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Universal acclaim- based on 173 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 14 out of 173

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  1. Aug 19, 2023
    Mike Skinners absolute masterpiece, this album does not have a single track I would rate under an 8.5. The album perfectly sums up life in the UK. Best song on the album "Has it come to this?".
  2. Sep 9, 2020
    Legendary album with some legendary tunes . Makes you proud to be British .
  3. Jul 26, 2019
    A great album with a very interesting sound! I can definitely see why people might be turned off by the way Mike Skinner raps, as it almost feels like spoken word. I'll admit, I was a bit iffy about the album at first, but after a little while I came to appreciate it. I do still think that the album has a few weak points here and there, but as a debut album, the quality on this thing isA great album with a very interesting sound! I can definitely see why people might be turned off by the way Mike Skinner raps, as it almost feels like spoken word. I'll admit, I was a bit iffy about the album at first, but after a little while I came to appreciate it. I do still think that the album has a few weak points here and there, but as a debut album, the quality on this thing is pretty impressive - especially after reading about the DIY nature of its production. The dude recorded his vocals in a wardrobe! On the lyrical side of things, I appreciate how he describes ordinary life in a way that isn't too flashy. As a result, this album feels like a glimpse into what regular life was like in central England during the early 2000s. Some of my favorites off of this include "Has It Come to This?," "It's Too Late," "Don't Mug Yourself," and "Weak Become Heroes." So if you're looking for something a little different that gives you a look into someone else's lifestyle and experiences, you should definitely check out this album. Expand
  4. Apr 26, 2017
    I remember walking to school playing this over and over every day. Truly a classic. Surprised to see it rated lower than "A Grand Don't Come for Free" tho, I think The Streets' debut was the best thing they have ever done.
  5. Apr 14, 2015
    This is a great rap album. It deals with excellent topics about loss and just having a good time. Clearly The Streets knows what he's doing. Excellent album.
  6. Oct 22, 2014
    A modern British Classic. Mike Skinner's spoken lyrics encapsulate a side of British culture that a lot of people around the world would be oblivious to. The beats which accompany the lyrics are flawless in places, especially for 'Turn The Page', 'Let's Push Things Forward' and 'Stay Positive'. By creating fusion between hip-hop and garage, delivered with lyrics in a regional accent,A modern British Classic. Mike Skinner's spoken lyrics encapsulate a side of British culture that a lot of people around the world would be oblivious to. The beats which accompany the lyrics are flawless in places, especially for 'Turn The Page', 'Let's Push Things Forward' and 'Stay Positive'. By creating fusion between hip-hop and garage, delivered with lyrics in a regional accent, Skinner effectively invents his own genre. Not a bad way to introduce yourself to the music industry. Expand
  7. Oct 17, 2012
    Very inventive and unique sound mixed with some very British vocals make this an interesting listen for Americans such as myself. Worth listening to!
  8. MattC
    Aug 5, 2008
    Mark G. I guess that American hiphop is much better? Much better to talk about pimps, 40's and hoes This is what is wrong about society, people complaining for the wrong reasons!
  9. danielw
    Jun 19, 2008
    Brilliant. the music i normally listen to is rock music, but this album is absolutely fantastic.
  10. BibianeN
    May 16, 2008
    WONDERFUL. Amazingly, surprisingly goog album!
  11. RobertC
    Dec 10, 2006
    Turn the Page is wicked
  12. AdzH
    Sep 16, 2006
    Original pirate material is the best album of all time, bar none! whether its my background as an English lad now in my late teens i dont know, but what i do kno is that this album will never die. 4 years after its release and its still so fresh and still personally my favourite work Mike Skinner has produced. Every lyric has meaning, every beat matches the vibe of that particular track Original pirate material is the best album of all time, bar none! whether its my background as an English lad now in my late teens i dont know, but what i do kno is that this album will never die. 4 years after its release and its still so fresh and still personally my favourite work Mike Skinner has produced. Every lyric has meaning, every beat matches the vibe of that particular track and this makes every track a masterpiece. You wont find any stupid skits in this album and this means you can play it from biggining to end loving every single minute! .....since its release when i was in high skool it has become the soundtrack to my life, following me everywhere and spookilly commentating on my experiences. Anyone who dislikes this album i got sum advice for you: get high and sit around with you mates...........listen to the lyrics.........jus sit back and chill.......listen to the beats.........youll soon feel every pressure in your life lift off your shoulders and Mike Skinner's deep philosophy will fix you. This album is more than a 10/10, because it cannot equal any other album ever made. perfect. We should all feel lucky we are living in the era that this was released... which this masterpiece places in context for all of us. im gonna listen to this album til i die Expand
  13. MattM
    Aug 10, 2006
    I think everyone on the forum can agree that Steven C, that guy who gave this record a 1 is a complete mindless twat. We all know what kind of person Steven is: "Just give me a good beat to dance to while I try my hardest to look tough in the club, never mind the lyrics." You are out of your mind Bro. This record is the most enthralling & interesting record that has come out in the 21st I think everyone on the forum can agree that Steven C, that guy who gave this record a 1 is a complete mindless twat. We all know what kind of person Steven is: "Just give me a good beat to dance to while I try my hardest to look tough in the club, never mind the lyrics." You are out of your mind Bro. This record is the most enthralling & interesting record that has come out in the 21st century so far. Forget about Eminem! Forget about 50 "Fucking" Cent! You are locked on to the Streets. Expand
  14. ChrisC
    May 9, 2006
    This album is genius lyrically. The use of all the British slang is mindblowing and whoever cannot appreciate something different like this can rot in hell because they are closed minded.
