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Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 2 out of 11

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  1. DanielC.
    Jun 2, 2008
    Although some of these are outakes and B-sides from the Yes, Virginia sessions I actually like this album more than I like Yes, Virginia. Most of the songs are really good and the couple of songs that aren't my favorites still have their moments. Good Stuff.
  2. psychoman
    Jun 1, 2008
    To use a tried-and-true phrase: Lesser bands could make a career out of the B-sides of the Dresden Dolls. Some of the material sounds under-rehearsed and stays one step behind the tightly-knit performances of Yes, Virginia, but Amanda and Brian shine throughout with their unique take on things pop and not pop. Subversive without being tiresome, ironic without descending into sarcasm, To use a tried-and-true phrase: Lesser bands could make a career out of the B-sides of the Dresden Dolls. Some of the material sounds under-rehearsed and stays one step behind the tightly-knit performances of Yes, Virginia, but Amanda and Brian shine throughout with their unique take on things pop and not pop. Subversive without being tiresome, ironic without descending into sarcasm, catchy but never trite - and thank you for the nostalgic walk down pretty-in-pink lane, which never fails to make me smile. Time to count the weeks til Amanda's solo album comes out. Expand
  3. EricD.
    May 27, 2008
    Amanda and Brian make leftovers a tasty treat! This is such a great body of work. I try to listen to it not thinking about b-side or cut tracks. I just hear what I fell in love with years ago - the best damn fresh sound since Nirvana! Cheers to The Dresden Dolls, may their road be long. Go get all the albums right now - you'll thank me! :)

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Considering that it's an album of leftovers--one B-side from "Yes, Virginia...," four unreleased recordings, one old demo, a cover, and five new recordings, to be exact--the songs on No, Virginia... are unexpectedly strong.
  2. Some cuts, like the cover of 'Pretty in Pink,' or the tensionless march of 'Mouse and the Model,' didn't need to be resurrected. But others, like the singalong rolling notes of 'Sorry Bunch' or 'Night Reconnaissance,' a multipart romp about middle-class vagrants, can stand with the Dolls' A-sides.
  3. Considering the album's disparate origins, its slightly disjointed feel makes sense but doesn't keep it from being a solid must-have for fans.