• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2007
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Universal acclaim- based on 918 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 28 out of 918

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  1. RussellM
    Mar 6, 2007
    This is an awesome, era-defining record. Bruce touched on the 9/11 bit on 'Rising', but Arcade Fire have wrapped up the whole post 9/11 thing with a storming album. Best of the best is "Intervention".
  2. JoeA
    Mar 7, 2007
    If there was ever an album that needed a second/third/fourth listen, it is this one. I bought this, listened to it once through on the drive home and grimaced. It sounded weak musically (choruses? a decent melody?) and the lyrics way too bombastic to take seriously. I forced a second listen however and was stricken. The music that seemed to lack any sort of indelible cadence began to If there was ever an album that needed a second/third/fourth listen, it is this one. I bought this, listened to it once through on the drive home and grimaced. It sounded weak musically (choruses? a decent melody?) and the lyrics way too bombastic to take seriously. I forced a second listen however and was stricken. The music that seemed to lack any sort of indelible cadence began to entrap me. The lyrics are blunt and vivid -- nothing like the frustratingly opaque music that pervades the "indie" genre. These stories can affect you. I agree with the reviewer that mentioned the "Radiohead syndrome", but for different reasons. Because the Arcade Fire are the Arcade Fire, reviewers and fans are giving this album a fair chance to reveal itself, which is exactly what it needs. And because it can't be avoided: No, I don't think it's as good as Funeral. But that's pretty high to shoot for. Collapse
  3. Dave
    Mar 7, 2007
    I've listened to this a few times now, and i have to say I think it is a bit overrated. There are some very good songs here, but none that come close to the greatness of "Wake Up" or "Crown of Love". I'm just amazed at the number of people calling this a masterpiece, it's far from it at least imo.
  4. AramisG
    Mar 7, 2007
    Really good second album! Takes a few listens to sink in. Not as catchy as Funeral, but whatever bands can't always make every album as good as their "best". Love the Bruce Springstien-esque songs. One thing that is a little lazy is putting No Cars Go on this album. The new version isn't that different. I would have preffered to just have another new song.
  5. LukeT
    Mar 7, 2007
    The first play was alright, but like most of the reviews say, it does take a couple spins because it is so rich and powerful to fully absorb in one go. It truely is beautiful.
  6. kingmik
    Mar 7, 2007
    briliant...even better then the first one...
  7. mathk
    Mar 7, 2007
    heartbreakingly dark. not as good as funeral but still amazing. listen to it a couple times and it'll haunt you. no cars go and keep the car running give me goosebumps they're so good. doubt i'll hear anything nearly as good as this all year.
  8. ToddW
    Mar 7, 2007
    You've almost got to feel sorry for The Arcade Fire, if you can summon empathy for one of the hottest bands on the planet. I mean, how do you top one of the best debut albums in rock history? Simple, you rarely do. The hype and anticipation appear to have been just too suffocating to allow Neon Bible to breathe freely on its own. It's a fine album, but after Funeral it almost You've almost got to feel sorry for The Arcade Fire, if you can summon empathy for one of the hottest bands on the planet. I mean, how do you top one of the best debut albums in rock history? Simple, you rarely do. The hype and anticipation appear to have been just too suffocating to allow Neon Bible to breathe freely on its own. It's a fine album, but after Funeral it almost seems like it should be the subject of a burial Mass. It's a dark album, with little of that effervescent glow and matchless joy that marked much of its predecessor. Recorded in churches, the sounds on Neon Bible are deep and resonating. Would that the songs were in league with the recording. While decent, Win Butler's offerings are just not that memorable. The players also get in each other's way on some of the songs, as if everyone is trying too hard to make that memorable musical statement in their allotted time. More is not necessarily better, as Funeral ably proved. Still, it will stand as that competent child to the genius older sibling, and in a shadow is not a bad place to be. Expand
  9. scottc
    Mar 8, 2007
    This is "big rock" done right. A powerful album.
  10. KevinR
    Mar 8, 2007
    A very strong follow up to Funeral, yet it just doesn't quite flow as well.
