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Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 59
  2. Negative: 12 out of 59

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  1. EinarJ.
    May 7, 2008
    I have heard about Against Me! for a while now, but never took the time to look at them. Without having seen any previous album by AM!, I can say, i hated this album. Not because i'm some totaly one-eyed genre geek, i listen to everything fairly. This album was just plain mediocre and typical in so many ways. It's painful to see Spin let it beat 'In Rainbows' a I have heard about Against Me! for a while now, but never took the time to look at them. Without having seen any previous album by AM!, I can say, i hated this album. Not because i'm some totaly one-eyed genre geek, i listen to everything fairly. This album was just plain mediocre and typical in so many ways. It's painful to see Spin let it beat 'In Rainbows' a masterpiece of our time, and that beat a decent Arcade Fire album. God, i hate this album, sure it's got some grit, but it's so unoriginal and cliche. I was going over 'Raw' by Lindsay Lohan' and, however this is possible, found it to be a more fulfilling effort. Awful album. Expand
  2. DanaC.
    Feb 25, 2008
    The reason I found this album so disappointing is that it is hard to take them seriously after they sold out so hard. The lyrics are still pretty well written and meaningful, but I can't see them as anything but empty now that Against Me! has turned into a slick corporate "punk" band. Tell me, how could you compromise yourself like this?
  3. RobC.
    Dec 31, 2007
    I have been listening to this band and going to shows since 2001, I have seen them in the basement and I have seen them the the larger venues they are playing. There was never another London calling, there was never another nevermind, there was never another white album, reinventing axle rose was there and then, great album but you cannot hold the band accountable to what happens to I have been listening to this band and going to shows since 2001, I have seen them in the basement and I have seen them the the larger venues they are playing. There was never another London calling, there was never another nevermind, there was never another white album, reinventing axle rose was there and then, great album but you cannot hold the band accountable to what happens to everyone of us, change, its the only constant. This band made a great album, Thrash Unreal is Pints of Guinness part duex, The Ocean is like nothing they have ever done, and thats what I want from one of my favorite bands to go out and just do what they do best, great music, great times, and great shows. I can't wait till I have a son one day and when he is old enough I am going to hand him a few albums, and tell him "Son this is Against Me!, this is music, here is a beer now go enjoy . Expand
  4. adaml
    Dec 22, 2007
    First of all, this is not punk, so stop calling it that. Secondly, this is their worst album ever (and I did like Searching), made exponentially worse by the hackjob Butch Vig did on the band. They're all but screwed unless they go back to No Idea, or PlanitX. Tom's lost his lyrical punch, which is what kills the band. These songs don't have bite; they're no different First of all, this is not punk, so stop calling it that. Secondly, this is their worst album ever (and I did like Searching), made exponentially worse by the hackjob Butch Vig did on the band. They're all but screwed unless they go back to No Idea, or PlanitX. Tom's lost his lyrical punch, which is what kills the band. These songs don't have bite; they're no different than anything else on the radio now, save White People For Peace which is a fine song. People will argue that Tom destroys the music industry with his lyrics, but I'll tell them to listen to What We Worked For and then tell me if Up The Cuts really has that lyrical poignancy they thought. If they wanted to mellow out, that's great, they should go all acoustic and be a folk band or something and do what made them great in the first place. But this half electric chimey guitar crap has to stop. They're the best folk punk band up to this point in time, but as an alternative rock band they're sub-par at best. The U2 comparison wasn't that far off. They're at their best when they're uncontrolled, pissed off, and either folk or punk or both. This is just bad pop music. Expand
  5. HeatherC.
    Dec 21, 2007
    Sell outs? nay. i have to admit, there are songs that don't really make me an anarchist ("White People For Peace") and the lyrics aren't all that... well... well thought out. But admist all the other stuff out there, I would buy this in a heartbeat. It's been a long time since someone screamed his heart out and meant it.
  6. JonathanE.
    Dec 21, 2007
    It's a pretty good record, but I'd like to point out that this band sounds a helluva lot like Manic Street Preachers. In all honesty, the Manics are better too. Check out their last record "Send Away the Tigers" which has a similar feel to this one, but with even better songs.
