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Generally favorable reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 79
  2. Negative: 4 out of 79
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  1. Apr 24, 2018
    Considering this album had the impossible task of following Dear Science AND Cookie Mountain, I can see why it didn't quite live up to some people's expectations. But if you can refrain from comparison and listen to the album on it's own, it's quite incredible. Rest in peace Gerard Smith
  2. Sep 25, 2011
    Whenever I read reviews of Nine Types of Light I'm pretty sure I'm listening to a different album. So, I take it off the shelf and reread the cover and take the record out of the sleeve to make sure it does, indeed say TV on the Radio. TVOTR have gone from making some the most interesting and innovative rock n' roll I've ever heard with their first two albums to very traditional,Whenever I read reviews of Nine Types of Light I'm pretty sure I'm listening to a different album. So, I take it off the shelf and reread the cover and take the record out of the sleeve to make sure it does, indeed say TV on the Radio. TVOTR have gone from making some the most interesting and innovative rock n' roll I've ever heard with their first two albums to very traditional, easy-listening pop-rock. Very predictable, safe and, though sometimes catchy, ultimately boring music. I wanted to like this album so much. I listened to it over and over thinking maybe it just had to grow on me but this album is so mediocre. Even the three or four decent songs on it are just "fun". I'm not saying they've sold out. To me that means they specifically changed the sound of their music in order to sell more albums. No, I think this is the direction they honestly wanted to go in and that's great. That's fine. But it sure isn't as interesting. Expand
  3. Sep 20, 2011
    It's easy to see why this album might not sit well with some, as it is an album dedicated to one concept (Love). As a long time fan I see this as a great departure, very uplifting. Kyp & Tunde once again raise their vocal bars and set their selfs apart from one another in great fashion. Musical it's not too far from dear science's softer songs, Return to Cookie Mountain this is not. ThatIt's easy to see why this album might not sit well with some, as it is an album dedicated to one concept (Love). As a long time fan I see this as a great departure, very uplifting. Kyp & Tunde once again raise their vocal bars and set their selfs apart from one another in great fashion. Musical it's not too far from dear science's softer songs, Return to Cookie Mountain this is not. That being said I can't see any TVOTR fan not loving this. It's my favorite album this year Expand
  4. j30
    Jul 20, 2011
    This is an album you need to listen to multiple times before you give your opinion on it. After waiting 3 years since Dear Science (my favorite album of 2008) I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Maybe I was expecting a little too much. The way the band has evolved up to this point, you'd expect something fresh and unexpected. This is in no way a bad album or just average, it feelsThis is an album you need to listen to multiple times before you give your opinion on it. After waiting 3 years since Dear Science (my favorite album of 2008) I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Maybe I was expecting a little too much. The way the band has evolved up to this point, you'd expect something fresh and unexpected. This is in no way a bad album or just average, it feels well, expected. Maybe the 3 years knocked them out of a creativity groove. They are still one of my favorite bands and I'll continue to support their music. I like this album I just don't love it. Key Tracks: Will Do, Repetition, Second Song, and New Cannonball Blues. Expand
  5. Jun 22, 2011
    For better or worse "Nine Types Of Light" marks a significant step away from the bold experimentation of previous releases in favour of more rounded song structures, conventional rhythms and clearer melodies. It is still unmistakeably TV On The Radio, and there is still a unique level of creativity given to each song, but overall the album leans more towards mainstream than any precedingFor better or worse "Nine Types Of Light" marks a significant step away from the bold experimentation of previous releases in favour of more rounded song structures, conventional rhythms and clearer melodies. It is still unmistakeably TV On The Radio, and there is still a unique level of creativity given to each song, but overall the album leans more towards mainstream than any preceding recording. Never before has the influence of Prince been more apparent as Tunde Adebimpe delivers his soulful mix of baritone and falsetto whilst the band maintain the supportive grooves which range vastly in tempo throughout the whole experience.Of the down tempo numbers "Killer Crane" superbly transports the listener to the late 60s world of wilfully spaced out invention, with a sitar and mellotron for added authenticity. When the rhythms and noise ratchet up a notch, "Repetition" and "Caffeine Consciousness" highlight the band's continued ability to create alternative music with addictively stomping beats. The sad loss of bass player Gerard Smith to lung cancer just days after release casts a sombre shadow over this and past projects, emphasising his vital input to some of the irresistible songs the band have delivered over the last decade.

