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Generally favorable reviews- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 61
  2. Negative: 2 out of 61
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  1. Oct 21, 2016
    Este álbum marca un cambio tanto lírico como melódico para la banda,, ahora los vemos más agridulces explorando nuevas facetas musicales, innovando en sus letras y cambiando el juego que estaban llevando, gran álbum.
  2. May 28, 2016
    This album grew on me. Like in the beginning, i did not really like it. I felt like Daughter could not establish the same setting they did on their last album, which resulted in the album sounding most boring, very uninspired, sometimes just badly produced.But with time, the album won me over. I was 100% concious of songs like Doing The Right Thing, New Ways and No Care being like superThis album grew on me. Like in the beginning, i did not really like it. I felt like Daughter could not establish the same setting they did on their last album, which resulted in the album sounding most boring, very uninspired, sometimes just badly produced.But with time, the album won me over. I was 100% concious of songs like Doing The Right Thing, New Ways and No Care being like super good, i loved those songs while disliking or halfheartly accepting the rest. But i also fell in love with songs like Made of Stone which is just nicely composed with the bass always coming on when Elena finishes her verse. Just really soothing and nice to listen to. Also the song How, that has this nice variations of quiet and loud melodys that are always switching plus the vocals are pretty good. So yeah, i do enjoy this record now quite a bit, but still....that little spark, that made their first album so good is just missing here. Expand
  3. Jan 20, 2016
    Calm and dreamy. Daughter's music is totally fascinating. I love the two albums but I choose this. Favorite songs; Made of Stone, How, Fossa and Alone / With You.
  4. Jan 19, 2016
    Musically, just a tiny bit more on the rock side of things, Daughter still remains the same as before - dark, moody and atmospheric. Just what I wanted from their sophomore album. Its so beautiful it hurts.
  5. Jan 19, 2016
    Not to Disappear fits perfectly within the dark days and the feelings of fear and loneliness that sometimes dominates us. With the considered textual depth of Elena Tonra and different musical currents the album knows how to move around the emotion and pain. The inner strength of the lyrics and the musical accompaniment thereby knows how to go much more into the emotions than onNot to Disappear fits perfectly within the dark days and the feelings of fear and loneliness that sometimes dominates us. With the considered textual depth of Elena Tonra and different musical currents the album knows how to move around the emotion and pain. The inner strength of the lyrics and the musical accompaniment thereby knows how to go much more into the emotions than on predecessor If You Leave. Especially the first half picks up the conflicts and developments well in daydreaming shoegaze, melodic indie-pop and propulsive post-rock. Where the musical roads sometimes manages to lose in the aggressiveness of the texts, the trio shows up strongly to keep the album on level. The heavy roads that they develop by subjects from everyday reality, will certainly not let them disappear. 7.5/10

    Full Review (in Dutch):
  6. Jan 16, 2016
    well this was fantastic ! This record is something this band always had to be. when I listened to If You Leave the record was fine but had some weird moments is it and was not catchy enough. so I said they need to work harder cause there is "something" in them that sometimes show itself but ain't enough. like a hook or something. and now it's here ! this record is catchy and deep at thewell this was fantastic ! This record is something this band always had to be. when I listened to If You Leave the record was fine but had some weird moments is it and was not catchy enough. so I said they need to work harder cause there is "something" in them that sometimes show itself but ain't enough. like a hook or something. and now it's here ! this record is catchy and deep at the same time. the vocals are more flexible and the instrumental parts are much better developed. lyrics : amazing ! while it never gets too emotional it goes on to be touching and flowing. overall : it's a fascinating album by a band that just got their identity. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. 50
    Not To Disappear is an intermittently pretty affair with painfully little substance, an album that spends so much time wallowing in its own self-indulgent loneliness that it fails to offer up anything listeners can actually relate to.
  2. Feb 11, 2016
    Daughter seem trapped within the confines of their influences.
  3. Feb 1, 2016
    Every aspect of the album sounds like the full-length equivalent of a Spotify Chill Out playlist: flat, disposable, inoffensive (though “technically-sound”) 2010s muzak.