  15. PhilS
    May 3, 2006
    As a poet, there is no better than this working class hero. I was tempted to give this album 10, but decided not to bcause i am mean. It is really really good quality...... i mean, he is what Doherty could be
  16. Kel
    Dec 1, 2005
    If you're looking for the standard hip hop album replete with guns, hoes and, erm, female dogs(!), you'd best turn away now, for Mike Skinner aka The Streets is on a different mission with his debut LP. Many have accredited the Brixton-by-Birmingham native of single-handedly revitalising the ailing UK garage scene. Universally praised by critics the world over and hailed as a If you're looking for the standard hip hop album replete with guns, hoes and, erm, female dogs(!), you'd best turn away now, for Mike Skinner aka The Streets is on a different mission with his debut LP. Many have accredited the Brixton-by-Birmingham native of single-handedly revitalising the ailing UK garage scene. Universally praised by critics the world over and hailed as a generational classic upon its release, Original Pirate Material serves as a timeless chronicle of the experiences, travails and culture of modern 21st century British youth. Whether it's the urban shout-out 'Has It Come To this? Expand
  17. JackL
    Oct 3, 2005
    This is a stokr of genius from the man Mike Skinner i also have "a grand don't come for free" both awsome living in australia but originaly from Croydon London English Hip-Hop is not that big over here but Mike skinner is certainly well liked by anyone who listens to the albums an awsome 10/10 for this one!
  18. LouiseB
    Apr 11, 2005
    I love this album and one pf the critics is right, you do have to listen to it quite a few times before you can really appreciate it. Although (arguably) I think that A Grand Don't Come For Free is better!
  19. DerekN
    Feb 13, 2005
    Original Pirate Material is the most revolutionary hip-hop album since Eminem's Slim Shady LP. (BlackStar & Roots were pretty good too.) It's got some Artful Dodger elements, but lyrics that any normal young dude can relate to. Although Skinner's lyrics are more British inclined, but anybody that appreciates true hip-hop will truly appreciate it.
  20. CiaránMcC
    Nov 8, 2004
    Bout time some gezzer did somethin diferent. The lyrics are classical and so is the album!!!!!
  21. Kalieblade
    Jul 19, 2004
    yeah i think the album is ace. Mike is very talented geezer and i cant see a reason why not to like his stuff he also is sexy!!!!!
  22. dai
    Jul 1, 2004
    god f*ing dammit! where's this album been all my life! best rhymes since lord byron... sit back and let ur mind be blown.
  23. ImogenC
    Jun 29, 2004
    It's Quality mate just what wev'e all been waiting for More Live gig's in England needed!!!
  24. AldusH
    Jun 28, 2004
    Sublime. I've just listened to this CD ten times in a row. Not really into dance or whatever, but this album is a major addiction for me.
  25. AsiaZ
    Jun 13, 2004
    It's hard to imagine a more shockingly brilliant and unexpected debut. Mike Skinner is unlike anyone else in music today, and I mean that with utmost respect.
  26. dd
    May 14, 2004
    doesnt that dude mean cult classic
  27. timl
    May 2, 2004
    Amazing. The best debut of the 21st Century without question. Probably the best debut full stop since 'Definately Maybe'. Incredible.
  28. GordonR
    Apr 26, 2004
    Best British album in ages and Mike Skinner could be the best British lyricist since the mighty Morrissey
  29. calebm
    Apr 9, 2004
  30. AlanB
    Mar 31, 2004
    Revolutionary! Like nothing I've ever heard before. Skinner combines a great mix of wicked samples with social commentary that we can all appreciate. "Turn the Page" is an incredible track.