  7. TannerL
    Dec 6, 2007
    I have tried and tried and tried but "New Wave" just doesn't grab me like any previous Against Me did. The First couple of songs started with promise but led into "Thrash Unreal" which really threw me off with the U2 style guitar effects. Followed eventually with an un-even duet with one of the girls from tegan and Sara and later a dance punk throw-away song that would make even I have tried and tried and tried but "New Wave" just doesn't grab me like any previous Against Me did. The First couple of songs started with promise but led into "Thrash Unreal" which really threw me off with the U2 style guitar effects. Followed eventually with an un-even duet with one of the girls from tegan and Sara and later a dance punk throw-away song that would make even Franz Ferdenand blush. The rest of the album eventually fumbles into a smattering of okay but ultimately forgettable songs that never really get a foot-hold in the mind. Expand
  8. StuartW.
    Dec 3, 2007
    This album is excellent. Tom is sounding better than ever and the musicianship is excellent. Slightly let down by a god awful opening track though.
  9. JaredF.
    Oct 24, 2007
    There are hits, there are misses, and then there's Against Me!'s New Wave. Teetering on verge of patchiness and cheese, this album hurts my heart to listen to. Self-appointed master of the obvious Tom Gabel takes us on a lyrical journey through the annals of a Tony Robbins self-help video collection. With quips like, "Stop! Take some time to think. Figure out what's There are hits, there are misses, and then there's Against Me!'s New Wave. Teetering on verge of patchiness and cheese, this album hurts my heart to listen to. Self-appointed master of the obvious Tom Gabel takes us on a lyrical journey through the annals of a Tony Robbins self-help video collection. With quips like, "Stop! Take some time to think. Figure out what's important to you..." and "You have to fight to stay in control of the situation." who needs enemies? If simply reading these sophomoric lyrics doesn't make you cringe, you have no soul. Granted, Gabel's signature poetic angst does shine through intermittently, I still have to say it gets lost in the overwhelming mediocrity of this album. I am a big fan of Against Me! (Is there a Band you traveled 1200 miles to see?) but I believe they CAN, HAVE, and hopefully (with crossed fingers and about ten nickels in a wishing well) WILL do better. Expand
  10. SamK.
    Oct 21, 2007
    Possibly my new favorite band. Melodically lyrically vocally artistically incredible. Tom Gabel is an incredible vocalist backed by a solid wall of guitars and lots of deep powerful percussion. Somehow all of this ends up being incredibly melodic. Seriously awesome.
  11. [Anonymous]
    Oct 12, 2007
    this album is fantastic, it is a different style of their 'reinventing axl rose' album, but it hits hard, has the same sing-along feel and deep and thought lyrics and musical composition.
  12. JasonM.
    Oct 12, 2007
    It just doesn't have that feeling that their earlier albums did. As the Eternal Cowboy and Reinventing Axl Rose will always be timeless additions to the folk-punk community, whereas this is no different than most punk bands out there. I'm NOT accusing them of selling out, but the music just doesn't feel the same anymore. Their best work in my opinion: The Acoustic EP.
  13. EliT.
    Oct 7, 2007
    It might not be a sellout album, but it still saddens me to no end that we'll never get another "Axl". This is by no means an awful album, it's just doesn't seem the same as the Against Me! I knew and loved. 2 songs into the album I was hoping for merely a weak start, then the "ba, ba, bas" a la The Fratelli's "Flathead" kicked in, and I knew I was listening to the end It might not be a sellout album, but it still saddens me to no end that we'll never get another "Axl". This is by no means an awful album, it's just doesn't seem the same as the Against Me! I knew and loved. 2 songs into the album I was hoping for merely a weak start, then the "ba, ba, bas" a la The Fratelli's "Flathead" kicked in, and I knew I was listening to the end of the old Against Me! and personally, I'd look up Ben Lee's acoustic cover album of "New Wave", it's truer to the spirit of against me than the actual band is these days. Expand
  14. jyotirmayadas
    Sep 24, 2007
    I agree with Pitchfork in that it sounds too "cleaned up" by Butch Vig's production, BUT at first I thought it sounded like early R.E.M. And that's a good thing because "New Wave" (why did they call it that - they're not the Police?) is a good listen for those who have the mindset to go along with it, and for them, it's a solid, good album! And Yay "Tegan and Sarah" on I agree with Pitchfork in that it sounds too "cleaned up" by Butch Vig's production, BUT at first I thought it sounded like early R.E.M. And that's a good thing because "New Wave" (why did they call it that - they're not the Police?) is a good listen for those who have the mindset to go along with it, and for them, it's a solid, good album! And Yay "Tegan and Sarah" on "Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart." Expand
