
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. May 31, 2023
    The few deviations from the dreamy production are hit and miss.
  2. May 26, 2023
    There’s still a gingerliness to her songwriting, where at points you wish for less apologies and a more strident course—but that’s the take from someone whose 30s are in the rearview and knows fully well the world still doesn’t make sense. Besides, Parks’ candor and lyricism aches with a youthful tenderness so full of heart that it can trump any perceived failing in this near perfect follow up.
  3. May 26, 2023
    Arlo emerges with a newfound directness, finding a sound and voice that fully represents the multifaceted complexities of the world outside the bedroom.
  4. May 25, 2023
    Parks has a skill for inviting listeners not only into her mind, but into her immediate environment, and the effects bring her racing emotions right to the forefront.
  5. 80
    My Soft Machine is a punchier, poppier outing for Parks but the record shares a lot in common with its predecessor. .... It’s when Park veers off her own path that things get interesting. “Devotion” is a risk that pays off.
  6. 80
    Doing what it says on the tin, My Soft Machine is powerfully subtle, and reasserts Parks’ ability to capture and alleviate negative emotions, while simultaneously furthering her exploration of the sound that put her on the map.
  7. May 24, 2023
    Despite a few moments spent in the doldrums, Park's heartfelt lyricism and serene instrumentals navigate the complexities of love and healing, reminding listeners of the ongoing process of finding wholeness.
  8. May 23, 2023
    It’s a record that, the longer you live with it, the more its little subtleties make themselves clear. It builds on the strengths of Collapsed In Sunbeams and ends up creating an even more rounded album.
  9. Uncut
    May 22, 2023
    Eyes may be on the US market, but the honesty of Parks' expression holds. [Jul 2023, p.33]
  10. May 22, 2023
    My Soft Machine hits differently than Collapsed in Sunbeams, but it's still a powerful effort that packs more emotional weight while expanding the singer/songwriter's stylistic range.
  11. May 22, 2023
    There are no overt leaps or shifts in the development of Parks’ sound from her Mercury Prize-winning debut Collapsed In Sunbeams, but there is something to be said of the unbridled confidence and general badassery she exudes on tracks like Weightless and Puppy. Parks also treats listeners to the undeniably beautiful Pegasus.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jun 15, 2023
    How nice to have some more of Arlo Parks. This feels like an interesting growth production wise, taking chances to explore, decor and increaseHow nice to have some more of Arlo Parks. This feels like an interesting growth production wise, taking chances to explore, decor and increase her energy and style. I don't have anything bad to say other than... I'm really finding myself not very a fond of Phoebe Bridgers, and I'm not very happy about her influence on this album. Arlo has a unique vibe that shines more than what she needs help in shining, at least on this album, and I'm completely grateful for what she has achieved on her own. I con only forth see a strong and important career for this very exciting artist. Full Review »