• Record Label: Anti-
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 42
  2. Negative: 1 out of 42
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  1. May 16, 2017
    When the structural instruments such as the guitar and drums were active, Japandroids were on top of their game, but most of the album was too harmonically tame to get there consistently. My Score: 118/180 (Good) = 6.6/10
  2. Jan 29, 2017
    Let me preface this review by saying I have a heavy bias in favor of Japandroids. Their album Celebration Rock literally changed me and the way I write music as a whole. The album came to me during a summer when i felt alone, and supported me emotionally. And if Celebration Rock is the standards by which i rate all other albums, I am thrilled to say that some will find Near To The WildLet me preface this review by saying I have a heavy bias in favor of Japandroids. Their album Celebration Rock literally changed me and the way I write music as a whole. The album came to me during a summer when i felt alone, and supported me emotionally. And if Celebration Rock is the standards by which i rate all other albums, I am thrilled to say that some will find Near To The Wild Heart Of Life just as provocative and will hold it just as close to the heart. It's still hopeful punk music but the boys from Japandroids are all grown up.

    The opening title track evokes the same emotions that you would feel if you were watching a band live. The drum roll gears you up for the fury and passion that the title track conveys. It shares the same spirit as early Japandroids, but forecasts the widened vision of production and instrumentation that continues to unfold as the album progresses. The second song North East South West is an excellent example of how Japandroids have evolved since Celebration Rock. The song not only has an acoustic guitar (which I never thought I would hear from the duo), but is arranged in a way that is fresh. Instead of staying in their lane, the song opens up and slows down for an ending that is inviting and a call for everyone to sing along.

    This slower trend (slower being a relative term) continues through the next couple of songs on the album, but despite their technically slower pace, the album never loses energy. The energy is just transformed into something more spiritual. There are new sonic landscapes and moments on the album almost feel like worship music because they are so life affirming and celebratory, Particularly on the track "True Love and A Free Life Of Free Will". and In a song like "I'm sorry (for not finding you sooner)", love is abundantly clear. The drums manage to keep subtlety while still being able to move the song in a way that is comforting, yet dripping with angst. It's clear the lyrical and melodic composition of the group is as strong as ever.

    Then there are songs like "Arc of Bar", that are screaming out one thing; Japandroids are stadium ready. It stomps around with a confidence that is impossible to ignore, and is accompanied by lyrics about getting so **** up that the mosquitos get drunk off their blood... If that's not Rock and Roll, then I don't know what is. The last half the album can only be described as pure, unadulterated, toe tapping, rock and roll, which all culminates in the poetic finally that is the song, "Body Like A Grave".

    It's not often that a band I hold in such high regards, not only returns from hiatus, but comes back to exceed and break the expectations that have been set and I cannot fully describe how proud I am of the duos performances on Near to The Wild Heart of Life. I've already listened to the record multiple times through since it was released on Friday and I'm starting to wonder: if i had heard this record previous to hearing Celebration Rock, which one i would love more? Luckily it's a question i don't have to answer because the fact remains; Japandroids are back and have made life a little more worth living.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Magnet
    Feb 14, 2017
    The more writerly approach hasn't dulled the duo's riffage one iota, even if this is their most musically expansive and easily their most musically expansive and easily their cleanest-sounding outing yet. [No. 139, p.56]
  2. Feb 8, 2017
    The energy imparted simply can’t overcome a drowning of influences, or rather, the kinetic is overcome by the potential.
  3. Feb 7, 2017
    As its cover and length (the usual eight songs) suggest, Near To The Wild Heart Of Life is unquestionably a Japandroids album. Some may yearn for more of Celebration Rock’s high voltage, but by changing gears they’ve added more depth and variation to those shout-along choruses we love so much.