• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 46 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
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  1. Nov 9, 2012
    'On A Misson' Is the amazing and fabulous debut from East London Funky House Princess, Katy B. Complete with gritty dub beats, UK Funky and Garage, 'On A Mission' Is more than a 'Dance/Electronic' Album. It's an album that will never leave you bored and keep you spinning all day and night.
  2. May 27, 2012
    This debut from Katy B is not just a collection of clubbangers or party music. It is far more than that. It manages to translate the club ambient into the pop music world without getting hollow or common, but dazzling and funny. She has her own words and ways to make dubstep/electro-pop, as it shows in 'Broken Record', 'Witches Brew' and 'Katy on a mission', this last one combining someThis debut from Katy B is not just a collection of clubbangers or party music. It is far more than that. It manages to translate the club ambient into the pop music world without getting hollow or common, but dazzling and funny. She has her own words and ways to make dubstep/electro-pop, as it shows in 'Broken Record', 'Witches Brew' and 'Katy on a mission', this last one combining some R&B and 'Bjorkism'. It's a freshness never seen before, and she's paving her way to the top. Collapse
  3. Dec 16, 2011
    this album is great....its like a variety of everything put together and its an album that deserves all the recognition. Every song is unique and you can just keep listening to it over and over. This is a great debut album.
  4. Dec 15, 2011
    Although Katy B plays with electronic and pop music, that girl just rocks. Her stunning debut On a Mission deserves all the accolades as it feels infinite on singles: catchy as hell, emotional and intelligent tunes ready to sweep out the club. Dubstep may be dominated by men but it is a 22-year-old girl from South London who has delivered one of the most danceable records of this year.Although Katy B plays with electronic and pop music, that girl just rocks. Her stunning debut On a Mission deserves all the accolades as it feels infinite on singles: catchy as hell, emotional and intelligent tunes ready to sweep out the club. Dubstep may be dominated by men but it is a 22-year-old girl from South London who has delivered one of the most danceable records of this year. Damn, she is too good. Katy does not waste any time and attacks with Power on Me just as the album kicks off. It is like when you enter a nightclub and that cool song is being played to introduce you to the general mood. Katy on a Mission, a huge hit in the UK, may be the best track here. Katy sings This right here I swear will end too soon and it is sad but true. Witchesâ Expand
  5. Sep 5, 2011
    A nice little album and really exceptional for a debut. It would be nice to see her sing over some slightly harder dubstep/dnb groves much like Jenna G as I do think there is space in the scene for 2 exceptionally great singers.
  6. Aug 6, 2011
    "On a Mission" comes as a breath of fresh air in a culture where dance music has become mainstream, bringing a slew of monotonous beats and slurry choruses that blend together and sound exactly the same. Katy's soulful croon--the kind of voice you'd more expect on an R&B record--floats deliciously over masterful productions from some of Britain's finest: Geeneus, Zinc, and the famed"On a Mission" comes as a breath of fresh air in a culture where dance music has become mainstream, bringing a slew of monotonous beats and slurry choruses that blend together and sound exactly the same. Katy's soulful croon--the kind of voice you'd more expect on an R&B record--floats deliciously over masterful productions from some of Britain's finest: Geeneus, Zinc, and the famed members of Magnetic Man (Benga, Skream, Artwork). It's familiar, as most dance music is these days, but at the same time different than everything you've been hearing lately. Songs like "Broken Record" and "Lights On" play to the formula that, if used correctly, is sure to produce a hit, while others like "Movement" and "Disappear" bring something new that, of course, still delivers a powerhouse dance jam. It's not enough to change the direction of music as a whole, but for what it is, "On A Mission" is a fantastic debut from this new pop/dance artist. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Oct 6, 2011
    Her sleek, sassy debut comes off like the Spice Girls for hipsters. [23 Sep 2011, p.79]
  2. Sep 13, 2011
    The male-dominated world of dubstep may dismiss all this as too lightweight and precious, but Katy B may transform into the queen of this boys club yet.
  3. Sep 13, 2011
    It would be nice if she opted for less tried and true subject matter, but there is plenty of time for Katy to become more lyrically adventurous.