  11. JeremyS
    Mar 9, 2007
    This is my first time hearing AF, never heard Funeral, so in my unbiased opinion, judging by this album alone, I'd say that this band will most definitely have a spot in my music collection. Not an album for everybody....not the kind of music that you can get into just whenever....you certainly have to be in one of those moods, as it tends to be heavy-hearted, but definitely adds a This is my first time hearing AF, never heard Funeral, so in my unbiased opinion, judging by this album alone, I'd say that this band will most definitely have a spot in my music collection. Not an album for everybody....not the kind of music that you can get into just whenever....you certainly have to be in one of those moods, as it tends to be heavy-hearted, but definitely adds a different color to the pallet and helps patch that hard-to-fill void when selecting music for the production of that ongoing soundtrack in each of our lives. Expand
  12. TaylorA.
    Mar 9, 2007
    First, I'd like to say that after the brilliance of both their self titled EP and especially Funeral (which is definitely one of my favourite albums of all time), I was hesitant in expecting too much from the album when it was announced to be released, as means of not getting my hopes up. And as so being the case, I was not at all disappointed. In fact, if I did have my hopes up, I First, I'd like to say that after the brilliance of both their self titled EP and especially Funeral (which is definitely one of my favourite albums of all time), I was hesitant in expecting too much from the album when it was announced to be released, as means of not getting my hopes up. And as so being the case, I was not at all disappointed. In fact, if I did have my hopes up, I don't think I would've been too disappointed, either. I don't think anyone who knows this band was expecting this to one-up Funeral, anyways. In Neon Bible, it is clear that Win Butler and fellow band members have matured quite a bit. The lyrics of this album are much more real. They have seemingly progressively lost their innocence, which is one of the focal points of their Self Titled, and still quite noticeably existent in Funeral. With Neon Bible, almost the only remnants of their innocent, surrealist beginnings are audible, though, mostly in Keep The Car Running, and not even in the (arguably) revamped No Cars Go, originally from their Self Titled EP. The album is much more put together than Funeral.. Much more contrived and solid. I am sorry for the excessive comparing to Funeral, I was going to try and stay away from that... Anyhow, The Arcade Fire do not disappoint in this solid album. So far, my favourite album of 2007 (or at least my favourite that was actually released in 2007.) Expand
  13. DaveG
    Mar 9, 2007
    This album is saving my sanity.
  14. AndreaP
    Mar 9, 2007
    Funeral was better, this album has not great riff like Wake up or Rebellion
  15. HexumN
    Apr 15, 2007
    This album is overrated, but it's still very good. It can be slow and serious, and it's powerful. Has some meaning. Very diverse songs. It's worth a listen.
  16. MG
    Apr 22, 2007
    The best album of last 5 years. Moving, deep and beautiful.
  17. pendepomo
    Apr 9, 2007
    awsome, it actually blowed my mind, i thought the sound changing would be a bad thing, but they made it, in amother way, but they did great
  18. HalleyP
    May 2, 2007
    There are 5 albums on this earth that I consider to be the only existing masterworks. Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks", The Beatles "abby Road", Miles Davis " Kind of Blue", Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks", and.... THE ARCADE FIRE'S ***NEON BIBLE***
  19. BrianW
    May 24, 2007
    This album's definitely a grower. It might not be as instantly genius as their debut, but it's still a stellar set of songs, with a lot of fantastic moments that other rock bands could never create. I don't really understand all the bitching about this one.
  20. Fel.
    May 26, 2007
    Amazing album, one of the best records i have ever heard!
  21. JackC
    May 3, 2007
    By God this is brilliant. Funeral was great (Power Out, anyone?) but lacked consistency. On here, just about every song is a complete winner. The new version of No Cars Go, Keep the Car Running, Antichrist Television Blues... so many reasons to love this album.
  22. Owen
    May 3, 2007
    Loved Funeral. Album of the year certainly, and as Hot Press say, contender for album of the decade. Some great tracks here too, but it over-whelms me a bit, the title track is atrocious, and I can't swallow the trite anti-church lyric on Intervention. It will still get spun, but a little disappointing.
  23. AndrewP
    May 9, 2007
    Intervention is great. Aside from that, there is good, and there is bad. Pitchfork got it right, the lyrics are very clunky and detract from the music (Black Mirror). I just don't understand the obsession with this release, as it is clearly inferior to Funeral.
