
Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 24
  2. Negative: 3 out of 24
  1. Overall it's rather tough to get a grip on what they're getting at.
  2. New Musical Express (NME)
    For all there is to grind your teeth and hate about CocoRosie, there's much to love. [8 Oct 2005, p.45]
  3. Your enjoyment of this album will depend on how open you are to cats meowing, telephone rings, and French spoken-word passages weaving in and out of the songs.
  4. The pair overextend themselves often enough to appear to be posturing, costing them some of their charm.
  5. So knowingly arty it could be sponsored by the Saatchi gallery, it irritates more than it charms.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 4 out of 29
  1. JeremyF
    Apr 18, 2007
    Now here's a band that is going to get slammed for whatever step they take. At least by some people. See that zero up there? Well, Now here's a band that is going to get slammed for whatever step they take. At least by some people. See that zero up there? Well, CocoRosie are very talented, and hardly deserve a zero, or even a 10 or 20. La Maison was very good, and haunting, but they showed some kind of a eerie charm. However, Noah's Ark, while still a decent album, fails to deliver with the same strength as La Maison. It seems like they are either trying way too hard to incorporate the loud, obnoxious toys, OR they are trying enough. Whatever the case, this album ends up being quite a dark, annoying, sometimes-almost-scary adventure. With the exception of some amazing tracks (K-Hole, South 2nd, Noah's Ark, and Honey or Tar) this album fails compared to the last one AND the 3rd one. The interludes Brazlilian Sun & Bisounars [or whatever] throw me off completely, and I'm glad that Honey or Tar, the great last song, IS the last song, at 2 minutes and 8 second. Seriously, CocoRosie are clearly talented, this just isn't as refined as they OBVIOUSLY can be. Big fat 4. Full Review »
  2. AndyH
    Apr 16, 2007
    People are too stupid to realize how good this is.
  3. SebastianI
    Feb 26, 2006
    Best tracks in my opinion are: "South 2nd" and "Armageddon". But it really depends on whether you like the sound, it is a kind of pretentious Best tracks in my opinion are: "South 2nd" and "Armageddon". But it really depends on whether you like the sound, it is a kind of pretentious sound I guess. All in all a good record for me, but I think it something you will either love or hate. Full Review »