• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 44
  2. Negative: 10 out of 44

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  1. Apr 3, 2016
    Oh Dandy Warhols why must you always come to me with the most pretentious and horrendous alternative music known in existence. It is almost impressive as how they manage to come up with innovate ways to make my ears vomit. Trust me it's that bad. In fact this review isn't going to be Easy, for even thinking about the noise this band produces brings back traumatic experiences. To begin withOh Dandy Warhols why must you always come to me with the most pretentious and horrendous alternative music known in existence. It is almost impressive as how they manage to come up with innovate ways to make my ears vomit. Trust me it's that bad. In fact this review isn't going to be Easy, for even thinking about the noise this band produces brings back traumatic experiences. To begin with Dandy Warhols open in the most pretentious way imaginable, literally the first track is called Colder Than The Coldest Winter Was Cold and it is just a 1950s radio broadcaster emphasizing that what I am about to hear is a revolutionary masterpiece. Within 10 minutes of listening to this my friend was Holding Me Up because of how sick I felt listening to whatever this is. This does not even deserve to be called an album, a 10 hour session of blasting white noise into my ears is more of an album than this. This is the classic "use to be good" type band that people talk about, but from listening to this I would say my cat would be a more qualified being in the music industry. Expand
  2. May 14, 2012
    some people here pointed out that it is weaker than the first three.. well, yes, it definitely is..
    but it is still a great album.. wayyyy too long.. "love is the new..." should not be so long!! and a couple more songs are way to repetitive (but not in trance-rock dandy fashion, but in a horrible mess) but there are some real gems here.. some of it is really good, some of it is classics
    some people here pointed out that it is weaker than the first three.. well, yes, it definitely is..
    but it is still a great album.. wayyyy too long.. "love is the new..." should not be so long!! and a couple more songs are way to repetitive (but not in trance-rock dandy fashion, but in a horrible mess) but there are some real gems here.. some of it is really good, some of it is classics (all the money... brilliant number, on par with their best songs).. it suffices as a dandy album.. a band that keeps putting out great music.. not like their incredible early trilogy but still great
  3. Ben
    Feb 27, 2007
    This was the first Dandys album I heard, after seeing them live at Falls Festival on NYE 05/06. I love it. It is a mixture of Pink Floyd, TMV, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and... I don't know what else. One of the user reviews mentioned that "there is a distinct impression that jumped up artiness is more important than the music." Somebody who makes a comment like that could never This was the first Dandys album I heard, after seeing them live at Falls Festival on NYE 05/06. I love it. It is a mixture of Pink Floyd, TMV, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and... I don't know what else. One of the user reviews mentioned that "there is a distinct impression that jumped up artiness is more important than the music." Somebody who makes a comment like that could never understand this album. Expand
  4. josie
    Feb 3, 2006
    just as good as monkey house and urban bohemia. i could listen to holding me up over and over and over.