  24. ArthurD.
    Jun 1, 2007
    It takes a while to get and repeated listens definitely does help, but sadly it is not quite as good as their last album "Funeral". It has a couple of absolute classic songs that will stand the test of time "Black Wave/Bad Vibrations", "Keep the car Running", but I was kind of disappointed with the overall CD. Played live however, these songs really come alive.
  25. JoeS
    Jun 3, 2007
    I think people are being very overcritical on this album, perhaps because of what Funeral brought to us all. I like it, it's got some good anthems, some good imagaination - just not as much as Funeral did. That doesn't mean its a total fuck up! If we were going to get another masterpiece then I'd start questioning the bands human nature...So all in all: its really good.
  26. JohnM
    Jul 18, 2007
    This is nothing less than perfect and simply the best record out this year. It gushes with passion that will knock you sideways and leave you grasping for more- very rare in the rock world these days. I have not heard anything like it since the Blue Nile emerged.
  27. andrea
    Sep 28, 2007
    best of 2007 and even better than funeral. yes, that apparently is possible.
  28. JoA.
    Sep 8, 2007
    Fantastic and fresh. Best of the year.
  29. AdolfG.
    Feb 22, 2008
    Way better than funeral
  30. LeeteF.
    Apr 18, 2008
    Well, this album is fine, but the producer fucked up for real. I HATE it when i have to try SO FUCKING HARD TO HEAR WHAT THE FUCK GOES ON WITH THE INSTRUMENTS!?!? Lyrics are fine, nice melodies and shit, but you can't just make instruments unhearable and.. indistinct (?).
  31. MichaelH.
    Aug 20, 2009
    Absolutely beautiful and heart wrenching. The Arcade Fire manages to continue to get better with time, and Neon Bible is only the beginning I'm sure.
  32. fre
    Oct 19, 2007
    Best album of 2007, a perfect collection.
  33. J.K.
    Dec 14, 2007
    Straddling the line between mournful angst and pessimistic hope, Neon Bible will probably have something that can resonate with just about anyone. It doesn't really have anything original to say, either in content or execution, but the bluesy, poppy, and funeralistic mix on display here is easy to listen to and hard to resist for most of the album before it starts to feel overblown.
  34. AdamT
    Feb 14, 2007
    In order to completely and thouroughly appreciate Neon Bible, one has to put Funeral aside; comparisons between the two will only deter each others quality, as both are completely separate works created by the band in extremely different situations, and with completely different visions. With that said, Neon Bible, although not an easy first, second, or third listen, pays off, enormously; In order to completely and thouroughly appreciate Neon Bible, one has to put Funeral aside; comparisons between the two will only deter each others quality, as both are completely separate works created by the band in extremely different situations, and with completely different visions. With that said, Neon Bible, although not an easy first, second, or third listen, pays off, enormously; "Keep the Car Running" one of two first singles (?), is completely phenomenal, it's Neon Bibles' "(Power Out) in a sense, but so much more. Songs like "Ocean of Noise," "(Antichrist Television Blues)," represent Arcade Fire heading in a new direction, observers of the sociopoliticalreligious events taking place in the now, and what they see, they don't like. New instruments are implemented by the many- a hurdy gurdy is carried by Regine, and the church organ the band dug up works stunningly well to emphasize the grandness of the concepts Win tackles- sounding more and more epic with each turning track, the album needs a break: "Windowsill" sighs beautifully; its' eventual juxtaposition of dance drums with Wins' over-the-top melancholic lyircs brings a balance amidst drama. All 11 tracks weave and coincide well; "No Cars Go," which I personally thought was Arcade Fires' brilliance gone-bad choice of reincluding the song in the new album, proves me wrong, on the contrary, "No Cars Go" shows confidence the original version never could have, and improves the power of a million AFs' debut best. Ultimately, whether sounding like Bruce Springsteen, or indulging in sonic experimentation, Arcade Fire have made what we have expected- an album worthy to suceed Funeral- not only that, it brings the band to a new direction, opening new doors, as we see them able to write songs about more than childhood fantasies. Neon Bible is already my pick for 07's best, and it may as well stand the test of time-it's brilliant. Expand
  35. KyleN
    Feb 16, 2007
    Truly a remarkable album that exceeded my expectations and will be there in the end for album of the year.
