• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2005

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 24
  2. Negative: 4 out of 24
  1. Only the truly earless would mistake this assortment of bloated in-jokes and interminable, sub-song drones for some kind of masterpiece.
  2. So off-putting as to alienate the band's fanbase.
  3. Whether it's a fuck-you to fans who scoffed at 2003's synth-poppy Welcome to the Monkey House or a vindictive fulfillment of their contractual obligation to Capitol Records, this crap smells bad any way you sniff it.
  4. Alternative Press
    Basically, Odditorium sounds like a giant "fuck you" to [their] record label. [Nov 2005, p.218]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 44
  2. Negative: 10 out of 44
  1. Apr 3, 2016
    Oh Dandy Warhols why must you always come to me with the most pretentious and horrendous alternative music known in existence. It is almostOh Dandy Warhols why must you always come to me with the most pretentious and horrendous alternative music known in existence. It is almost impressive as how they manage to come up with innovate ways to make my ears vomit. Trust me it's that bad. In fact this review isn't going to be Easy, for even thinking about the noise this band produces brings back traumatic experiences. To begin with Dandy Warhols open in the most pretentious way imaginable, literally the first track is called Colder Than The Coldest Winter Was Cold and it is just a 1950s radio broadcaster emphasizing that what I am about to hear is a revolutionary masterpiece. Within 10 minutes of listening to this my friend was Holding Me Up because of how sick I felt listening to whatever this is. This does not even deserve to be called an album, a 10 hour session of blasting white noise into my ears is more of an album than this. This is the classic "use to be good" type band that people talk about, but from listening to this I would say my cat would be a more qualified being in the music industry. Full Review »
  2. May 14, 2012
    some people here pointed out that it is weaker than the first three.. well, yes, it definitely is..
    but it is still a great album.. wayyyy too
    some people here pointed out that it is weaker than the first three.. well, yes, it definitely is..
    but it is still a great album.. wayyyy too long.. "love is the new..." should not be so long!! and a couple more songs are way to repetitive (but not in trance-rock dandy fashion, but in a horrible mess) but there are some real gems here.. some of it is really good, some of it is classics (all the money... brilliant number, on par with their best songs).. it suffices as a dandy album.. a band that keeps putting out great music.. not like their incredible early trilogy but still great
    Full Review »
  3. Ben
    Feb 27, 2007
    This was the first Dandys album I heard, after seeing them live at Falls Festival on NYE 05/06. I love it. It is a mixture of Pink Floyd, This was the first Dandys album I heard, after seeing them live at Falls Festival on NYE 05/06. I love it. It is a mixture of Pink Floyd, TMV, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and... I don't know what else. One of the user reviews mentioned that "there is a distinct impression that jumped up artiness is more important than the music." Somebody who makes a comment like that could never understand this album. Full Review »