  5. steved
    Dec 27, 2005
    This album is some kind of pointless journey......As undugent as it is confusing, it lacks any ability to even come close to their usual and brilliant hook based formula.......The Warhols have had a profound effect on me, and have single handedly changed my ideas of what rock music is........But with Odditorium I was reminded of all the great bands that have faded into a blaze of oblivion This album is some kind of pointless journey......As undugent as it is confusing, it lacks any ability to even come close to their usual and brilliant hook based formula.......The Warhols have had a profound effect on me, and have single handedly changed my ideas of what rock music is........But with Odditorium I was reminded of all the great bands that have faded into a blaze of oblivion due to vain attempts at, (so called) musical growth......If your anything like me you will wish you never listened to the album......infact I wish I could unlisten to it......... Expand
  6. MindBomb
    Dec 22, 2005
    I agree with MackL and DylanC. " Love Is the New Feel Awful", "Holding Me Up" and "Everyone Is Insane", "All the Money or the Simple Life Honey" are classics. That's four more than most bands disks these days. Dylan C is exactly right. It needs to grow on you. When I first heard it I didn't know what to think and I almost believed the reviews. After hearing the album a couple I agree with MackL and DylanC. " Love Is the New Feel Awful", "Holding Me Up" and "Everyone Is Insane", "All the Money or the Simple Life Honey" are classics. That's four more than most bands disks these days. Dylan C is exactly right. It needs to grow on you. When I first heard it I didn't know what to think and I almost believed the reviews. After hearing the album a couple times, not only did I love it but several friends that knew nothing about The Dandys until Oddotorium, are now convinced they are brilliant.. Expand
  7. MackL
    Dec 11, 2005
    Come on, man, the Pitchfork and Rolling Stone reviews are ridiculous. A 1.2, are you kidding me? Even if you find the self-indulgent moments like the intro and "The New Country" silly, and you think the songs go on too long, there are a number of great moments here, my favorites tunes being "Holding Me Up" and "Love is the New Feel Awful." Taylor-Taylor said he wanted to make an album Come on, man, the Pitchfork and Rolling Stone reviews are ridiculous. A 1.2, are you kidding me? Even if you find the self-indulgent moments like the intro and "The New Country" silly, and you think the songs go on too long, there are a number of great moments here, my favorites tunes being "Holding Me Up" and "Love is the New Feel Awful." Taylor-Taylor said he wanted to make an album that felt like it was teetering, that everything could fall apart at any moment, and he succeeded. This kind of wandering, loose approach left him a little vulnerable and a lot of the critics have really swooped in. If you don't like it, fine, but why attack the band for playing it loose? Sorry to be vulgar, but pull the stick out of your you-know-what. It's just rock n' roll. I would rather listen to an uneven but overall interesting record than ten three-minute boring, if well crafted, pop songs anyday. I'm not saying this album is for everyone, or even that it isn't a little pretentious at times, but it does have some merit for those of us that love pop but are bored with verse-chorus-verse Bon Jovi songs regurgitated by posers with highlighted hair and fake British accents. Expand
  8. DylanC
    Dec 5, 2005
    Needs time to grow on you. Extremely well-done. People who have short attention spans would do better to stick to bands that do novelty 2-3 minute songs intended for radio play. This is a record I will still want to hear in 5-10 or more years.
  9. BenS
    Nov 27, 2005
    Don't get me wrong there are fine moments to be had here but there is a distinct impression that jumped up artiness is more important than the music. There is a self indulgence that oozes from some of these largely pointless tracks. Oh and Tatlor is VERY arrogant, far more arrogant than telented
  10. SabreN
    Nov 16, 2005
    I've been with the Warhols since the beginning so I have witnessed the 'transformation' of their sound in real time. For me, its never been about the rock star posturing, glorification of hedonism, or the battle to not sell out while, in fact, selling out. Its always been about the music, which I was completely enthralled with through their first three albums. I initially I've been with the Warhols since the beginning so I have witnessed the 'transformation' of their sound in real time. For me, its never been about the rock star posturing, glorification of hedonism, or the battle to not sell out while, in fact, selling out. Its always been about the music, which I was completely enthralled with through their first three albums. I initially thought 'Monkey House' was a joke and then proceeded to wait for the real album to come out, only to realize that that kick-to-the-groin of a compilation was it. After that fiasco, I really had no expectations for 'Warlords' which was good. While not the terribly awful album its predecessor was, 'Warlords' is certainly not on par with the work we have seen from this band, namely '...Come Down.' My honest opinion is that there will likely be zero new DW fans from this album (I recognize this is hardly the point, however) and old-timers (such as myself) will once again be questioning our faith and commitment to all things Dandy. Some jewels ('Holding Me Up' and 'Down Like Disco') amidst their one signiture radio song per album ('Smoke It', coincidentally their weakest radio song of all the albums), Monkey-esque indulgences ('Love is the New Feel Awful' and 'Everyone is Totally Insane'), mixed in with throwaway tracks which are borderline insulting ('Colder than the Coldest Winter Was Cold' and 'Otis') does not a great effort make. While it appears that this albums seems to "grow" on many listeners, other than the aforementioned jewels saved to my iPod, the rest of the fodder--and I have listened to the album 30 to 40 times--will be placed on my Dandy junkpile, right on top of 'I Am A Scientist.' I am still a Dandy through and through (for better or worse), but I am more inclined to listen to members of the family tree these days: The Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Warlocks, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and the moring after girls. I hate saying this so much, but I'd rather recommend listening to those bands albums and DW's pre-Monkey efforts than this. Its a sad day when I have to admit that my rose-colored, Dandy Warhols 3-D glasses are coming off. Expand
  11. AdamW
    Nov 16, 2005
    It's no sectret the Dandies love their drugs. Their first three albums are so good, they make bad highs good in an instant. But if you're high and you listen to this album, it actually makes you paranoid that you're spending too much money on garbage like this. It's reeally that bad.