  36. MikeH
    Feb 16, 2007
    Great album, not as fast, but still incredible.
  37. Walabiz
    Feb 17, 2007
    The Arcade Fire, I'ill never stop loving you...
  38. MikeM
    Feb 18, 2007
    Time will tell if AF's second LP is more timeless than Funeral, but what is for sure from listening to Neon Bible, is that this band is easily one of the best bands of the past 20 years.
  39. CarlosD
    Feb 21, 2007
    Neon Bible reaffirms Arcade Fire's status as one of the most consistantly amazing bands of the last 20 years. Those expecting a Funeral clone will be disappointed though; Neon Bible takes a slower and darker approach.
  40. NeilP
    Feb 20, 2007
  41. wander
    Feb 23, 2007
    so great and beautiful like funeral welcome to the radiohead´s room, arcade!
  42. DaveH
    Feb 6, 2007
    A bit of a different direction than Funeral, but this group still makes an amazing record. Some people will call it Springsteen-like, but it's more that it's got some rock and roll tracks on it. Beautiful follow-up album.
  43. MichaelF
    Feb 7, 2007
  44. dojd
    Mar 11, 2007
  45. jaym
    Mar 12, 2007
    great, really good. give it a 10 (only because funeral gets a 10.5). Alot of the time I hate when cds get slowed right down with softer tracks, but theres a few on this one and they sync great with the album.
  46. ElizabethP
    Mar 13, 2007
    Definitely musically/instrumentally good as "Funeral". The lyrics are better but that's about it. There are only 2 really solid songs on the album "Black MIrror" and "My Body is a Cage". I impatiently waited 3 years for the followup to "Funeral" and boy am I disappointed. The GREAT band from Montreal have gotten too comfortable with their critically acclaimed status and have settled Definitely musically/instrumentally good as "Funeral". The lyrics are better but that's about it. There are only 2 really solid songs on the album "Black MIrror" and "My Body is a Cage". I impatiently waited 3 years for the followup to "Funeral" and boy am I disappointed. The GREAT band from Montreal have gotten too comfortable with their critically acclaimed status and have settled for mediocrity. But I still listen to "Funeral" to remind myself what an epic band the Arcade Fire used to be. Expand
  47. LukeR
    Mar 13, 2007
    I listened to this album expecting another "Funeral", and it didn't do that, so the first listen was dissapointing. Subsequent listens really dawn on you the fact that this is not at all a bad thing, a really enjoyable album.
  48. MichaelC
    Mar 14, 2007
    I don't own Funeral, so I can't really rate their "new" sound. But man, this cd is amazing. So emotional you almost want to go in to mourning for all the trajedies sung about. Every song is beautifully written and composed. Easily one of the best groups to come out of the recent burst of canadian bands. This is what music should be. Turn off the radio, which only seems capable I don't own Funeral, so I can't really rate their "new" sound. But man, this cd is amazing. So emotional you almost want to go in to mourning for all the trajedies sung about. Every song is beautifully written and composed. Easily one of the best groups to come out of the recent burst of canadian bands. This is what music should be. Turn off the radio, which only seems capable of spewing out trash from Hinder and Nickleback, and dish out ten bucks for this. If you don't like it, you don't like rock or art (which music should be). Expand
  49. MorganG
    Mar 16, 2007
    BEWARE of the sophomore curse! A sadly, uninspiring CD. Arcade FIre, you can do better this!
  50. EthanS
    Mar 16, 2007
    Wow. Just wow. Neon Bible has that certain something that all truly great albums somehow manage. More than being an easy favorite for Album of the year, Neon Bible may very well go down as Album of the Decade.
  51. Andy
    Mar 17, 2007
    Neon Bible doesn't hold gems like Crown of Love and Rebellion (Lies), but overall; it has many more great tracks. Slightly darker, almost goth, but it is one hell of an album.
