• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 918 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 918

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  1. tbone
    Apr 29, 2007
    Ugg. So many bad things to say. Like Destroyer and New Pornographers, you gotta either love em or hate em. I don't buy the schtick. barely veiled ripoffs of better artists. Too many gimicks. Overly bombastic. Pam Anderson remains the best thing to come out of Canada by alot.
  2. BenK
    May 11, 2007
    Best album of 2007 so far. It's the effing sex. Are we allowed to say fuck on here? Well anyhoo, it's amazing. I love the epic sound to all of their songs.
  3. JayW
    May 14, 2007
    Honestly, I think this is the best album released this year. Pretty freaking awesome. I just really like it in every way. Catchy, yet experimental tunes.
  4. BrianH.
    Jun 19, 2007
    The disc is aging like a good wine. Not only does this band deserve the hype, it should be a requirement for any music fan to see them live once in thier life. Amazing LP.
  5. ClaireJ.
    Jun 23, 2007
    This album rewards the music fan who is interested in originality and a big art-rock sound. It just keeps growing on me -- I listened to it twice before bumping it up to a rating of 8, then it was up to a 9, and every time I've listened since, I find more musicality and a deeper groove to these unusual tracks.
  6. Mike
    Jun 24, 2007
    Read the reviews and hype about this ablum. So I bought it..... And WOW!!! I have never heard anything more emotional in my life before! Every song is so well thought out, Perfect 10!!! I am now an Arcade Fire FAN!!
  7. J.B.
    Jul 24, 2007
    Solid descibes it best; over-hyped - yes; boring - no
  8. RG
    Jul 26, 2007
    Funeral is one of my fav records of the recent years and a lot of hype surrounded this and it kinda delivers and kinda doesnt. the first album i thought was very well balanced around a centerpiece, whereas this is sonically going for one sound. certain misteps creep through mainly in the production but the songs are still solid. the first 4 trax are perfectly aligned and build on each Funeral is one of my fav records of the recent years and a lot of hype surrounded this and it kinda delivers and kinda doesnt. the first album i thought was very well balanced around a centerpiece, whereas this is sonically going for one sound. certain misteps creep through mainly in the production but the songs are still solid. the first 4 trax are perfectly aligned and build on each other and then comes 'black wave/bad vibrations', which does not build on whats already been heard. the next songs go everywhere and even the themes get a little repetitive. 'no cars go' is a great song between some really not so good tracks and the finisher kinda sums up the album with a haunting sound making me wish some other songs were this grand. Expand
  9. HollisG.
    Aug 16, 2007
    Good album, but I feel like Arcade Fire expanded on and explored all the things about them that I didn't really dig, rather than move in a more daring, explosive direction. I wanted to love this album, I really did. But I suppose the final test is that I really just don't listen to it that much.
  10. StefanieL
    Dec 2, 2008
    Probably one of the best albums ever. A huge variation of different Instruments, including a organ, make their music powerful and captivating. Moreover with "My Body is a cage" they wrote one of the most powerful and most beautiful songs ever.
  11. FogulS
    Jan 31, 2008
    you had me worried, so worried that things would burst, but they didn't.
  12. ColinB.
    Feb 18, 2008
    Phenomenal. Every song is a delicate masterpiece---they would fail with most other bands, but Butler's dark, anguished vocals along with a pitch-perfect instrumental balance make them memorable. "Keep the Car Running" may be the track of the century. It's the song equivalent of vanilla ice cream...so simple, yet so refreshingly rewarding. "Windowsill," "Intervention," and "No Phenomenal. Every song is a delicate masterpiece---they would fail with most other bands, but Butler's dark, anguished vocals along with a pitch-perfect instrumental balance make them memorable. "Keep the Car Running" may be the track of the century. It's the song equivalent of vanilla ice cream...so simple, yet so refreshingly rewarding. "Windowsill," "Intervention," and "No Cars Go" are also standouts, but they are still just the highlights of a mighty, mighty album--better than "Funeral" and every other album of 2007! Expand
  13. TaniaC.
    Sep 24, 2008
    I think it very good, with lovely tunes and songs that stick to your head for days
  14. Francesco
    Dec 22, 2007
    I think in some ways it's even better than Funeral. And that's a lot to say.