  12. JC
    Nov 11, 2005
    You will notice the ratings for this album will go up as people listen to it more. Solid effort (probably better overall than 'Monkeyhouse', which was also a good album). Have fun with it.
  13. ThomasB
    Nov 9, 2005
    not surprising that so many critics missed this album. even myself, as a fan, needed 3 listens to get this album (and dig it) which is (very) close to the perfect "13 Tales".
  14. MaxK
    Oct 31, 2005
    This is a very good album with a few songs that are twice as long as they should be. Why do critics and the masses pile on for being a little too cheeky? Sounds like the Dandy's are having fun making music and listeners should try to be a little less skeptical about that approach......
  15. slawekk
    Oct 30, 2005
    a great rock'n'roll craze plus a hudge load of psycholdelic kick - in a way frank zappa must be proud of them!
  16. ZReyburn
    Oct 28, 2005
    Introduction aside this is a good Dandy's album. It reminds me of "Come Down" a little. Worth a listen.
  17. ScottP
    Oct 24, 2005
    Some great tracks surrounded by utter garbage. I'm usually never one to press the next track button, but this album is forcing me to do it more than once. A huge disappointment. Can a band be too alternative?
  18. NickZ
    Oct 22, 2005
    This is easily the best record the Dandies have produced, even considering the first album, and ...Come Down. I was especially impressed with the album after the band's "Welcome to the Monkey House," which veered away from the band's "psychedlic" sound, to say the least. The reason this record is so good is the same reason the first two records are so good: there's simply This is easily the best record the Dandies have produced, even considering the first album, and ...Come Down. I was especially impressed with the album after the band's "Welcome to the Monkey House," which veered away from the band's "psychedlic" sound, to say the least. The reason this record is so good is the same reason the first two records are so good: there's simply tons of sound on this record. It's a fantastic thing to have a Dandys record that one can get lost in once again... Expand
  19. IvanJ
    Oct 5, 2005
    I was a bit sceptical when I first went through this, but after a few listens I cannot help but notice there's some great stuff here. Ok, some songs are a bit dragging it too long (especially the last) and The New Country is irritating to me as Country Lever ever was on 13 Tales but that doesn't spoil it in any way. Dandys are back to their old sound after experimenting with I was a bit sceptical when I first went through this, but after a few listens I cannot help but notice there's some great stuff here. Ok, some songs are a bit dragging it too long (especially the last) and The New Country is irritating to me as Country Lever ever was on 13 Tales but that doesn't spoil it in any way. Dandys are back to their old sound after experimenting with Monkey House. I'm a sucker for their music and can't help it. And I'm glad. Expand
  20. SonT
    Sep 28, 2005
    The Patrick Swayze album. Or is it David Hasselhoff. Whatever... I hear it is real popular in Germany.
  21. GlennF
    Sep 22, 2005
    This album is a career killer from the only band who used to be worth listening to, what a shame.
  22. TinoS
    Sep 21, 2005
    No direction. This was recorded and forgotten. Save your money for The New Lows.