  15. WesJ.
    Sep 11, 2007
    I am a gainesville native who was never overly impressed with anything against me had ever done before. not to say i thought they were bad or anything, they just didn't seem to be all that proficient at songwriting to me. but this album is solid, complimented surprisingly strongly by vig's clean hand at work. and, god, i'm a sucker, but "borne on the fm waves of the heart" I am a gainesville native who was never overly impressed with anything against me had ever done before. not to say i thought they were bad or anything, they just didn't seem to be all that proficient at songwriting to me. but this album is solid, complimented surprisingly strongly by vig's clean hand at work. and, god, i'm a sucker, but "borne on the fm waves of the heart" is a stellar, nostalgic track, and i can't even listen to sara and eagen or whatever the hell they're called. gabel shows some vocal flexibility on this record as well. i think i'm a fan now. Expand
  16. RichR.
    Aug 26, 2007
    This album rocks, the guitars and drums are great, as are the vocals. One thing I'll say about the comments about this record is there doesn't seem to be much middle ground here.
  17. seeyoui
    Aug 15, 2007
    Equal to Axel Rose. there I said it! growing is not selling-out you pundint fools. you can't keep chasing your collective tails forever, punks will be punks will be punks, someone is always there to take up any slack for the ideals when your realizations smack you in the face with a dry slap of a gernade. f-ing great cd!
  18. Seriously?
    Aug 15, 2007
    In the August issue of Spin, Brain Raferty calls this "the best rock album in ages" and "the most invigorating, zeitgeist-capturing album in years", therefor inadvertently revealing the only other bands he listens to are Coldplay and the Killers. This album is nothing even close to special. The best track is "Thrash Unreal", which sounds like a poor approximation of a particularly In the August issue of Spin, Brain Raferty calls this "the best rock album in ages" and "the most invigorating, zeitgeist-capturing album in years", therefor inadvertently revealing the only other bands he listens to are Coldplay and the Killers. This album is nothing even close to special. The best track is "Thrash Unreal", which sounds like a poor approximation of a particularly unimaginative Hold Steady song. Expand
  19. BrandonH
    Aug 10, 2007
    People can scream at the top of their lungs about selling out, but the fact of the matter is Against Me! has accomplished the ultimate goal for any independent band making the leap from indie label to major market. The anger, the fury, the inability to lay down and take what is dished out is still there. Gabel's fire has not been extinguished. He's still just as pissed as on People can scream at the top of their lungs about selling out, but the fact of the matter is Against Me! has accomplished the ultimate goal for any independent band making the leap from indie label to major market. The anger, the fury, the inability to lay down and take what is dished out is still there. Gabel's fire has not been extinguished. He's still just as pissed as on "Axl", he's just more grown up, more focused. If that means a more adult Against Me! is no longer "raw", than give me polished Against Me! anytime. This is easily the best rock record I've heard thus far in 2007, and the album seems to unlock even more brilliance everytime the disc spins in my player. It's pointed and focused, crunching and tight; it goes for the jugular from the frist second of the title track, to the final chord of "Ocean". Against Me! hasn't changed, just the recording quality has, and if professional sounding records aren't your thing, than I guess stay away, but if unashamed, unabashed, rock fury is something your looking for, pick up "New Wave" as soon as possible. You'l be doing yourself a favor. Expand
  20. AGB
    Aug 8, 2007
    New Wave represents Against Me! moving up in the music world. This album sounds ultra produced and radio friendly which is a far cry from the raw anguish that Gabels voice used to be. These boys are moving on up and who can blame them for cashing in? It is still decent and still new material, but has no where near the feeling of Re-inventing Axl Rose or Searching for a Former Clarity.
  21. BM
    Aug 8, 2007
    A great album. For anyone who cries sellout, I counter by saying that the only reason they didn't sell more in the past is that the production was poor. Butch Vig has an uncanny talent for bringing out the best in a band's sound. Searching for a Former Clarity was Fat Wreck Chords best attempt at breaking Against Me!, but J. Robbins couldn't get the sound out of 'em.
  22. SimonD
    Aug 3, 2007
    Best album so far. A great progression: Reinventing Alx Rose is still a solid album, but this one is a wonderful progression for the band. don't forget that change in music is necessary... look at all those bands who haven't evolve... yes, I know! We don't even remember their name or don't listen to them anymore!
