• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Aug 27, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Aug 27, 2021
    In subtle ways, this album ties together all of the various disciplines Gunn has previously explored, from American primitive guitar playing to jazz, folk, indie rock, and drone music. Yet it is also something entirely new with a unique sound that is a joy to spend time with.
  2. 80
    It’s a release you’ll want to live with for a while, and not just on Sunday mornings.
  3. Aug 26, 2021
    ‘Fulton’ and ‘Morning River’ are early highlights, while ‘Circuit Rider’ seems to exude the characteristics of the album’s Los Angeles setting. Closing with the reflective ‘Ever Feel That Way’, Steve Gunn marvels with the lightest of touches.
  4. Sep 1, 2021
    It’s a nice rest, listening to Other You. It’s hard to remember what you heard, but very, very pleasant while it’s happening.
  5. Aug 26, 2021
    The cohesive Other You finds Gunn comfortably delivering gorgeous layers of guitar sounds over relaxed songs which are in no hurry to do much more than reflecting the Southern California sun.
  6. Mojo
    Aug 25, 2021
    Music that is dizzying beautiful, but never precious. [Oct 2021, p.88]
  7. Aug 30, 2021
    Gunn is not merely the ghost animating Other You’s remarkably ornate machine. The vocal melodies here are among the tenderest he’s ever written, and they carry the same sense of inevitability that he invests in his guitar lines; they sound so natural, it can be easy to overlook their formal complexity.
  8. 80
    Other You isn’t quite perfect. The album leans too heavily on dreamy tempos; more of the ‘motorik’ reverberations of the Grateful Dead-jamming-with-Neu! gem “Protection” wouldn’t go amiss. Gunn’s step into the unforgiving glare of the spotlight as a singer coincides with some fairly densely cryptic lyrics, too. Such misgivings are minor gripes when faced with closer “Ever Feel That Way”, a life-enriching anthem for empathy and mutual care.
  9. Aug 25, 2021
    His brightest and most vivid record. ... Here he finds new dimensions, rethinking his phrasing, tone and cadence. [Sep 2021, p.16]

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