  52. SteveD
    Mar 18, 2007
    I will not enter the "funeral vs neon bible" argument for now as I feel that it is going to make for great conversation and debate 10-12 years from now. Probably in the same way that we now review definitely maybe and morning glory against each other or assess the bends against o.k computer. All I will say based on my first 8 or so listens is that the quality of musicianship on show here I will not enter the "funeral vs neon bible" argument for now as I feel that it is going to make for great conversation and debate 10-12 years from now. Probably in the same way that we now review definitely maybe and morning glory against each other or assess the bends against o.k computer. All I will say based on my first 8 or so listens is that the quality of musicianship on show here is of an astoundingly high level. The world-wide critical acclaim is justified and even this early in their career their place in history amongst rock music's elite seems assured. Expand
  53. sam
    Mar 2, 2007
    their transcendent qualities are evident even if this record isn't quite perfect.
  54. MihaiV
    Mar 2, 2007
    Easily album of the year so far. They've done it again. This is music for the ages.
  55. MattM
    Mar 2, 2007
    Brilliant follow-up perfectly captures the anxiety of our times.
  56. JoeG
    Mar 2, 2007
    Not as immediately gripping as Funeral was, but after a few listens, I can honestly say that I prefer this to Funeral. The songs seem to have more focus, the album seems more connected, and the organ sounds incredible on the tracks they use it on.
  57. FredH
    Mar 2, 2007
    I can't be bored of this album...best of 2007 so far. Good second album... great lyric...great song wow!!! Watch out they're coming again !!!
  58. DubyaU
    Mar 2, 2007
    Beautiful and on par with Funeral. To everyone who says this band is undeserving of such praise should probably go get their ears checked.
  59. WallyZ
    Mar 23, 2007
    Read the Playlouder review if you want a good laugh. To describe any song on this album as "bloody rubbish" is unbelievable! I cannot understand it. Like those who gave Kid A a bad review when that first came out, these reviewers will be made to eat their words. This is one of the greatest albums ever made. No exageration. Every track is brilliant. The passion Win Butler puts into his Read the Playlouder review if you want a good laugh. To describe any song on this album as "bloody rubbish" is unbelievable! I cannot understand it. Like those who gave Kid A a bad review when that first came out, these reviewers will be made to eat their words. This is one of the greatest albums ever made. No exageration. Every track is brilliant. The passion Win Butler puts into his songs is immense. If you picked out any one of these songs, it would be better than any song in the top 10 singles chart. I could not be happier with this follow up to the greatest album of all time, Funeral. Expand
  60. davew
    Mar 24, 2007
    fantastic live set in brixton
  61. rubenn.
    Mar 24, 2007
  62. rays
    Mar 24, 2007
  63. TonyS
    Mar 25, 2007
    This is a brilliant album wothy of ten out of ten any day, but the thing is, it has actually made me appreciate funeral even more. These guys are the best live band in the universe too!!
  64. JamsieJ
    Mar 28, 2007
    I am a HUGE fan and ABSOLUTELY adore FUNERAL - it's my fav record. Neon Bible is very good too but not as thrilling as Funeral. It's like they're playing to a bigger audience with the anthemic nature of some of the songs. No Cars Go is still brilliant and i really like Intervention, Black Mirror, The Well and The Lighthouse plus the doom-laden feel to My Body is a Cage.
  65. QwanT
    Mar 28, 2007
    I think that the average user rating of 9 out of 10 speaks for itself. Some people just cannot open their minds to forget Funeral and embrace this equally mesmerising work of art. Most, however, agree with me. Already one of the best albums of the decade!
  66. LaurenceP
    Mar 29, 2007
    Just great! the more I listen to it the better it gets!!!
  67. LeoF
    Mar 3, 2007
    at first i was astonished. but then i listened to it more and more and more... and now I think it's just good.
  68. robertb
    Mar 3, 2007
    Whilst it has taken a while with certain tracks "keep the car running" hit me immediatly as a monumental tune of rebellion proportions - well worth the wait what would you suggest we all be listening to steve?
  69. Jordan
    Mar 3, 2007
    headline: Win Butler channels Roy Orbison-Wins hearts, minds.