  23. CorkyB
    Aug 3, 2007
    It's a slick pop album, with a punk sensibility. How cute. While many will decry that the dissent comes from people not wanting Against Me! to be on a major, there are some who held out hoping AM! would follow through on this album as they had done in the past. However, what we got was a pop album in which the nuance and strength of Gabel's lyrics seems thrown to the wayside in It's a slick pop album, with a punk sensibility. How cute. While many will decry that the dissent comes from people not wanting Against Me! to be on a major, there are some who held out hoping AM! would follow through on this album as they had done in the past. However, what we got was a pop album in which the nuance and strength of Gabel's lyrics seems thrown to the wayside in favor of Franz Ferdinand's catchiness. Do yourself a favor: if you want to save the radio, get your local station to play "As the Eternal Cowboy". Expand
  24. MikeS
    Aug 3, 2007
    No songs as good as Pints of Guiness, Axl Rose, or TSR, but overall better than most others. The first six tracks are super-solid. As always with Against Me, I just wish it was longer.
  25. noahs
    Aug 3, 2007
    The rating of this album doesn't have anything to do with "selling out" or "changing sounds." The horrible rating reflects the sub par performance and song writing on the album. There is not one song that stands out, and the ones that try to are so inferior to other AM! songs that they are not even worth listening to twice. It just goes to show with the "critics" giving this album The rating of this album doesn't have anything to do with "selling out" or "changing sounds." The horrible rating reflects the sub par performance and song writing on the album. There is not one song that stands out, and the ones that try to are so inferior to other AM! songs that they are not even worth listening to twice. It just goes to show with the "critics" giving this album praise, these people do not have any connection to the real music and they are partly the reason why we suffer through other such acclaimed acts as Fall Out Boy or Red Jump Suit. So why listen to these people, listen to the album and you can tell that the songs are not that great. This is not to say that AM! can still bring their best on the next attempt, in fact I'm counting on it Expand
  26. EricC
    Jul 30, 2007
    If you want to really see how badly a band can sell out, buy this album. Went from being one of the best gritty rock bands out there to being this; just another alternative band. Hunt down their early stuff to see what they were and what they still could have been.
  27. Karar
    Jul 25, 2007
    Even at their worst, they're still better then the rest. Not that the album is bad. it's actually really good. it just takes a little bit to get used to the change in sound. but lyrically, this is one of the best albums they've put out.
  28. BrianS
    Jul 23, 2007
    So hey! Who remembers Chumbawamba? Band develops devoted underground following. Band gets courted by major labels. Band decides that everything they've said before would reach more people if their actions totally contradicted it. Every song on this album is Against Me!'s "Tubthumping." Their sound has lost that raw, folky edge that made them so cool in the first place in favor So hey! Who remembers Chumbawamba? Band develops devoted underground following. Band gets courted by major labels. Band decides that everything they've said before would reach more people if their actions totally contradicted it. Every song on this album is Against Me!'s "Tubthumping." Their sound has lost that raw, folky edge that made them so cool in the first place in favor of slick pop-punk production that Fall Out Boy would be envious of. Their lyrics have lost both their heart and their subtlety, and somehow, didn't manage to even hold onto a scrap of coherence. Basically, if you love punk rock drinking music but hate tin whistles, or if you think U2 is the greatest political rock band of all time, you'll LOVE this record. I'll pretty much stick the old stuff and forget this band exists by the end of the year with everyone else. Expand
  29. KyleW
    Jul 21, 2007
    Bands that tend to alter parts of their sound lose a lot of fans. Against Me! definitely hasn't fallen into that discussion of bands with this album. "Fans" of the band are complaining merely because of the major label, but in actuality this album could very well be their best one. It is utterly useless to stop listening to a band because they're being recognized. Gabel fires on Bands that tend to alter parts of their sound lose a lot of fans. Against Me! definitely hasn't fallen into that discussion of bands with this album. "Fans" of the band are complaining merely because of the major label, but in actuality this album could very well be their best one. It is utterly useless to stop listening to a band because they're being recognized. Gabel fires on all cylinders with virtually every song on the record. Ocean is incredible. Expand
  30. ExubaiN
    Jul 21, 2007
    Not sticking to the same old thing, not worrying about what people have to say. Against Me! does it again.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. New Wave is crisp, direct, and sharp. It's clean, but not glossy; it's defiant; it's brash; it's heartfelt.
  2. 80
    Superproducer Butch Vig is around to help transform Gabel’s strident leftism and occasionally clumsy choruses (e.g., "Protest Songs! In response to military aggression!") into swing-state-ready stadium rock.
  3. Their best album to date.