• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2016
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  1. Mar 19, 2021
    It's the right artist in the wrong moment. There are plenty male performers singing about romantic proposals already and Charlie's are not more mature. Highlights are Losing My Mind, One Call Away and We Don't Talk Anymore. Everything else, including hits See You Again and Marvin Gaye (well, you gotta have a hit, right? We can't blame him) become futile and a bit silly. His "make or break"It's the right artist in the wrong moment. There are plenty male performers singing about romantic proposals already and Charlie's are not more mature. Highlights are Losing My Mind, One Call Away and We Don't Talk Anymore. Everything else, including hits See You Again and Marvin Gaye (well, you gotta have a hit, right? We can't blame him) become futile and a bit silly. His "make or break" moment will come in the following album though. Expand
  2. May 10, 2020
    I love Charlie and some of the songs are good, but the rest are repetitive and boring.
  3. Mar 24, 2020
    Nine Track Mind by Charlie Puth: 4.45 (4.66)

    One Call Away: 1 :) (0.75) Dangerously: 1 :) (1) Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor): 0.25 (0.5) Losing My Mind: 0.25 We Don’t Talk Anymore: 1 :) My Gospel: 1 :) (1) Up All Night: 1 :) (1) Left Right Left: 1 :) (1) Then There’s You: 1 (0.5) Suffer: 0 (0.25) As You Are: 0.25 Some Type of Love: 0.75 (0.5) River: 0.5 (0.75) Does It
    Nine Track Mind by Charlie Puth: 4.45 (4.66)

    One Call Away: 1 :) (0.75)
    Dangerously: 1 :) (1)
    Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor): 0.25 (0.5)
    Losing My Mind: 0.25
    We Don’t Talk Anymore: 1 :)
    My Gospel: 1 :) (1)
    Up All Night: 1 :) (1)
    Left Right Left: 1 :) (1)
    Then There’s You: 1 (0.5)
    Suffer: 0 (0.25)
    As You Are: 0.25
    Some Type of Love: 0.75 (0.5)
    River: 0.5 (0.75)
    Does It Feel: 1 :)
    Nothing But Trouble - Instagram Model: 0 (0.5)

    10/15 ~ .667 -> 4.45

    “I liked Nine Track Mind a lot more than I thought I would. There are actually some really good songs on this album, such as We Don’t Talk Anymore, Does It Feel and My Gospel, to name a few. Of course, as in Charlie Puth’s other album, Voicenotes, a lot of the songs sound the same. That being said, Nine Track Mind is not a terrible album, even if some people think that it is. Highlights: Dangerously, We Don’t Talk Anymore, My Gospel, Up All Night, Left Right Left, and Does It Feel.”

    I re-reviewed Voicenotes because it was the first album I had reviewed, and it was a couple months before I started doing this more. Because Nine Track Mind was the only other Puth album (besides the hidden Ego), I decided to re-review this album as well. In fact, I was even more disappointed the second time around. This is true that there are definitely songs in Nine Track Mind that I enjoyed, but living with those great songs are Nothing But Trouble and Suffer (and Marvin Gaye, and Losing My Mind, and As You Are), which were horrid songs. Suffer was actually bad and I didn’t really like Marvin Gaye (the song, not the singer) because it felt like Puth made a song out of one that Gaye had already made. I’m fine if songs reference other songs, but they should not be based on one another; where’s the creativity in that? Anyway, there were quite a few songs that I liked more the second time around, but it sadly just wasn’t enough for me to call Nine Track Mind a good album. Highlights: One Call Away, Dangerously, We Don’t Talk Anymore, My Gospel, Up All Night, Left Right Left, The There’s You, and Does It Feel.
  4. Feb 14, 2020
    It comes to be a great album and with great powers, but its production and tracks that do not reach its peak of a sound and good but rather poorly made and poorly produced. The most produced track comes to be with Selena Gomez, and that's not a compliment but that on a 13-track album I only have one in its spotlight. But its vocal potential does not leave aside, but rather being theIt comes to be a great album and with great powers, but its production and tracks that do not reach its peak of a sound and good but rather poorly made and poorly produced. The most produced track comes to be with Selena Gomez, and that's not a compliment but that on a 13-track album I only have one in its spotlight. But its vocal potential does not leave aside, but rather being the biggest highlight of it. Charlie promises more ahead, and I'm looking forward to seeing this. Expand
  5. Mar 19, 2018
    I like the songs and I sing along whenever they're playing, but, with the exception of one call away and marvin gayne, they're pretty forgettable, and they all sound pretty similar and generic.
  6. Jun 27, 2017
    Good voice doesn't necessarily mean good songs. Unfortunately not a lot of stuff here feels original, and a lot of the songs sound almost the same. Doesn't hook enough for a second listen.
  7. Mar 2, 2017
    Puth's singing ability seems to outstrip his songwriting on most of the tracks. In the albums better moments the traditional pop songs sound like an homage, but in it's worst, those same leanings feel forced and cheesy. Lookin' at you "Marvin Gaye". Still there are some strong singles in here. "We Don't Talk Anymore" alone makes this worth a listen.
  8. Sep 15, 2016
    Com exceção "losing my mind" todas as músicas são sobre meninos querendo conquista uma menina e na maioria do tempo soa chato de ouvir. Os duetos com Meghan Trainor e Selena Gomez são as únicas músicas que da vontade de escutar mais de uma vez.
  9. May 30, 2016
    This album is pretty basic and sometimes boring. The lyrics are all about G-rated love and is sometimes disappointing. He may be attractive but it doesn't match his quality of this album.
  10. May 11, 2016
    Charlie has a long way to go. He has to learn how to better express himself. This album is just a start of a exceptional vocalist. He certainly needs guidance and experience. "One Call Away" is anyway a wonderful song.
  11. Mar 10, 2016
    After a string of catchy radio hits Charlie Puth finally releases his debut LP, but how does it hold up?