  70. ErikR
    Mar 31, 2007
    Very good album with a handful of gems. Much more of a roving straight ahead feel than Funeral. Gives me the feeling of sticking my head out the window of a car going 40. This album seems to have a little less space between the the notes and vocals then funeral. This is not a bad thing but probably prevented me from giving it a 10. My mind tends to naturaly like space beetween notes. The Very good album with a handful of gems. Much more of a roving straight ahead feel than Funeral. Gives me the feeling of sticking my head out the window of a car going 40. This album seems to have a little less space between the the notes and vocals then funeral. This is not a bad thing but probably prevented me from giving it a 10. My mind tends to naturaly like space beetween notes. The production is a little muddy but I think this adds to the overall depressed but getting better feel of the album. My favorites are The Well And The Lighthouse, Keep The Car Running, and My Body Is a Cage. Overall a stunningly good album that should propell the band forward to new soundscapes. Expand
  71. DK
    Mar 5, 2007
    On first listen, I thought this was about a 5 out of 10. Boy am I glad I didn't give up. It takes a few listens, but the songs begin to reveal themselves and before you know it you'll be proclaiming this better than "Funeral." "Keep the Car Running", "Intervention", "Ocean of Noise", "Antichrist Television Blues", "No Cars Go" and "My Body is a Cage" are all standout tracks. On first listen, I thought this was about a 5 out of 10. Boy am I glad I didn't give up. It takes a few listens, but the songs begin to reveal themselves and before you know it you'll be proclaiming this better than "Funeral." "Keep the Car Running", "Intervention", "Ocean of Noise", "Antichrist Television Blues", "No Cars Go" and "My Body is a Cage" are all standout tracks. I'm a huge Modest Mouse fan but "Neon Bible" blows the Mouse's new offering "WWDBTSES" out of the water. Expand
  72. AndyP
    Mar 5, 2007
    This is not a funeral so keep your comparisons apart from an album that truly stands on its own.
  73. JesusBacon
    Mar 5, 2007
    I wasn't expecting it to live up to the hype, and it didn't, but it's still a pretty damn good album.
  74. SirukuN
    Mar 5, 2007
    I was skeptical at first since the opening track "Black Mirror" is not as splendidly inviting as "Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)." But once "Keep the Car Running" starts and ends, the rest of the album runs as smoothly as the second track's title. I'm hooked on it. It plays constantly in my head, my car, and my computer. As a whole, they've crafted their OK Computer: an album I was skeptical at first since the opening track "Black Mirror" is not as splendidly inviting as "Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)." But once "Keep the Car Running" starts and ends, the rest of the album runs as smoothly as the second track's title. I'm hooked on it. It plays constantly in my head, my car, and my computer. As a whole, they've crafted their OK Computer: an album that should be recognized as something greater than its individual songs. Expand
  75. DiegoL
    Mar 6, 2007
    Arcade Fire shoots a friendly agony enveloped in magnificent church organs, dramatic chorus, glorious violins, and cathartic atmospheres in cryptic lyrics, giving us the same intensity and waved emotion, from a different perspective, and moving away of Funeral's masterpiece
  76. ManuelV
    Mar 6, 2007
    Its a great album, so powerful.. personally I like it better than funeral, its more mature I guess and have more details (if that is possible). I want more of it!! And I think the same, it take you some time to growing on you.. but onces it does you would not want to stop listening to it. Great work from a great band.
  77. DaveJ
    Mar 6, 2007
    As good as Funeral. Canada is home to the most underrated band in the world (AF) & the most overrated (NIckelback - the win a Juno every year for crap).
  78. SeanP.
    Mar 6, 2007
    Quite honestly, as good as Funeral, for different reasons. In other words, it's pretty %#$@ great. The best of 2007 so far, and i've heard the new Peter Bjorn and Field Music and Of Montreal and Shins.
  79. MattA
    Mar 6, 2007
    Another Amazing album. This is a CD that you have to listen to LOUD AS HELL to appreciate. I simply love it. The band stays true to its own unique form while showing a new perspective to a darker side of the same band. Beautiful.
  80. TimB
    Mar 7, 2007
    I had high expectations for this album after Funeral, and they delivered. It is exceptional and I want to listen to it over and over again and dissect every song.
