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Universal acclaim- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32

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  1. SeamusS
    Apr 23, 2005
    Brilliant, Brutal, Beautiful The Three Bs of Rock Music This is an amazing cd TO agree with the review PURE SEX
  2. GianlucaM
    Jul 8, 2005
    This duo, after Keep on your mean side, demonstrate that they do good music. for me one of the best indie/rock album of 2005.
  3. JohnR
    Apr 30, 2005
    Wanted to give it an 8.5....It's a good record, dark but not for show...Very effective.
  4. EdwardE
    Mar 9, 2005
    Stripped & gutteral brilliance! It's waking up & pissed off before coffee, about to murder a treacherous lover.
  5. joser
    Mar 14, 2005
    Confirma-se a boa impressão do primeiro album.Bom.
  6. JamesH
    Mar 18, 2008
    Very good album. High points include "At the Back of the Shell" and "Love is a Deserter". Stripped down and dirty rock.......dark...but quite a bit of fun. Somehow makes you feel cool while listening.
  7. ChristopherL
    Nov 21, 2006
    Rodeo Town the standout track for me.
  8. MelloDee
    Mar 22, 2005
    The chick in the band is *SO* hot. Nuff said.
  9. DavisW
    May 4, 2005
    This band is more of a live act (highly, highly recommended if you haven't seen them) but the album is still a good listen. I find their debut "Keep On Your Mean Side" more sexy and more fun but this is still worthy of a purchase.
  10. JeremyBk
    Jul 18, 2005
    Maybe I should give the band a higher number. I like this album a lot, more than the first album, which I also liked a lot, though it was uneven. They are a very intelligent band, alternating very simple patterns, gradually and continuously. It's like minimalism in rock/punk/blues. I like this a lot more than White Stripes crap, which I worry they'll be compared to. The Stripes Maybe I should give the band a higher number. I like this album a lot, more than the first album, which I also liked a lot, though it was uneven. They are a very intelligent band, alternating very simple patterns, gradually and continuously. It's like minimalism in rock/punk/blues. I like this a lot more than White Stripes crap, which I worry they'll be compared to. The Stripes are so strident and aren't as subtle. But I quit listening to them after their second album, so maybe the comment's unfair. The lyrics on this new K's album are also funny --lots of small plays on patterns and cliches. Esp. Dead Rd. 7. They're playful and they have done a focused raw that's really good. The album isn't higher than a 7 bcs I don't know if it 'll last and don't think it's classic. But it's good. Expand
  11. Feb 15, 2012
    A good indie blues rock album although probably the record I'd recommend least fromThe Kills. It's still got a bite and a swagger that loads of records out there just don't have but check out their other records before this one.
  12. giulia
    Mar 21, 2005
    its okay, you can listen to it. and you wont feel bad. its a 6,5.
  13. ScottH
    Apr 2, 2005
    Get's old pretty fast, though i can't deny that i enjoy a nice part of the album. I just would rather listen to PJ Harvey's albums.
  14. MichaelK
    Mar 9, 2005
    They seem a bit over-hyped to me. Each song contains only around 20 seconds worth of ideas (a couple of riffs; maybe four lines of lyrics), and most of the songs bleed together. The sound is somewhere between the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and PJ Harvey's more raw material . . . only not as good. There's no emotional depth, which would be okay if they sounded like they were having fun. They seem a bit over-hyped to me. Each song contains only around 20 seconds worth of ideas (a couple of riffs; maybe four lines of lyrics), and most of the songs bleed together. The sound is somewhere between the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and PJ Harvey's more raw material . . . only not as good. There's no emotional depth, which would be okay if they sounded like they were having fun. Instead, I'm left with the feeling that Hotel and V V are mostly interested in musical posturing. After slamming them like that, I'll admit that the title track is worth salvaging, although I'll probably scrap the rest. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    [The Kills] use overdriven riffs and ticky-tacky drum-machine beats to create a steamy mood of sexual menace and druggy abandon. [11 Mar 2005, p.102]
  2. Los Angeles Times
    The biggest advance is that the Kills now wrap their songs, from the enchanting "The Good Ones" to the especially anxious "I Hate the Way You Love," in melodies that are disarmingly sweet and seductive. [6 Mar 2005]
  3. Mojo
    Its claustrophobia is total, unique, spellbinding. [Mar 2005, p.106]