  23. AlexV
    Sep 21, 2005
    The criticism is that the Dandy's are trying to hard to be taken seriously and while this is true the fact remains that this record released by any of the more fashionable critical darlings of the time would be greated by intermittent cries of greatness. This doesn't mean the record is any good but does shed some light on the politics of music.
  24. Bradley
    Sep 21, 2005
    While this is not their best album by a long short, this album shows that the Dandys are never satisfied in staying in one style. A few songs are sub-par, the album will grow on many people. People must approach the album with some patience and an open mind.
  25. DSHelder
    Sep 21, 2005
    This is not a record for people who take rock too serious. I.e. when the Pitchfork reviewer writes "At least the Dandies can say they didn't try. But that's an insult to everyone who ever did." -- he really has lost the point. This is a do-as-we-want play-rock-cause-it's-fun let's-forget-about-concepts kind of album. Dandy Warhols' own image as This is not a record for people who take rock too serious. I.e. when the Pitchfork reviewer writes "At least the Dandies can say they didn't try. But that's an insult to everyone who ever did." -- he really has lost the point. This is a do-as-we-want play-rock-cause-it's-fun let's-forget-about-concepts kind of album. Dandy Warhols' own image as rock'n'roll superstar is so over-the-top it's hllarious! Expand
  26. TrishE
    Sep 20, 2005
    I really dig this album. I've read some of the more negative reviews on metacritic, but I'm really not into what that 56-year-old fossil Barry Walters of Rolling Stone magazine has to say about this. This album has its share of self-indulgent moments (hello, its the Dandy Warhols!), but there are lot of great riffs to go along with it. I'm in love with "Down Like Disco," I really dig this album. I've read some of the more negative reviews on metacritic, but I'm really not into what that 56-year-old fossil Barry Walters of Rolling Stone magazine has to say about this. This album has its share of self-indulgent moments (hello, its the Dandy Warhols!), but there are lot of great riffs to go along with it. I'm in love with "Down Like Disco," and Courtney never sounded so cool and wasted as he does with "Holding Me Up." And for the gang at Metacriticm I'm assuming your not done adding fair minded reviews from the established likes of "QMagazine", "Mojo", "Spin" or papers like the UK's "The Independent" or Canada's "The Toronto Sun" to keep a more fair and balanced tally of the score. This album is definitely worth my hard earned cash. Keep rockin' Dandys!!! Expand
  27. Matt
    Sep 20, 2005
    It has bad elements of both current and past music.
  28. MichaelT
    Sep 19, 2005
    For all the critics and fans who don't like the album, I get it, you want three-minute pop singles like "Bohemian Liky You" and "We Used to be Friends." But you know what? I like this album. Sure there are a few throwaways and some tracks do extend a bit long, but it's never lacking in melodic interest, and a few of the tracks "...the Simple Life Honey" and "Down Like Disco" are For all the critics and fans who don't like the album, I get it, you want three-minute pop singles like "Bohemian Liky You" and "We Used to be Friends." But you know what? I like this album. Sure there are a few throwaways and some tracks do extend a bit long, but it's never lacking in melodic interest, and a few of the tracks "...the Simple Life Honey" and "Down Like Disco" are knockouts! Plus, I love the floating excursion of "Love is the New Feel Awful." Maybe I'm strange, but to those naysayers who call this album scattershot or unfocused, I interpret it as eclectic and daring. Expand
  29. RaulJulia
    Sep 19, 2005
    Dandy Warhols bore me with their self-important, ultra-Fonzie approach to pop music. Those who don't know any better will eat this garbage up. So in other words, they'll sell the hell out of it. Way to go Arthur!
  30. MattM
    Sep 18, 2005
    Awful. Get any of their other albums first, enjoy them, then continue to ignore this one. I want my 10 bucks back.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 24
  2. Negative: 4 out of 24
  1. We'd rather watch the Dandys than listen to 'em.
  2. Whilst a complete reinvention of rock this may not be, a beautiful soaring record for messy nights and hungover Sundays, it most certainly is.
  3. Something this indulgent could only be a labor of love, but even die-hard Dandy Warhols fans might find embracing this album to be too much work.