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Universal acclaim- based on 10066 Ratings

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  1. Sep 1, 2019
    boring and bland, ive heard something like this before, there is no growth. I thought she was gonna change her sound, all of her albums sound exactly the same
  2. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I hate the idea that this girl from New York wants so badly to pretend to be a California girl. I get it! You're clearly part of the gentrification problem that’s happening in Los Angeles and beyond. Anyway. The album lacks. I do miss her old stuff from Paradise and UltraViolence. Honeymoon was great! It slowly died a bit after that. I get it! She wants a Grammy or to sound deep. What happened to the queen of Coney Island? We don’t want a pretend California girl. You’re from New York! Expand
  3. Sep 1, 2019
    Boring! Lana Del Rey and the majority of indie "artists" are boring, please stop making songs about how depressed you are! It's not a personality trait, go seek a therapist!
  4. Sep 1, 2019
    This is the worst album of her career. I don’t like this. Bring back Ultraviolence and btd
  5. Sep 1, 2019
    Another boring album from miss Del Rey. And worse, this time she is trying to pull a Lorde, working with Jack Antonoff and experimented a little. Well, as always it doesn't work cuz she don't have a genius mind for create something like Melodrama.
  6. Sep 1, 2019
    lfl is way better... this album seems a recyclable project of old songs without an accurate idea. she could have a better concept and tune the songs very well so they doesn't feel like demos
  7. Sep 1, 2019
    not getting it at all not getting it at all not getting it at all not getting it at all
  8. Sep 2, 2019
    لم يعجبني الألبوم وكما أن اغاني لانا لا اعرفها حقًا هذا رأيي الشخصي لذا صوت بناءً عليه
  9. Sep 2, 2019
  10. Sep 2, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Boring. Has nothing on her previous albums. Makes me want to fall asleep honestly. She should go back to singing sad songs and about sugar daddies. Expand
  11. Sep 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I am fan of lana del rey since 2012. And I even love her albums like lust for life and honeymoon. But this one... Something about this album makes it boring and so many songs sound similar. And the main problem is lana is always the same. You need something new girl!!!? Expand
  12. Sep 3, 2019
  13. Sep 5, 2019
    Sorry, but Born To Die is better than this. I liked only Doin' Time.........
  14. Sep 9, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I didn't like the California vibes in this album!Sorry but she can do much better than this! Expand
  15. Sep 10, 2019
    NFR! is Lana’s best album up to date. Wonderfully produced, great vocals and beautifully written, she has overcome herself once again. The album has ZERO skips and shows us a new sound of Lana. Folky, mellow and moody, it portrays Lana in a melting summer love.
  16. Sep 11, 2019
    It was super bad and offensive. I felt hurt listening to this since she said racial slurs against my Native American race. My parents were kicked out of Idaho because of discrimination against them and this caused them PTSD. If you like good music stream a lover by Taylor Swift. She’s really good and gets me in the feels.
  17. Sep 14, 2019
    Same whiny “I love Cali” emotional one-note that we’ve heard for years, recycled, with some jack-inspired melodies. Was excited for this. But it’s disappointing.
  18. Sep 14, 2019
    What about it What about it what bout it what about it what about it What about it What about it what bout it what about it what about it What about it What about it what bout it what about it what about it
  19. Sep 14, 2019
    I really love lana del ray But this ain't it. The album sounds literally the same and she has not shown artistic development
  20. Jan 22, 2020
    Meh, really disappointed me as someone who’s a huge fan. Guess I had different expectations.
  21. Aug 28, 2020
    Ya retírate bodriana, no te cansas de hacer lo mismo y que la final de hacer 7 álbumes iguales y al final la crítica pareciera que se le olvidó que todos tus discos suenan exactamente igual.
  22. Dec 7, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is so Bad It seems as if wool really was sleepy when making their songs, the production is very bad and basic Expand
  23. Dec 7, 2019
    Good album, she is an amazing artist, her voice is beautiful, we stan this queen
  24. Dec 5, 2019
    Such an incredible album! Each track added life to the already great body of work that Lana has in her catalogue. Every track gave me chills. Absolutely the Album of the year
  25. Dec 7, 2019
    No me gusta para nada este album solo da sueño.............................................
