• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 4 out of 22

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  1. LoriB
    Jun 30, 2003
    This is their best so far- I have been listening to it non-stop.
  2. Dasie6peekie6
    Jul 27, 2003
    this cd is the best and Train is even better LiVe!!!!!
  3. DeeT
    Aug 3, 2003
    The songs are great. Make sure to see them live if they perform in your city- you will appreciate the cd even more.
  4. KarenM
    Sep 18, 2003
    Train has captivated me. My only complaint is I can't read all the lyrics that accompany the CD because of the type style and dark background.
  5. MegM
    Feb 25, 2004
    I have loved this band since about August(?) of 2001! So, once I got this album in June of last year, I did a little dance round the living room and scared my dog somewhat, then in the evening dashed upstairs to listen to it. Some of the songs I wasn't sure I loved, but that's the thing about Train, their songs always grow on you. Overall this is a great great album!!
  6. AmerM
    Mar 15, 2006
    Best Train album yet.. incredible lyrics and music ! Pat Monahan's voice is just out of this world! They really are one of the best bands in the world
  7. Lorial
    Dec 19, 2003
    Bravo to Train! In a world of hip hop and rap, this talented band and album are a welcome change. Their classic, basic, elements of real rock, passionate performances and songwriting skills is evident when you see them perform live, on tv, or listen to their albums. Real guys playing real instruments, not sounds generated by a computer or studio engineer. This album is one that can be Bravo to Train! In a world of hip hop and rap, this talented band and album are a welcome change. Their classic, basic, elements of real rock, passionate performances and songwriting skills is evident when you see them perform live, on tv, or listen to their albums. Real guys playing real instruments, not sounds generated by a computer or studio engineer. This album is one that can be played first to last song, you won't want to miss any of it. Expand
  8. JoshT
    Jul 14, 2003
    By far, Train's best work yet. Good stuff, real good.
  9. JamesS
    Jul 19, 2003
    I rate Train's latest a 9, deducting one point because there is a slight lacking to be found in the more upbeat songs. However, I am shocked and amazed at any review rating this CD under a 7. I do realize everyone has different tastes, but anyone who can find that much fault with Train's newest ( and older stuff ) is completely out of touch with great music. If you disagree, you I rate Train's latest a 9, deducting one point because there is a slight lacking to be found in the more upbeat songs. However, I am shocked and amazed at any review rating this CD under a 7. I do realize everyone has different tastes, but anyone who can find that much fault with Train's newest ( and older stuff ) is completely out of touch with great music. If you disagree, you are wrong. Expand
  10. ShelbyB
    Aug 9, 2003
    Awesome songs, deep and meaningful. I love every one of the songs on the CD, but i don't think any can top Drops of Jupiter, even though they come close. I could listen to this CD all day long
  11. MeganM
    Jul 24, 2003
    Old stuff is certainly better, but this cd is still really great. They're an awesome band and no matter what they do, it rocks. Pat Monohan is one of the best vocalists and song writers, hands down.
  12. dannyb
    Apr 13, 2006
    Even though they are slightly overproduced from their original Meet Virgina days -- they are solid musicians and this is a strong album. I'd give my private Nation the nod over DoJ, but my fav is their original -- train, train. Though if you're new to train, I'd start with this first
  13. LoriH
    Aug 9, 2003
    Full of imagery and imagination. Those who lack spirit & intelligence however may find it not worth the listen.
  14. Steve
    Jul 27, 2004
    While one or two of the tracks aren't worthy of the CD as a whole, most will reward the repeat listener who aspires to discover hidden depths. From "Lincoln Avenue" through to the end, it becomes clear that the band's influences may reach back further than Counting Crows, et al, to ELO, Boston, and The Beatles. Let's hope they have legs.
  15. brian
    Jul 8, 2003
    Train is without question one of the worst bands in music right now.
  16. vomitvomit
    Apr 16, 2004
    train sucks. how can you even call this rock. this is even too sissy to call pop. worst 13 bucks i ever wasted.
  17. JonG.
    Nov 16, 2003
    train is so incredibly crappy. everytime they come on the radio i need to change the station before i puke because of this girly-man's "poetry". same goes with creed and maybe dashboard confessional.
  18. PatrickS
    Jan 15, 2007
    This band's lyrics were written by a 9th grader. We all would be better off if this band set down their instruments and never picked them up again.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Q Magazine
    Continues to adhere firmly to the rootsy rock of fellow travellers Matchbox Twenty and Counting Crows, while their earnest musicianship and hard work will delight fans of that sort of thing. [Aug 2003, p.115]
  2. There's a surface attractiveness to many of the songs here, such as ''Save the Day'' and ''All American Girl,'' that rewards closer listening.
  3. Pat Monahan and his boys have reverted back to their quasi-bohemian roots, meaning they sound like a better Counting Crows (with a dreamier frontman) and less-challenging Wallflowers.