  15. Sep 24, 2010
    Because Funeral was just a complete and utter masterpiece, there is no way Arcade Fire can top their debut. It is said true here as it is not up to snuff with Funeral. Instead, they give a completely different sophomore effort. Instead of having a collection of atmospheric, haunting and heart felt songs from Funeral, they give a straightforward effort with a mixture of songs from theBecause Funeral was just a complete and utter masterpiece, there is no way Arcade Fire can top their debut. It is said true here as it is not up to snuff with Funeral. Instead, they give a completely different sophomore effort. Instead of having a collection of atmospheric, haunting and heart felt songs from Funeral, they give a straightforward effort with a mixture of songs from the jangly pop jives, the dark but grandiose and to the absolute energetic. It is a definite listen and an easy one at that as it is Arcade Fire's easily listen able but also a darker, more frontal experience. Expand
  16. Nov 2, 2010
    Every single song in this album is amazing, everything is done perfectly. I still cannot decide which one I like more but this album defined a period of my life, I can't even imagine how many times I've listened to it.
  17. Sep 2, 2012
    Yes I'm writing this review in 2012, but now I've revisited this album after not giving it a fair chance the first time. I'm pleased to say that there is not a weak song on here. The other thing I like about it is the sense of cohesion and unity of mood that pervades. It really is a fun and engaging listen, and I daresay is my favorite AF album.
  18. Nov 14, 2011
    I think its hated on far too much because of how anti-religious this album is. Its not anti-religious in a bad way, Its merely saying that religion (while widely accepted) causes a lot more problems then what it is worth and that one day we will have to choose to keep it or abandond it. I loved this album and imo its the best album Arcade Fire put out.
  19. Nov 23, 2010
    Neon Bible is a joyous listen. Every song is absolutely magnificent. It was a great big step in the right direction from their first masterpiece Funeral. It's dark, perfectly written, compellingly instrumental and a beautiful voice from Win Butler. This album was my favorite album at one point. I could never stop listening to it. All In All, Neon Bible has some of my favorite songs of allNeon Bible is a joyous listen. Every song is absolutely magnificent. It was a great big step in the right direction from their first masterpiece Funeral. It's dark, perfectly written, compellingly instrumental and a beautiful voice from Win Butler. This album was my favorite album at one point. I could never stop listening to it. All In All, Neon Bible has some of my favorite songs of all time on it and its a fantastic album. Expand
  20. Apr 21, 2011
    Following on from a fantastic debut record is always tough work but The Arcade Fire have passed the test with Neon Bible. At times it might lack the emotion and passion that was felt on Funeral, as the band has traded that sound for a heavier indie rock sound that utilises the distorted guitar much more than on Funeral. It also sounds a little overdone at times, such as on Black Wave BadFollowing on from a fantastic debut record is always tough work but The Arcade Fire have passed the test with Neon Bible. At times it might lack the emotion and passion that was felt on Funeral, as the band has traded that sound for a heavier indie rock sound that utilises the distorted guitar much more than on Funeral. It also sounds a little overdone at times, such as on Black Wave Bad Vibrations, which is a dark and overcrowded piece of music. However on tracks such as No Cars Go and Keep The Car Running there's an incredible amount of spirit and vibe that can only have you praising The Arcade Fire. It might not be the equivalent of Funeral, but overall it's a solid indie rock follow up.
    Best tracks: Keep The Car Running, The Well And The Lighthouse, No Cars Go
  21. Jun 8, 2013
    Listen to it alone in the dark at night.
    My four personal favorite tracks: Keep the Car Running; Black Wave Bad Vibrations; Windowsill; No Cars Go.
    Enough said.