  81. DDB
    Mar 7, 2007
    The Arcade Fire possess impossible talent. Simply the best band around. Like Funeral, this one has you feeling like you are hearing something fresh and unique, something you've never heard before. And yet, you can hear influences from Bowie, Springsteen and the Pixies on this album. Relentless comparisons to their first effort are inevitable. But this stands on its own, is probably The Arcade Fire possess impossible talent. Simply the best band around. Like Funeral, this one has you feeling like you are hearing something fresh and unique, something you've never heard before. And yet, you can hear influences from Bowie, Springsteen and the Pixies on this album. Relentless comparisons to their first effort are inevitable. But this stands on its own, is probably more accessible and has some fantastic tracks. "Building Downtown", "Black Mirror" and "My Body is a Cage" top the list for me. Expand
  82. TomY
    Mar 7, 2007
    Let's face it. This album was never going to live up to the hype. Nonetheless, the album is quite polished and beautiful. Intervention delivers some of the passion we heard on Funeral with a church-like organ backdrop. I didn't like that they re-recorded no cars go. It really isn't much different than the original.
  83. KeithV
    Mar 7, 2007
    Give this one a chance. It's a keeper.
  84. AmandaS
    Mar 7, 2007
    No Funeral, but what is? Im just glad to hear more from them. A few of the songs are complete Gems. Can't wait to see them live in a few months!
  85. EricO.
    Mar 7, 2007
    The problem with attempting to follow up a perfect record is that the artist will inevitably fail in such an enterprise. "Funeral" can safely be considered one fo the best discs of the decade, a feat which Arcade Fire achieved their first time out. "Neon Bible", while not reaching the emotional depths of its predecessor, is about as good a sophomore effort as possible given The problem with attempting to follow up a perfect record is that the artist will inevitably fail in such an enterprise. "Funeral" can safely be considered one fo the best discs of the decade, a feat which Arcade Fire achieved their first time out. "Neon Bible", while not reaching the emotional depths of its predecessor, is about as good a sophomore effort as possible given "Funeral"'s genius. Once more, there's an "everything but the kitchen sink" mentality which lends each track a propulsive momentum. The only flaw to this approach is in the organ; its lower registers add a distorted sludge to some of the songs, and this murkiness threatens to drag down the clarity of other instrumentation. However, this is a small quibble for an otherwise brilliant piece of work from an amazing and talent band. Expand
  86. JasonS
    Mar 8, 2007
    Another top notch outing!
  87. M.C.
    Mar 8, 2007
    Tal como o Funeral o Neon Bible é claramente GENIAL!!!
  88. [Anonymous]
    Mar 8, 2007
    I personally like this album as much or more than I like Funeral. It's still an Arcade Fire album, but there are some songs that seem different. (the title track, which is one of my favorites) This album will almost definitely make my Best of 2007 list.
  89. CapuP
    Apr 1, 2007
    what at first sounded like a disappointment (in comparison to funeral) has turned out to be a scintillating ride of an album. definitely requires more than one listen to really get into, but once you're caught up in the manic energy you'll never get out. Antichrist Television Blues is the best song since Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels), and Arcade Fire are the best band since Radiohead.
  90. Teresa
    Apr 10, 2007
    It's no Funeral, but a fantastic album nonetheless. Win Butler wins again.
  91. markd
    Apr 14, 2007
    As with Funeral this lacks consistancy throughout the whole album. Ther's 4 or 5 truly great songs, a couple of good songs and 3 or 4 forgettable ones. When they get it right, however, they are nothing short of staggeringly glorious. They write songs so powerful and passionate that you feel like you've been emotionaly punched in the gut and they do it with originality and As with Funeral this lacks consistancy throughout the whole album. Ther's 4 or 5 truly great songs, a couple of good songs and 3 or 4 forgettable ones. When they get it right, however, they are nothing short of staggeringly glorious. They write songs so powerful and passionate that you feel like you've been emotionaly punched in the gut and they do it with originality and subtlety. I honestly couldn't see any other band today writing "Intervention" or "No Cars Go". Who'd have thought a church organ could be so emotive, a new version of one of their old songs (No Cars Go) would be one of their their finest moments or that some songs would sound like Springstein? They are full of surprises and the fact that they don't fit into any genre and that they write everything including the orchestral bits makes them just about in a legue of their own. All they need to do now is write their very own OK Computer or Automatic for the People and they will truly be one of the greats! Expand
  92. EddieQ
    Apr 19, 2007
    Sounds like Springsteen filling in as a vocalist with Interpol or Clap Your Hands Say Yeah as backup- brilliant. I prefer this album over Funeral - more stripped down - less cacophony!