  31. TP
    Mar 22, 2004
    an excellent and very innovative album. fave song is 'the irony of it all'
  32. catherineR
    Mar 15, 2004
    Its heaps good
  33. SpanP
    Feb 5, 2004
    **Thumbs up** :p
  34. AndreasfromNorwayGeving
    Jan 29, 2004
    Really amazing... This is real and the most impressive thing with the album to me is the lyrics. I discover new things when I listen to it today, even though I bought the album early! The best songs is Weak Become Heroes, It's Too Late and Has it Come To This. Amazing!
  35. Jong
    Nov 16, 2003
    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a shame this album wasnt popular, i guess the public just isint ready for something this real.
  36. Jong
    Nov 16, 2003
    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a shame this album wasnt popular, i guess the public just isint ready for something this real.
  37. WillemH
    Oct 23, 2003
    not bestseller but cold classic
  38. BobbyF
    Oct 16, 2003
    this cd is awesome
  39. NseE
    Sep 17, 2003
    Omigosh, wot a fab cd. From 'Turn the page', through 'Has it come to this', 'Weak become heroes', 'The irony of it all'. Cool Brittania!
  40. nolanv
    Aug 23, 2003
    i first didnt like it.....then i got high and had a listen, it was love..........
  41. IRIEA
    Jul 16, 2003
    I picked this cd up on a whim and oh baby this thing was a jewel! A few of my boys had a listen to it during a session and it grew on them.
  42. annimanni
    May 10, 2003
    to hear in every situation
  43. JayDawg
    Apr 14, 2003
    This is the best CD ever. This thing is the stuff. Buy it now, if you can find it
  44. LisettC
    Feb 13, 2003
    The best thing since "Never Mind the Bollocks."
  45. JayC
    Jan 14, 2003
    This is incredible! A mixture between Oakenfold/The Specials/Aesop Rock.
  46. RenataS
    Jan 6, 2003
    luv it!
  47. AaronL
    Jan 6, 2003
    Ranges from pretty good to totally inspired. The beats, the voice, the lyrics - everything is fresh. Great debut.
  48. Markyb
    Jan 2, 2003
    it is the poo poo!
  49. kris
    Jan 2, 2003
    beautifully done!
  50. aitchem
    Dec 28, 2002
    best sound i have heard for yonks
  51. ChrisP
    Dec 20, 2002
    If the artist releases shit .... i'll buy it!!!! cause it will be good ... Give me more, and more and more .... keep going mate
  52. terryb
    Dec 17, 2002
    this album is fuckin great
  53. SarahO
    Dec 8, 2002
    i luv the album, as a u.s listener the accent great and the liyrics are refreshing!
  54. angelac
    Dec 3, 2002
    totally raw, smack you in the face. got to love it or leave it, no inbetweens
  55. SakS
    Nov 26, 2002
    The Greatest Album Ever of the ever of the ever of all evers greatest, funniest and murkiest.
  56. Lan
    Nov 24, 2002
    LYRICALLY DELICIOUS- send him down here (Australia) as quickly as possible!!
  57. RedRage
    Nov 22, 2002
    Excellent hip-hop! One of the best since way back in the day and Rebel MC.
  58. adamw
    Nov 20, 2002
    this album rocks the streets rule dont mug yourself is da best song eva its so catchy wot else is there to say it rocks
  59. [anonymous]
    Nov 17, 2002
    The best of the year!!
  60. jofishw
    Nov 5, 2002
    Clubbers poetry!!
  61. voleyvole
    Nov 4, 2002
    simply amazing. mike skinner is a talented, witty geeza
  62. RichardV
    Oct 26, 2002
    This album is wonderful. It's orignal and the MC is talented and the beats are good. He also talks about events that all teens and 20 year olds can relate to. Very thankful to own this album.
  63. JamesM
    Oct 13, 2002
    The most original album I have listened to this year
  64. EmmaC.
    Sep 21, 2002
    d album is da best album out,well dun mike ITS GREAT. n mike ur very good lukin!
  65. AnthonyL.
    Sep 10, 2002
    the best album ive heard 4 yearz. da new face of garage
  66. SumuduB.
    Sep 9, 2002
    BEST ALBUM I'VE HEARD IN AGES!!! the only album that's i've wanted to hear the second i finished it, SUCH AN AWSOME ALBUM! anyone know where i can get lyrics for the songs though (on the net)?
  67. ManoloT.
    Sep 2, 2002
    classic album. good stuff indeed
  68. MickD
    Aug 30, 2002
    Very 'Relative' .Great to listen to whilst pillin', i cant wait for the sequel.
