• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Sep 22, 2023

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. 80
    An illuminating effort in absolutely every regard, Nothing Lasts Forever is easily one of the most memorable musical encounters you’ll hear this year.
  2. Oct 24, 2023
    What makes Nothing Lasts Forever especially rewarding for fans is the emotional throughline that connects their work, album to album.
  3. Oct 24, 2023
    From the opening song and first single from the album, “Foreign Land,” to the slowly uncoiling closer, “I Will Love You,” Nothing Last Forever is a quiet delight.
  4. Oct 3, 2023
    The warmth emanating from the lyrics flows throughout Nothing Lasts Forever. Teenage Fanclub never quickens the pace or belabors the melodies, choosing to luxuriate in their twilight grooves.
  5. 80
    Nothing Lasts Forever, but Teenage Fanclub probably could if they so wished.
  6. Sep 27, 2023
    A celebration of what makes Teenage Fanclub great, it’s a finely balanced LP of under-stated charms. ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ they say – except, perhaps, for Teenage Fanclub.
  7. Sep 22, 2023
    The years have proven that the deceptive simplicity of their music only increases its potency, working hand-in-hand with their long commitment to the healing powers of brotherhood and melody.
  8. Sep 22, 2023
    With Nothing Lasts Forever, Teenage Fanclub have made a poignant, delicately rendered rumination on the passing of time and the enduring promise of love, all of which underscores the timeless lyricism of their work.
  9. Uncut
    Sep 21, 2023
    [Endless Arcade's] follow-up is even more impressive, the five-piece creating an organic song cycle largely concerned with the roll of time hope's eternal promise and an unerring sense of where their natural strengths lie. [Oct 2023, p.34]
  10. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 21, 2023
    Nothing Last Forever might even be the closest approximation yet of what the 60s actually sounded like. [Oct 2023, p.83]
  11. Sep 21, 2023
    At this point in their over thirty-year career, Teenage Fanclub is confident in their mixture of light touches around an indie rock foundation and Nothing Lasts Forever continues them on their journey.
  12. Sep 21, 2023
    It’s fair to say that long term fans will greet Nothing Lasts Forever with warmth and delight but even when assessing it with a more critical eye, it’s hard to avoid thinking they’ve rarely sounded better.
  13. Sep 21, 2023
    The country-rock songwriting tones of Tired Of Being Alone and Falling Into The Sun are rich and expansive, the themes of finding comfort and purpose in middle-age – whether through rekindled romance (I Left A Light On, I Will Love You), artificial means (Self-Sedation) or self-reflection (Middle Of My Mind) – ring true, and big emotions continue to be captured, seemingly without effort, on their canvas.
  14. Sep 21, 2023
    There's a pastoral feel to the album — the band recorded it all in an epic ten day session at a studio in the Welsh countryside, and you can hear that region's influence in everything here. It sounds wide open and unencumbered, full but never cluttered or dense.

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