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Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12

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  1. MatthewT
    Feb 9, 2006
    Many have already made the high quality of this album known in their comments, so i shall simply defend it from those who single out the production and the instrumentals...quite frankly, i cannot find fault with the production which seems crisp and suited to the music...and the instrumentals...what's wrong with them? Do songs have to have lyrics to be good? In my opinion the Many have already made the high quality of this album known in their comments, so i shall simply defend it from those who single out the production and the instrumentals...quite frankly, i cannot find fault with the production which seems crisp and suited to the music...and the instrumentals...what's wrong with them? Do songs have to have lyrics to be good? In my opinion the instrumentals add variety to an already quality album, which contains no filler, but plenty of quality 80s style music with a beat that makes your hips want to wiggle and your arms want to dance...GO VHS OR BETA GO! Collapse
  2. EW
    Jan 14, 2006
    I love this band! Their not that big in the UK so I had a hard time trying to find the album, but when I did i was soooo happy!!! The beats are highly addictive and you can't help but dance! Their like what you get when you mix together Duran Duran, Daft Punk and The Cure. Get this album NOW!!!
  3. MusicMaven
    Jun 13, 2005
    VHS Or Beta follow a pretty simple formula. Thumping 70's disco + moody 80's new wave = new millennium dance-punk. It's not terribly original, but it makes for a fun listen. There's echoes of The Alarm, Echo & The Bunnymen, and early U2 within the dancefloor-ready grooves. The minimal lyrics are pretty bland, but the lead singer's Robert-Smith-like croon makes VHS Or Beta follow a pretty simple formula. Thumping 70's disco + moody 80's new wave = new millennium dance-punk. It's not terribly original, but it makes for a fun listen. There's echoes of The Alarm, Echo & The Bunnymen, and early U2 within the dancefloor-ready grooves. The minimal lyrics are pretty bland, but the lead singer's Robert-Smith-like croon makes them sound deep. Some of the songs fade into the background and others go on too long (like the closer "Irreversible"), but if you like the ingredients in the formula, this album can definitely set your night on fire. Expand
  4. BennyB
    Jun 9, 2005
    I've been listening to this album non-stop since I bought it. There's nothing new here though and there is a bit of bandwagon hopping feel to it. But in music for musics sake terms, it's definitley worth a listen if you like rock/dance crossovers or 80's revival music.
  5. EmaN
    Mar 7, 2005
    best ep i've heard in a long time. they have a unique but familiar sound; i think that's what is so appealing about them. hats off to them!
  6. MS
    Nov 4, 2004
    Beautiful album!! FYI - Louisville is NOT a "small college town"
  7. DouglasS
    Nov 1, 2004
    a new sound to freshen up my playlist. To me they have a "The Killers" meets the 80's sound. Its a fun album that made me feel nostalgic and rock out at the same time.
  8. MikeB
    Oct 18, 2004
    This album rocks right out of the gate. Night On Fire is the probably the best lead track on any album this year.
  9. billyc
    Oct 1, 2004
    though not on par with other great louisville acts such as my morning jacket, "night on fire" showcases the amount of talent coming out of the small college town. vhs or beta's new cd shows a lot of promise for a more darker and less poppier sound. i say it's good, but not great, but there is a LOT of potential for the betas to be something bigger than the sum of their parts. go cards?

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Alternative Press
    Clogging their previously supple grooves with banal guitar bluster and noxious singing, VHS Or Beta don't set the Night On Fire; they just dampen your spirits. [Oct 2004, p.148]
  2. VHS or BETA have moved on, like so many bands this year, to pillaging the dance-friendly template of late-80s Cure.
  3. Kill the instrumentals and one or two filler tracks and you've got one of the best EPs of the year.