  26. Dec 7, 2019
    This album sucks. I hate how your fans hate on other singers and mess their scores up so that you will have the highest when this albums scores should be way lower cause y’all all suck.
  27. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. las canciones son muy monótonas y aburridas, suena todo igual, solo se rescatan un par de canciones Expand
  28. Jan 10, 2020
    im sorry lana :((((( no es un mal álbum, solo no es mi estilo ni lo que esperaba de Lana
  29. Jan 13, 2020
    So disapointign that her fans go and critic others with 0 just because you dont like it, here we go 0
  30. Jan 20, 2020
    I didn't enojoy it, but maybe it is not my cup of tea, who knows? im only wiritng this bc it didnt allow me to just give the rating which is shady
  31. Jan 22, 2020
    This is a whole lot of boring and depressing. There just isn't anything redeeming that I can find in this project.
  32. Nov 11, 2020
    Norman give up hun. No just give up. I say give up. U gotta give up. Yes give up.
  33. Oct 3, 2022
    cagana del mojonazo retirate rancia pútrida inmunda, deja de poner en coma a la humanidad.
  34. Aug 23, 2022
    Same sound , she needs to try to be more creative and try different sounds and make her artistry shine
  35. Aug 28, 2020
    NFR is the definition of boring. Born to Die and Ultraviolence her best album but NFR is like a scrapped songs in it.
  36. Mar 21, 2021
    Yet the over-riding sense of her almost unremittingly sombre sixth album, Norman F______ Rockwell!, is of Del Rey shedding veils of production mystery at the risk of being revealed as just another over sensitive and particularly self-absorbed singer-songwriter.
  37. Oct 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The most forgettable album ever I wish I could get my time back. This has to be the worst album I’ve ever heard in my life I gave it a try because I had never heard any song by her besides Don’t call me angel and her part was alright and wanted to see if she had any better stuff but god this was just awful I listen to some of Lana’s other songs thinking maybe this album wasn’t for me trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but I haven’t even heard a decent song by her don’t waste your time Expand
  38. Nov 16, 2020
    Her most boring album I cant believe people actually listen to this weird karen trump supporter ummm... Chile anyways so
  39. Nov 17, 2020
    Wasted my time listening to this. Thought Lana Del Rey is a highly critically acclaimed artist and would deliver something worth noticing. Seems like just a wannabe Amy Winehouse (cheap ripoff and much more 'kid-friendly). Lana here is like iM nOt lIkE oThEr gIrLs and iM bOrN iN tHe wRoNg gEnErAtIoN crossover act and she does very poorly too. Lyrics are not worth even commenting so... VeryWasted my time listening to this. Thought Lana Del Rey is a highly critically acclaimed artist and would deliver something worth noticing. Seems like just a wannabe Amy Winehouse (cheap ripoff and much more 'kid-friendly). Lana here is like iM nOt lIkE oThEr gIrLs and iM bOrN iN tHe wRoNg gEnErAtIoN crossover act and she does very poorly too. Lyrics are not worth even commenting so... Very disappointed. Expand
  40. Mar 21, 2021
    lana del rey is in a desperate situation to release so many albums. will launch another one with only three months difference. what is lana
  41. Mar 22, 2021
    The whole album sounds so boring, I'm disappointed in Lana. She has so much potential as an artist but this album lacks the quality that all of her previous albums had.
  42. Mar 22, 2021
    a disappointment like always,Lana Del Rey lost her touch and should just stop trying at this point for our sake
  43. Mar 23, 2021
    Just more of the same. Looks like she keeps on re-launching Ultraviolence ever since her debut.
    Eternal tumblrgirl idol and that's about it.
  44. Mar 23, 2021
    The same basic sounds she ALWAYS use in her albums. This is just a Born To Die with some pop in it. She could try another type of music, alternative is not for her anymore.
  45. Mar 24, 2021
    Péssimo álbum. Mais uma vez Lana lança um álbum mediano, sem conceito, igual todos os outros já lançados. Vazio.
