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Universal acclaim- based on 189 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 7 out of 189
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  1. Sep 21, 2016
    I can get behind the the idea that the first five songs are worth listening, but as soon as the second half of the album starts it goes full garbage. Angel has no songwriting talent whatsoever, and she's definitely not Liz Phair (she doesn't deliver her intimacy in a way that sounds even remotely revelatory). The title track is pointlessly long and slow, making for a capital-B BoringI can get behind the the idea that the first five songs are worth listening, but as soon as the second half of the album starts it goes full garbage. Angel has no songwriting talent whatsoever, and she's definitely not Liz Phair (she doesn't deliver her intimacy in a way that sounds even remotely revelatory). The title track is pointlessly long and slow, making for a capital-B Boring listen. This is a very mediocre work. Expand
  2. Sep 6, 2016
    The album succeeds on it's classic sound and Olsen's affecting vocals, but it's a little boring in how clean and accessible it all is. Immaculately engineered for a greasy American jukebox, but lacking quite a bit of that sense of starry-eyed wonder of her earlier material. And, once again, you could ask a lot more from the instrumentation (eg, those guitars that don't quite ruffle anyThe album succeeds on it's classic sound and Olsen's affecting vocals, but it's a little boring in how clean and accessible it all is. Immaculately engineered for a greasy American jukebox, but lacking quite a bit of that sense of starry-eyed wonder of her earlier material. And, once again, you could ask a lot more from the instrumentation (eg, those guitars that don't quite ruffle any feathers on Give it Up. It's a problem because she never really gets a harmonic boost from her band). Still totally in love with her though, don't get me wrong, it's all quite lovely, but I do think some critics are falling for the whole, 'she's a talented woman making a hifi statement vaguely about her womanness', thing, and overlooking some lackluster composition. It's more an imitation of the classics than a classic in its own right.

    Oh and if you haven't heard her album "Strange Cacti" give it a spin, it's excellent.

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Magnet
    Sep 20, 2016
    Even My Woman's back half, which features Olsen's two longest, most challenging songs to date in "Sister" and "Woman"--though neither come anywhere near "White Fire" levels of morose--succeeds largely due to Olsen's remarkable ability to make her loneliness sound like so much more than just that. [No. 135, p.61]
  2. Sep 19, 2016
    With every album she releases, Angel Olsen seems to step up a gear. As My Woman will comfortably be seen as one of the best albums of the year come December, it’s a head-spinningly exciting prospect to think where she’s going to go next time around.
  3. Sep 13, 2016
    My Woman is an odd, somewhat mismatched collection of good and then great songs that could have been more ghostly.