    There's no denying that Puth has great vocal talent - even though it's not anything really spectacular - it still manages to stand out when heard on the radio. This album however, doesn't do his vocals any justice. Lazy songwriting, monotonous rhythms and overall boring production
    After a string of catchy radio hits Charlie Puth finally releases his debut LP, but how does it hold up?

    There's no denying that Puth has great vocal talent - even though it's not anything really spectacular - it still manages to stand out when heard on the radio. This album however, doesn't do his vocals any justice. Lazy songwriting, monotonous rhythms and overall boring production just leaves the listener wanting a little bit more.

    The main problem with this album is that it's boring, there's no other way to describe it. Puth's vocals are good as always, but he never really seems to hit any high notes, it's just all very bland. 'One Call Away' is a decent opener to the album, but before I knew it I found myself listening to 'See You Again' (with Wiz Khalifa), ending the album off.

    None of the tracks, except the opening and closing tracks, managed to grip me. This LP blends elements of standard pop, R&B and doo-wop, but doesn't seem to try and push any boundaries. It just ends up being another standard pop record, which is a shame because this project had lots of potential to be great.

    To summarise why this record is flawed: The opening track is great, but all the other tracks sound like the opening track. There's just not enough variation here to keep things interesting, but there's no denying that Puth is capable of releasing a solid body of work.

    As a debut album this comes off as a bit of a disappointment, but there's lots of room for him to grow as an artist.

    My personal favourites from the LP: 'One Call Away' and 'See You Again'.

    - Alex Heyns. Cape Town, South Africa.
  12. Feb 16, 2016
    If I was him, I'd go back to the studio and make a new album, you might agree that we have no experience to critic but the critics are telling the same thing. And yes, I have listened to the album and it isn't 100% bad. I mean, "We don't Talk Anymore" feat. Selena Gomez could be a hit single in US with a radio impact, Tv performances and a gread music video. I think thats the high pointIf I was him, I'd go back to the studio and make a new album, you might agree that we have no experience to critic but the critics are telling the same thing. And yes, I have listened to the album and it isn't 100% bad. I mean, "We don't Talk Anymore" feat. Selena Gomez could be a hit single in US with a radio impact, Tv performances and a gread music video. I think thats the high point he'll get in this Era. Sorry, Charlie Puth but thats not the righ way to realease a lead album.... Expand
  13. Feb 14, 2016
    Bon album mais beaucoup trop linéaire.
    On pouvait attendre davantage de Puth, malheureusement il propose la même chose pour toutes les pistes. Dommage.
  14. Feb 7, 2016
    Wow, this is the first album I've seen in a while that's been in the red! Based on the reviews I was expecting this to be god awful, but it really isn't. I'm actually quite impressed by Charlie's voice and the fact that he's made such a cohesive album, but that being said, much of this is super bland and not really my style at all. He sort of falls into the same genre as Ed Sheeran, SamWow, this is the first album I've seen in a while that's been in the red! Based on the reviews I was expecting this to be god awful, but it really isn't. I'm actually quite impressed by Charlie's voice and the fact that he's made such a cohesive album, but that being said, much of this is super bland and not really my style at all. He sort of falls into the same genre as Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, and Meghan Trainor with his sappy old-fashioned songs, and listening to it really makes you wonder how someone his age is really into this kind of music. To each their own I suppose. I'll pass on this one.

    Standout track: My Gospel
  15. Feb 5, 2016
    after delays, the album probably was changed and here there some songs who made the cut only because they have force to be future hits. Selena Gomez is the highest and enjoyable moment on there, she's the reason why i listen to it
  16. Feb 1, 2016
    um album pessimo, chato e pouquissimas musicas que prestam que no caso foram as lançadas anteriormente, espero que no proximo ele se supere MUITO e faça algo BEM melhor.
  17. Jan 31, 2016
    It's just acceptable. Half of the songs are boring and repetitive. A quarter of the songs are just OK and the remaining quarter is enjoyable. To be honest, I expected something like his album "Ego".
  18. Jan 30, 2016
    A pretty average album. The only good song would be We Don't Talk Anymore featuring Selena Gomez. I believe if it was not for Selena on the track then i'd rate the album a 3. Charlie got lucky with See You Again. He's those type of artists who get lucky for a year like Rachel Platten (with Fight Song), Rober Thicke (with Blurred Lines) and Iggy Azalea (with Fancy and Black Widow)
  19. Jan 30, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu achei que seria algo um pouco mais inovador, foi um album bem clichê, esperava um pouco mais desse album, os vocais estão bons como mostrava em seus covers, porem nao foi algo tao impressionante, Up all night e Losing my mind são as melhores Expand

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 3 out of 7
  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 5, 2016
    Nine Track Mind whimpers like a sick kitten. [Mar 2016, p.113]
  2. Feb 3, 2016
    It doesn’t help that Nine Track Mind is all ballads except for three tracks, two of which are duets (Trainor, a sleepy Selena Gomez) that somehow still feel like ballads. Puth cannot fill this frame of sentimentality with any genuine sentiment.
  3. 40
    There are flashes of something special on Suffer, and the surprisingly sultry Selena Gomez collaboration We Don’t Talk Anymore, but in general, Puth’s anonymity is infuriating.