  46. Mar 24, 2021
    Listening to Norman **** Rockwell! is an alternately beguiling and frustrating experience.
  47. Aug 20, 2022
    I love Lana but this just wasn’t it? Sorry but I do. Love Lana. Her old stuff are still classics.
  48. Oct 21, 2022
    Mais do mesmo sem nada a agregar Lana não sai da zona de conforto já trabalhando nos outros álbuns
  49. Aug 21, 2022
    Boring as usual, nothing new from this artist, how have they got a career in music
  50. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum de difícil digestão, e quase um sonífero natural, a única mais ou menos é **** it i Love you Expand
  51. Aug 21, 2022
    Very boring and bad piece of music.
    She used to do better than that, disappointed.
  52. Aug 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is just not for me, I appreciate her honesty in most of the lyrics but is the lack of embrasive sound that gets me Expand
  53. Aug 20, 2022
    Not for me. Love Lana tho!! Not the best but yk. Blue banisters is betyer!!
  54. Aug 20, 2022
    Lana Del Ray hasn’t made a good album in years. Disappointing album and songs.
  55. Aug 23, 2022
    Not her best album ): I was so excited for this album just two or three songs are good.
  56. Aug 21, 2022
    Eu amava o álbum em 2019 mas envelheceu como leite z hoje em dia eu não consigo escutar mais!
  57. Aug 21, 2022
    Whispering, whispering, whispering, is this what the generation of today's musicians do?
  58. Aug 21, 2022
    This is very bad its her worst album for me we expected more from lana her old misic was sooo much better I don’t know what happend to her
  59. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love u lana but I don't know Expand
  60. Aug 21, 2022
    Pure innovation. It's one of those albums that you don't understand the first time you listen. But, with each listen, you get hooked more and more. A delight.
  61. Aug 21, 2022
    Infelizmente a sonoridade do álbum em nada me agrada, Lana fazendo mais do mesmo
  62. Aug 21, 2022
    This awful noise is just sad, sorry and depressing. It's a regression in music and an embarrassment to women's advancements in the music industry.
  63. Aug 21, 2022
    If you want to sleeps faster, you need the listen to this album, my opinion only
  64. Aug 21, 2022
    I love this album so mucchhhh deserve the grammys!!! Shouldve make happiness is a butterfly a single
  65. Aug 21, 2022
    The best album of all times and no one can change my mind. Lana Del Rey is a star and no one will ever do what she does with grace and talent.
  66. Aug 21, 2022
    Esse com tempo passa a ser imemorável!! Infelizmente não faz sentido ele está no topo!!
  67. Aug 21, 2022
    sleep every time i listen to this album, literally every time, she could do better
  68. Aug 22, 2022
    overrated as hell and i’ll never understand why. no one actually listened to it but still act like it’s the best album of all time
  69. Aug 22, 2022
    bad album, bad artist, just good luck to her. make other music and leave our ears alone
  70. Aug 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Another disappointing album. It had so much potential but then she wasted it with boring album tracks like How to Disappear and Venice B*tch. Only the singles were listenable. Expected more. Expand
  71. Aug 23, 2022
    Boring ass album. Lana should retire from music and go somewhere else working in McDonald's
  72. Aug 23, 2022
    Drxrxcftctv hbuunnububyv ffctcctb ugygyggyvtftc tdrcrxexezezezextcbuniin ik. Imoinin
  73. Aug 23, 2022
    This was an awful album from Lana. Usually I like her music but this one was so boring.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Oct 9, 2019
    Things inevitably drift, but beneath the surface in the best songs there is a toughness and a newfound resilience.
  2. Oct 2, 2019
    It's a remarkably sharp pop record that retains her fascination with pop-culture iconography and the rosey simplicity of a post-war America where classic rock and blue jeans ruled and takes them to much deeper places. ... Think of it as an hour-long car ride peeling down the highway with classic rock blaring out of the radio and no real destination in mind other than where your impulsive nature might take you.
  3. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2019
    A thematically rich record, heavy on mood and elegantly written in a way that positions Del Rey between Eve Babitz and Carole King. There are beguiling and evolving melodies underneath the spare piano and acoustic arrangements. [Nov 2019, p.24]