• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2010
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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 579 Ratings

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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    A worsening of the already offensively bad my world Ep is what I'd say if it wasn't rescued by the few fun innocent bubblegum pop jams :baby,somebody to love,eenie meenie &that should be me. Even so those songs are catchy but not particularly good .
  2. Aug 20, 2022
    this album is literally amazinnnnnnnnnnng one of Bieber's best album omg whatt
  3. Jan 10, 2022
    Eu amo esse álbum! Justin Bieber esteve presente na minha vida desde sempre, desde que me entendo por gente estou ouvindo esse menino. Ele se tornou o ser mais lindo que ja existiu, não só fisicamente mas como pessoa também e isso é retratado tão bem no seu novo álbum de estúdio(JUSTICE), a evolução musical dele é perceptível. Esse álbum é o álbum da minha vida!!!! Te amo Justin Bieber Eu amo esse álbum! Justin Bieber esteve presente na minha vida desde sempre, desde que me entendo por gente estou ouvindo esse menino. Ele se tornou o ser mais lindo que ja existiu, não só fisicamente mas como pessoa também e isso é retratado tão bem no seu novo álbum de estúdio(JUSTICE), a evolução musical dele é perceptível. Esse álbum é o álbum da minha vida!!!! Te amo Justin Bieber
  4. Jun 29, 2021
    Best teenage male debut. Every song was a bop and Baby a classic, love it or hate it this album was huge and impactful.
  5. Jun 12, 2021
    This is how you make a debut. “Baby” is such a classic ! To the whiney b!tches giving negative reviews, CRY.
  6. Apr 9, 2021
    This album has baby in it literally every person in the world has heard it at least one and jam to it best album of kidruhl
  7. Apr 7, 2021
    Are you kidding me???? In this album JB only has 16
    Gooood! Such an incredible and completely artist Only JB an dominate this musical industry
  8. Apr 7, 2021
    Why why why why why after this album the music industry was destroyed. Justin Bieber was the worst thing that happened to music industry
  9. Mar 25, 2021
    The music is awful, the music sound a bit the same with the repeated sounds
  10. Mar 23, 2021
    If only there was a lower score than 0 to truly give this album justice in its rating. Since there isn't we'll have to go with this one.
  11. Mar 23, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. His second "album" and already had an impact in the music industry! As always Bieber never missed. Expand
  12. Mar 22, 2021
    A great great debut for a great great singer. An unforgettable debut that many wish they had
  13. Mar 21, 2021
    Incredible album! This helped me through depression and suicidal thoughts because of the amount of happiness Justin's albums brought to me! I'm so proud of him
  14. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. baby makes me learn English. a wonderful album until now. I love you Justin Expand
  15. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Completamente perfeito e sem defeitos, muita coesão e aclamação viu galera! Expand
  16. Mar 19, 2021
    Y'all are hating but show me better album by 15 yo kid, u can't, justin bieber is truly the best
  17. Mar 19, 2021
    Young boy started good, album is full of mega hit songs. I love it so much, well done bieber!!
  18. Mar 18, 2021
    Es hermoso, tiene a “baby “en su lista, junto a otros hits MUNDIALES. Nada más que decir, sólo arte puro.
  19. ap5
    Mar 12, 2021
    Good Album. Definitely Kid Bieber was something else. Really enjoyable. Give it a try.
  20. Sep 13, 2020
    It's strange that some very young artist find their voice and musical lane so early in their career but unfortunately, this is not the case with Justin and this particular album.
  21. Aug 29, 2020
    Amazinggggg amazing love you Justin Bieber you changed this industry to the better!!!
  22. Jul 26, 2020
    Nice work with the debut, i must say. Loved everything about this album. Iconic singles. Iconic music videos and the progress after this is unforgotteably admirable.
  23. Apr 20, 2020
    I really enjoyed this album, justin's vocals were on point and the songs are so nostalgic, not saying I only love it because of nostalgia, but this album's just very pleasing and enjoyable and worth listening to, and it was a good work tbh from a 15 years old
  24. Apr 11, 2020
    My World 2.0 by Justin Beiber: 2.50

    Baby: 0.5 Somebody To Love: 0.75 Stuck In The Moment: 1 U Smile: 0.75 Runaway Love: 0.5 Never Let You Go: 0.5 Overboard: 0.25 Eenie Meenie: 0 Up: 0.25 That Should Be Me: 0.5 5/10 = 5/10 -> 2.50 My World 2.0 has been called by many the “second half” of Justin Bieber’s first album. Usually, I don’t review two albums by the same artist
    My World 2.0 by Justin Beiber: 2.50

    Baby: 0.5
    Somebody To Love: 0.75
    Stuck In The Moment: 1
    U Smile: 0.75
    Runaway Love: 0.5
    Never Let You Go: 0.5
    Overboard: 0.25
    Eenie Meenie: 0
    Up: 0.25
    That Should Be Me: 0.5