  22. May 16, 2011
    My least favourite Arcade Fire album, though still pretty outstanding... I love Black Mirror and My Body Is A Cage, though the only song that brings the score of this album down is Keep The Car Running
  23. May 12, 2011
    i enjoyed listening to this album. it was great. i still got to listen to funeral. but i really do like this one a lot. it had some great songs on this record
  24. Oct 19, 2011
    It was always going to be impossible to follow up Funeral. Expectations on this album were probably a bit too high. It's actually quite a good album but where Funeral was fresh and vibrant, Neon Bible sounds a bit stale and jaded before it even gets going. Apparently the record was written while the band were still touring Funeral - which comes across on the record. The fact that one ofIt was always going to be impossible to follow up Funeral. Expectations on this album were probably a bit too high. It's actually quite a good album but where Funeral was fresh and vibrant, Neon Bible sounds a bit stale and jaded before it even gets going. Apparently the record was written while the band were still touring Funeral - which comes across on the record. The fact that one of the strongest tracks on it, No Cars Go, was hanging around for years illustrates this point. Still, if you take Funeral out of the equation (yes that's my 4th time mentioning it) and take this album on its own merits, it's well worth getting into and has some gems on it. The songwriting at times is a little bit pompous which takes away from the songs and the production is also a bit ott. Expand
  25. Nov 29, 2011
    Easily their best work. I think people hate it so much because the entire album is pretty much saying "F" religion. While the band's sound is different, Its different in a good way. I loved this album.
  26. Mar 2, 2012
    I think that Funeral is the best Arcade Fire's album, but Neon Bible is my favorite. It's no pretentious but ambitious. The band made a very good album.
  27. Mar 19, 2012
    The album is different from Funeral, darker than Funeral, but I do not believe weaker than Funeral. The songs are still powerful, still excellent. It isn't just a bunch of songs lumped together, as is so common - this is a real album, with a certain theme binding its tracks together.
  28. Jan 21, 2013
    I consider myself an Arcade Fire fan but Neon Bible just lacks the amount of variety present on Funeral and The Suburbs. Neon Bible does have impressive orchestration especially in the new rendition of No Cars Go. But overall this album is lacking in songs that pop out and lacks the amazing variety that their other two albums have.
  29. Feb 23, 2014
    Arcade Fire’s sophomore release has a shaky beginning and a mid-album crisis, but is altogether a confirmation of the immense talent the Canadian band has shown on their debut and an establishment of them in the indie scene. Neon Bible isn’t the same as Funeral though: Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, and co. have got bleaker, but also clearer with their social criticism. As the album’s titleArcade Fire’s sophomore release has a shaky beginning and a mid-album crisis, but is altogether a confirmation of the immense talent the Canadian band has shown on their debut and an establishment of them in the indie scene. Neon Bible isn’t the same as Funeral though: Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, and co. have got bleaker, but also clearer with their social criticism. As the album’s title indicates, the eleven tracks primarily serve as condemnations of television and religion, whether it’s through the perspective of Joe Simpson, exploiting his children for his own purposes (“(Antichrist Television Blues)”), or a man addressing his father (“Windowsill”). The result is highly intelligent and interesting music and shows a lot of new aspects of Arcade Fire, some of them better than anything they’ve ever shown before. I don’t mind about not entirely enjoying every single song, as Neon Bible is a musical progression that prophesies a great future for the band – whatever future that might be. Expand
  30. Jul 15, 2014
    A fantastic album that encompasses such grand themes and lyricism that far outdo the competition today. An absolute masterpiece; lyrically, musically, thematically, and although vocally it isn't outstanding, that's almost the point... like the themes in their songs; nothing is perfect.

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 0 out of 46
  1. So, Funeral was by no means a fluke. The Arcade Fire are unquestionably the real deal. And to prove it they’ve now thrown in another contender for ‘best record of the decade’.
  2. The Canadian septet are the greatest art rock group since Talking Heads stopped making sense.
  3. Alternative Press
    While devotees of Funeral... will surely enjoy Neon Bible, the album does have a decidedly different feel than its predecessor--mainly, there seems to be less of an emphasis on choruses. [Apr 2007, p.182]