    Overall, itâ
  6. May 15, 2011
    TV On The Radio is an absolutely incredible band that already has two masterpieces in 'Return To Cookie Mountain' and 'Dear Science'. That said, 'Nine Types of Light' doesn't quite reach the level of its predecessors, especially at first, but it's still fantastic. This might actually be TVOTR's most fun album to date, and therefore as good an entry point to the band's discography as oneTV On The Radio is an absolutely incredible band that already has two masterpieces in 'Return To Cookie Mountain' and 'Dear Science'. That said, 'Nine Types of Light' doesn't quite reach the level of its predecessors, especially at first, but it's still fantastic. This might actually be TVOTR's most fun album to date, and therefore as good an entry point to the band's discography as one may have right now. If you haven't listened to TVOTR yet, now is a good time to start. Expand
  7. May 9, 2011
    Pretty good. Nothing amazing like "Dear Science" or anything, but still a great album. This album, I find, is a lot calmer overall (with more slow songs than previous albums). Even though I don't have very much to say about this album, I will say that this was a valiant effort from TV on the Radio. The best songs are "Second Song", "No Future Shock", "Will Do", "New Cannonball Run" andPretty good. Nothing amazing like "Dear Science" or anything, but still a great album. This album, I find, is a lot calmer overall (with more slow songs than previous albums). Even though I don't have very much to say about this album, I will say that this was a valiant effort from TV on the Radio. The best songs are "Second Song", "No Future Shock", "Will Do", "New Cannonball Run" and "Repetition". Not bad, but not phenomenal. Expand
  8. Apr 28, 2011
    When I first listened to this, I felt disappointed - I wanted this album to be something else... I can't remember what that 'something' is now because now it's not important. What is important though, is that this album is really, really superb! I'm not so great on defining genres etc., but there's lots of sound, and lots of depth in there. The tracks are all excellent in their own
    When I first listened to this, I felt disappointed - I wanted this album to be something else... I can't remember what that 'something' is now because now it's not important. What is important though, is that this album is really, really superb! I'm not so great on defining genres etc., but there's lots of sound, and lots of depth in there. The tracks are all excellent in their own ways - for me there is no "stand out track" but there's something there for every TV on the Radio fan, particularly those who loved 'Dear Science'.
    My advice; don't give your final verdict on one listen. Give it a chance and you won't regret it.
  9. Apr 22, 2011
    Honestly my favorite TVotR album. I re-listened to Dear Science even. One of my favorites of the year so far. I assume that with the death of their bassist they'll get back to a somber tone on their next album.
  10. Apr 21, 2011
    Nine Types of Light is easily TV on the Radio's most accessible album to date. The album is less congested with experimental sounds and is much more cohesive than say 'Return to Cookie Mountain'. The level of quality has not dropped but the sound has definitely progressed since 'Dear Science'. The funk pop is still very strong in this album, with the inclusion of more love songs, whichNine Types of Light is easily TV on the Radio's most accessible album to date. The album is less congested with experimental sounds and is much more cohesive than say 'Return to Cookie Mountain'. The level of quality has not dropped but the sound has definitely progressed since 'Dear Science'. The funk pop is still very strong in this album, with the inclusion of more love songs, which seems to be the base theme for NToL. The only amendment I would personally make to the album is to include the song 'Troubles' which is available only on the deluxe version to be included in the regular tracklist. If you're looking for powerful lyrics, sharply crafted songs and possibly even something to vibe to, I highly recommend Nine Types of Light. My personal favorite Album from 2011 thus far. Expand
  11. Apr 20, 2011
    I'm loving it. Although not as cohesive or varied as Dear Science, it's barely a step down and has a clutch of songs that really rise above the standards that they've set for themselves - Keep Your Heart, You, No Future Shock and All Falls Down are stunning. I'm not sure about Will Do, but most of the rest is soulful and deep, textured, melodic, groovy ... basically everything we look forI'm loving it. Although not as cohesive or varied as Dear Science, it's barely a step down and has a clutch of songs that really rise above the standards that they've set for themselves - Keep Your Heart, You, No Future Shock and All Falls Down are stunning. I'm not sure about Will Do, but most of the rest is soulful and deep, textured, melodic, groovy ... basically everything we look for in music. And, just as an aside, I hate the fact that the so-called 'black' music world of modern hip-hop (Kanye, Lil Wayne et al) is getting rated over these guys. TV are mature and sophisticated without seeming pretentious. I wish there were more artists like them in the current scene. Expand
  12. Apr 19, 2011
    Very enjoyable album. Just saw them live last week, the new material sounded especially crisp and clear. Though I'm not particularly fond of Will Do, the sequencing works very well, and the album maintains a beautiful atmosphere throughout.