    5/10 = 5/10 -> 2.50

    My World 2.0 has been called by many the “second half” of Justin Bieber’s first album. Usually, I don’t review two albums by the same artist so close together, but I thought it would be good to do so, since these two works go hand in hand. Luckily, the second time around is better than Bieber’s debut, though 2.0 is still very rocky and some of the utter cringe that was a part of the first outing is present here. I had always thought that Baby was overrated and overplayed, but after listening to it, I found that the lyrics in the verses were actually decent and it contained a surprising amount of feeling. That being said, I did not really appreciate how repetitive this song is, and it uses some annoying and distracting drums. Plus, the rap part felt out of place and was really unnecessary. I don’t usually mind rap-bridges, but this one was weird in the way that some words were emphasized. Somebody To Love was actually a pretty good song. I thought it was fun how synthy it was. The bass synth was outstanding and great to jam to, but the higher synth notes were a bit distracting from the rest of the song. Stuck In The Moment was riddled with a lot of clichés, though it redeemed itself by the rest of the lyrics, which were actually really good and powerful--a surprise. At this point I thought I might need to raise my expectations since this album seemed to be considerably better than its counterpart. U Smile had a bunch of great lyrics, though this song was a little repetitive, and I thought I may have heard a bit of autotune, which took away some fun from the listening experience. Runaway Love started out as a great song, as its music was great (awesome bassline), though I would have appreciated better lyrics, and this theme of lost love was getting really tiring at this point. Plus, I’ve tried to not say this in the past, but Runaway Love sounded like a Kidz Bop song, which is not a good thing to resemble. Never Let You Go would have been a good song if I was able to take it seriously, but there was something about it that seemed like it was not 100% in a serious manner (the bridge was especially cheesy). At least it had some relatable and powerful lyrics that were well written, and its music was pretty good, and I liked the bass, drums, and vocals only part. The drums were a bit annoying in Overboard. Actually, no; they were extremely annoying. They were fine in the intro but got progressively worse. The theme this song presents had already been addressed in six other songs in this album (haha, that’s a joke. There were only six songs already--oh, nevermind), so I felt confused why we needed to hear about it again. The lyrics were actually kind of relatable though in the chorus, and the bass was fun. On the downside, Bieber’s voice sounded processed. This normally would be okay, but the cool thing about a young artist is the sheer ability that the artist has to impress the audience. If the artist just wastes this opportunity on autotune instead of actually trying or electronic drums instead of actually constructing a beat with a real instrument, the opportunity is lost and the music is filed away as merely generic, which I’m afraid is what happened here. Eenie Meenie was probably the worst song I have ever heard. It was very, very repetitive, and the lyrics that weren’t were so cringy that I actually wanted to throw up. I also thought it was weird how Justin Bieber got all the credit for this song yet it seemed like the whole time it was just Sean Kingston singing. The bridge was the worst part of the song, actually repulsive. I was hoping for the song after this to cleanse the awfulness I had just heard but Up was underwhelming. It was just an average song for the album: the lyrics were corny and the tired theme continued. That Should Be Me was considerably better, but still not anything breathtaking. The distortion effect used in the second half of the song was super unnecessary and would have been much better fitting in one of the other songs. The key change was really nice and I really liked the lyrics that weren’t repetitive. Overall, My World 2.0 was definitely not a masterpiece, though it was a slight improvement over its predecessor. It still has its fair share of corny lyrics, though in general they are a lot better. I am curious to see whether Justin Bieber gets better as he matures or if the music quality stays the same. Only time will tell! Highlight: Stuck In The Moment.
  25. Feb 18, 2020
    My world is not your really world i guess. I’m sorry for you justin bieber. Hope you doing well
  26. Feb 15, 2020
    Muy buen álbum el de Bieber, aunque recibió mucho odio, ya que es de sus inicios, nos dejó con buenos temas, uno que otro malo, pero versátil la música de Bieber.
  27. Feb 14, 2020
    very bad...............like this sucked super bad................... like.... awful
  28. Feb 14, 2020
    This is the album he got hated most because of baby but that song literally grew on haters mind
  29. Feb 13, 2020
    Eu amo a era do my world. É ao mesmo tempo tão igual para o fandom em alguns aspectos mas também tão diferente em outros.
  30. Feb 13, 2020
    Segundo álbum da carreira, um ícone, uma jóia para se guardar, é pura demonstração de amor

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Bieber makes all the right, charming moves for a teen, and he covers all the bases. The dance-pop songs are light on the ears yet memorable; the unrequited material sounds deeply felt; the ballads have all the necessary us-against-the-world teen-love dramatics.
  2. Despite the clunky moments, there’s ample proof that Team Bieber know exactly what they’re doing and who they’re talking to. As you’d expect, it’s the ballads that hit the hardest.
  3. This full-length sequel, My World 2.0, in stores March 23, won't likely affect any adults not in the direct blast radius of Bieber's target range. That said, the kid seems to know what he's doing.