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Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
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  1. Nov 17, 2014
    No One Wants To Be Here and No One Wants To Leave immediately takes it's place as The Twilight Sad's best LP. It's one of those rare albums where everything has come together at the same time and in just the right way. The record feels like a seminal genre offering, an LP that people might still be whispering about a few years down the line. We'll see if that comes to pass but NOWTBHANOWTLNo One Wants To Be Here and No One Wants To Leave immediately takes it's place as The Twilight Sad's best LP. It's one of those rare albums where everything has come together at the same time and in just the right way. The record feels like a seminal genre offering, an LP that people might still be whispering about a few years down the line. We'll see if that comes to pass but NOWTBHANOWTL is certainly a frontrunner for best indie album of the year. Expand
  2. Dec 13, 2014
    In its simplicity, I have found one of my favorite pieces of music of the last times. Just hearing that thick Scottish accent and those shoegazing and melancholic guitar and drums transport me to different dimensions and states of being. Clearly underrated, this album serves as one of the greatest of the year, by far...
  3. Nov 2, 2014
    From track one to track ten, this album is nothing less than an astonishing achievement. The songwriting is reduced and thus gives the music itself enough space to expand from some catchy indie-riffs into the more gloomy, melancholy depths of the album´s second part. This may be the real achievement that makes this fourth output of The Twilight Sad so outstanding; the songs flow into eachFrom track one to track ten, this album is nothing less than an astonishing achievement. The songwriting is reduced and thus gives the music itself enough space to expand from some catchy indie-riffs into the more gloomy, melancholy depths of the album´s second part. This may be the real achievement that makes this fourth output of The Twilight Sad so outstanding; the songs flow into each other, forming not just a compilation of good stand-alone songs but a constant & coherent piece of music where everything is exactly where it needs to be. The songs manage to merge together and create this beauty of an LP. There´s definitely only a small amount of albums released in the last few years that achieve to do the same. Expand
  4. May 21, 2020
    There is a real power to this album. It's classic gloomy indie rock that with serious melodies. The sound they have captured is really dark but also huge. This band always remind me of The Cure's "Pornography" album in terms of their ability to create and capture gloom using wonderful melodies. A feeling of despair but also a sense of hope from the music. Opener, "There's a Girl in theThere is a real power to this album. It's classic gloomy indie rock that with serious melodies. The sound they have captured is really dark but also huge. This band always remind me of The Cure's "Pornography" album in terms of their ability to create and capture gloom using wonderful melodies. A feeling of despair but also a sense of hope from the music. Opener, "There's a Girl in the Corner" is a modern classic, made all the more so by Robert Smith's cover of it. The influencer acknowledging the follower with the ultimate compliment. At 10 tracks/45 minutes, it never outstays its welcome. It doesn't change the world but "No one want to be here and no one wants to leave" is as good a post punk album as you'll hear from the 2010's. Expand
  5. Oct 28, 2014
    Have no track that makes us sigh with love, hate, none of them takes no feeling in the extreme. They sing, the voice seems to take us, but the feeling does not seem to take them. The tracks eventually need something that will make them independent of each other, which does not happen much.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Uncut
    Dec 4, 2014
    Those who like a little light and humour in their rock--or, indeed, an acknowledgement of the last 25 years of popular music--may find themselves unmoved. [Jan 2015, p.78]
  2. Nov 19, 2014
    The mastery on display here is that the mix comes out as sublime as it does.
  3. Q Magazine
    Nov 13, 2014
    Nobody... rekindles the dark brooding of their first two albums. [Dec 2014, p.117]