queen. Expand
  21. Feb 4, 2023
    Crazy that’s this is her debut album. So many genres, ideas, instrumentals, effects, yet it’s s cohesive piece of art reedy for any occasion.
  22. Mar 7, 2023
    Couldn't debut better than this, a new great artist is rising, congratulations Raye for your beautiful work.
  23. Mar 16, 2023
    I love her voice! Her talent is amazing and unique! The melodrama type of album is always my choice!
  24. Feb 3, 2023
    RAYE moves effortlessly between both genres and themes. The record feels personal and heartfelt, but also brave and daring. The production on every track is just as good as the other, with her strong vocals tying them all together. Overall a fantastic debut for the beloved Rachel
  25. Mar 4, 2023
    RAYE did an incredible job! Everything about this album is buttoned up. Each song is very different where RAYE with amazing vocals is fluently moving between genres. Those differences and amazing production make this album perfect!
  26. Feb 3, 2023
    If this doesn’t make Raye the frontrunner for Best New Artist at next year’s Grammys, nothing could. Absolutely sublime.
  27. Feb 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Phenomenal. Diverse. But has a collective vibe. shessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Expand
  28. Feb 3, 2023
    speechless, beyond the words, her old label fumbled a bag so bad, this is a work of art
  29. Feb 3, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album shows RAYEs vocals, songwriting and production, which are all AMAZING. I really loved this album! Expand
  30. Feb 3, 2023
    RAYE is an artist that I've been following for a while, and I always thought that she deserved so much more recognize because what she's doing is amazing! I heard all the songs, a lot of time and when "Escapism" out i heard it already, at the same night, and I thought "this music is a bluster! Is amazing!" And, some days latter, over than 100 million streamings on Spotify and then when gotRAYE is an artist that I've been following for a while, and I always thought that she deserved so much more recognize because what she's doing is amazing! I heard all the songs, a lot of time and when "Escapism" out i heard it already, at the same night, and I thought "this music is a bluster! Is amazing!" And, some days latter, over than 100 million streamings on Spotify and then when got "My 21s Century Blues". This album is a masterpiece, is art, is powerful, honest and RAYE's vocals are strong, beautiful, she's a technical singer. And the choice of "Oscar Winning Tears" as the opening track was amazing. And to finish it, the transitions and the storyteller show that RAYE is just starting and we cannot close our eyes for her anymore, and thanks God I never did. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Feb 14, 2023
    This is far from a “safe” debut – her authenticity, vulnerability and innate ability to scribe the gory innards of her consciousness on to paper are entirely unique and intimately personal. It is not always the easiest listen and that is precisely the point.
  2. Feb 13, 2023
    here’s a touch of pastiche on the doo wop of Thrill Is Gone, but overall the record showcases a self-assured songwriter, capable of producing swaggering floor-fillers. My 21st Century Blues is Keen’s artistic rebirth. Long may it continue.
  3. Feb 10, 2023
    None of these uninhibited songs could have been half as convincing voiced by another singer. That said, it's evident that she's using her platform to speak for others who have lived through anything remotely similar.