  13. Apr 19, 2011
    I've waited 3 years for this album. I believed Tv on the radio is rock solid, never fails. That's not correct as i see now. This is not what tv on the radio supposed to be. Am i deaf? I can't believe that's THE NEW ALBUM.
  14. Apr 14, 2011
    TV On The Radio simply just doesn't fail. Nine Types Of Light is almost as brilliant as Dear Science. Every track is brilliant and has amazing elements and layers of music that sounds so good. They always seem to change there style and with this album, they have more calm and patient songs than any other album they've come out with. "Will Do" is the stand out track. All In All, TV On TheTV On The Radio simply just doesn't fail. Nine Types Of Light is almost as brilliant as Dear Science. Every track is brilliant and has amazing elements and layers of music that sounds so good. They always seem to change there style and with this album, they have more calm and patient songs than any other album they've come out with. "Will Do" is the stand out track. All In All, TV On The Radio has crafted there most calm album and also there second best record, in my opinion. A Expand
  15. Apr 12, 2011
    As someone who never found Cookie Mountain to be inaccessible and Dear Science, to be a bit lesser than it, Nine Types Of Light is the perfect mix. This is the record that should be getting the universal acclaim because honestly, it feels like a complete representation of the band. It's a bit like how Yo La Tengo had "I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass" which combined all ofAs someone who never found Cookie Mountain to be inaccessible and Dear Science, to be a bit lesser than it, Nine Types Of Light is the perfect mix. This is the record that should be getting the universal acclaim because honestly, it feels like a complete representation of the band. It's a bit like how Yo La Tengo had "I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass" which combined all of that band's work into one perfect record. Return To Cookie Mountain may always be looked at as TVOTR's highest point by most people but I'll be damned if this isn't right there with it.

    The best tracks are up to which qualities of the record you enjoy most but for me, it has to be either Forgotten or Will Do. Easily two contenders for song of the year and I expect the latter to be mentioned in that respect when 2011 comes to a close.

    This may not end up being your favorite CD if you disliked the band beforehand but it may very well be the easiest record you listen to all year.
  16. Apr 12, 2011
    TV has done it again. Another album exploring different sides of their sonically exciting landscapes. Certainly more accessible than their masterpiece (Cookie Mountain), but if you loved Dear Science this is a no brainer. They start off with a smooth bang with "Second Song", wind it down for a couple sweet tunes, and bring the noise their known for back with "No Future Shock". The secondTV has done it again. Another album exploring different sides of their sonically exciting landscapes. Certainly more accessible than their masterpiece (Cookie Mountain), but if you loved Dear Science this is a no brainer. They start off with a smooth bang with "Second Song", wind it down for a couple sweet tunes, and bring the noise their known for back with "No Future Shock". The second half of the album is polished up vintage TV with "Will Do" and "New Cannonball Blues". I'd recommend picking up the deluxe dersion from iTunes, "Troubles" is awesome. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. May 19, 2011
    Ultimately, Nine Types of Light offers a reminder that love's sometimes best at the bitter end.
  2. Q Magazine
    May 18, 2011
    Nine Types of Lights finds them boldly going forward with their most cheerful, party-centric effort to date. [May 2011, p.123]
  3. May 6, 2011
    Nine Types of Light is a damn good place for those of us as yet unfamiliar with TV on the Radio to start investigating one of the most adventurous bands around today. And I can guarantee that if you start here, you won't stop.