  69. wan
    Aug 26, 2002
    I love this album, it's funny, strange, wonderful.... the best thing I have heard in years, love it!
  70. dijital
    Aug 26, 2002
    This is home studio bangers and mash for a new generation, man. Get with it!
  71. SamA.
    Aug 24, 2002
    Genius. The most original album of our generation. Sam from Canada
  72. DonD.
    Aug 23, 2002
    Classic Lean Cuisine. Ya get me.
  73. SheeM.
    Aug 23, 2002
    Skinner's use of imagery is amazing, transports you back to the day (weak become heros), has you in stitches (the irony of it all), and reminds you lost love. I was one of the very lucky ones to see them play thier first gig ever in Dublin, if you get a chance to see them live go.
  74. KatyMouldyMilldew
    Aug 20, 2002
    THE best thing to come out of the album music charts in years.. Clever, funny, entertaining, it's one of those albums you'll listen to over and over again and find hard to get sick of... Let's push things forward!
  75. askyermammy
    Aug 19, 2002
    a classic already, best tunes I've heard in years and one of my top five albums ever bought .. Empties what is full, fills what is empty and scratches where it itches.
  76. RhiannonL.
    Aug 17, 2002
    there is only one word needed to describe this album "wicked". the streets aka mike skinner is a lyrical genius and those who slate him or his album obviusly dont see class music when it slaps them in the face! when will he be doing a tour?
  77. JeremyB.
    Aug 16, 2002
    This album is a definite for your collection. This album is amazing for a debut!
  78. StevenP.
    Aug 16, 2002
    The Streets are well and truely Sharp Darts, Spitting Masters!! I just glad to be a passanger!!
  79. michaeld
    Jul 26, 2002
    Raving is bad. The youth of today are drug addicted whores. I find this album very satisfying Especially "the irony of it all". LOVELY. Look forward to the tour. See you all on the dance floor :-) X (-:
  80. Siege
    Jun 19, 2002
    How can anyone doubt this album? original drums and bass with poetry layed on top -the last time I heard anything this good was The Criminal Minds Tales fom The Wasteland EP - bring on the new sound of urban music
  81. JimP.
    Jun 15, 2002
    Very eclectic, but all good nonetheless
  82. ThomasE.
    Jun 12, 2002
    Very Good... I've been living in the U.K for 9 months now and I find the music, Garage, very good.
  83. MarkG.
    Jun 3, 2002
    this is an awesome album. if this is english rap then im in ... the sounds are really good, and the lyrics are almost poetic in places ... and that 'all music guide' review is the exact problem with music today; 'the raps are juvenile and lightweight' ... well, look 'all music guide' reviewer-loser, the problem with a lot of todays music is people taking this is an awesome album. if this is english rap then im in ... the sounds are really good, and the lyrics are almost poetic in places ... and that 'all music guide' review is the exact problem with music today; 'the raps are juvenile and lightweight' ... well, look 'all music guide' reviewer-loser, the problem with a lot of todays music is people taking themselves too seriously (see every other rapper today, and all those awful boy bands) and not just doing it because they enjoy it ... this is a breath of fresh air (copyright cliche machine 2002) ... im not a fan of a couple of the songs, but you get that ... but all up the album is top stuff, incredibly entertaining and funny in places, and in others thinly veiled social comments ... this is excellent ... Expand
  84. HenryH.
    May 25, 2002
    He's not only the saviour of 2-step,but of the whole deadly british music scene.
  85. BryxtonT.
    May 22, 2002
    I'm from Australia and it's safe to say the The Streets have taken over down under too... AN AWESOME album that's bound to go big, no matter what country it's in!!!
  86. ClareyE.
    May 11, 2002
    I have got this album and I think it is really gr8 music cos it is so different but i think sometimes the swearing ruins it and it gets a bit repetitive (when they are swearing).
  87. RickM.
    May 5, 2002
    Absolutely brilliant album, nothing else will ever sound the same.
  88. ChrisD.
    Apr 30, 2002
    its sorted
  89. EdP.
    Apr 21, 2002
    The most refreshing, exciting, incredible album you'll hear all year. It will hi-jack your head and superglue itself to your cd player soon as look at you...

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Original Pirate Material is England's first great hip-hop record mostly because it isn't a hip-hop record. It's hard to say exactly what it is.
  2. An album whose scope, diversity, wit and heart make it instantly the best album of 2002.
  3. Alternative Press
    While Original Pirate Material isn't as good as the U.K. press hyperbole would have us believe, it does prove that sentiment and sincerity are more interesting than slickness and skills. [Dec 2002, p.96]