  93. MarkFoxy
    Apr 19, 2007
    Great music best album. I just love The Arcade Fire. The sounds really comes alive. I love the loudness off the instruments and the music. I thought The Killers Sam's Town was good but i think i like The Arcade Fire better. 'Intervention' w the church organ playing and the loudness of sound. And i loved how they recorded the album in an old abandoned church. There promotion Great music best album. I just love The Arcade Fire. The sounds really comes alive. I love the loudness off the instruments and the music. I thought The Killers Sam's Town was good but i think i like The Arcade Fire better. 'Intervention' w the church organ playing and the loudness of sound. And i loved how they recorded the album in an old abandoned church. There promotion video is so special. It's like it's a showcase on a stage from the 1880s. Last thing is The Arcade Fire Neon Bible is UNIQUE. THE MUSIC IS UNIQUE. LOVE THEM Expand
  94. EvanB
    Apr 22, 2007
    BEST album of the year by far! Neon Bible has been in my car for over 1 month straight and is the only thing I have listened to! It will probably be there for another month or two! Only gets better with repeated listens!
  95. AlexC
    Apr 25, 2007
    I think that AF have gone one step further than "Funeral" with this album. I have to say that I didn't expect it, but that's what I believe. Tracks 1,2 & 4 sound incredible and the rest are all great songs. I'd doubt whether I'll hear a more likeable album this year.
  96. MattG
    Apr 27, 2007
    I am going to say that as far as I'm concerned Arcade Fire are the best band I have heard since I discovered REM in the mid 80's. Funeral was possibly my favourite album of all time, and when I first heard Neon Bible I liked it, but it was an 8/10 at best. Since then I have listened to it continuosly (almost every day) for over a month, and it has moved up to a 9, and now a I am going to say that as far as I'm concerned Arcade Fire are the best band I have heard since I discovered REM in the mid 80's. Funeral was possibly my favourite album of all time, and when I first heard Neon Bible I liked it, but it was an 8/10 at best. Since then I have listened to it continuosly (almost every day) for over a month, and it has moved up to a 9, and now a definite 10. This album just keeps getting better and better with every listen, and that is the true sign of a classic album. I'm even debating now whether I might actually end up putting it ahead of Funeral. Unbelievable! I feel sorry for those people who gave this album a couple of listens and wrote it off as a disappointment. Whack on some headphones, turn the volume up and let this cracker of an album reveal it's charms. It will be well worth your while. Expand
  97. JustinS
    Apr 27, 2007
    A pretty good sophmore effort. Most of the tracks are pretty good, but there's nothing that really stands out like on their from album like "Lies" or "Neighborhood #1". "Intervention" is really the only track that capture the magic from "Funeral".
  98. RobJ
    Apr 4, 2007
    A fantastic follow up to Funeral. The production quality has been improved upon the previous album. Up there with LCD Soundsystem's Sound of Silver as album of 2007.
  99. Oligami
    May 20, 2007
    Certainly not better than Funeral (how could it?), but it has its moments.
  100. MattB
    May 28, 2007
    If you can't understand why this album is amazing, give up on life and buy every boy-band album you can find.

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 0 out of 46
  1. So, Funeral was by no means a fluke. The Arcade Fire are unquestionably the real deal. And to prove it they’ve now thrown in another contender for ‘best record of the decade’.
  2. The Canadian septet are the greatest art rock group since Talking Heads stopped making sense.
  3. Alternative Press
    While devotees of Funeral... will surely enjoy Neon Bible, the album does have a decidedly different feel than its predecessor--mainly, there seems to be less of an emphasis on choruses. [Apr 2007, p.182]