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Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. May 29, 2022
    One of my personal favourite album, there is only one track doesn't convince me: Statues. But the other are so good!
  2. Sep 14, 2017
    Although Outrage is Now! doesn't pack the same hit-for-hit attack as DFA's original EP, it does something just as exciting, it evolves past the doldrums of The Physical World and into a familiar raw territory - one that the bad thrives in. DFA in the land of metal.
  3. Sep 9, 2017
    This album has the same problem as the Physical World, the duo's last album, which is that while it has a ton of energy and rock swagger, it is too polished and often comes off like it wants to be played on Top 40 Modern Rock radio, lacking in the noise punk grit of their landmark debut. And this one being less riskier than the last because of how similar it sounds. But this is still aThis album has the same problem as the Physical World, the duo's last album, which is that while it has a ton of energy and rock swagger, it is too polished and often comes off like it wants to be played on Top 40 Modern Rock radio, lacking in the noise punk grit of their landmark debut. And this one being less riskier than the last because of how similar it sounds. But this is still a solid outing from the band regardless. The band still knows how to deliver a rock song with energy and swagger, like I said before. It's not much of a risk, in fact it's pretty safe unfortunately, but there is some enjoyment to be had here. It is a formula that works. Expand
  4. Sep 9, 2017
    The new album is very disappointing. It has a heavier sound, but the band just don't do it justice. Was hoping for more stuff like Holy Books, my favorite song, which came out as a single. I kind of got that, however the songs that similarly lack danciness in favor heaviness here just don't work out. The rest of the songs are just bad.

    Nomad is alright. Really a good opener song if you
    The new album is very disappointing. It has a heavier sound, but the band just don't do it justice. Was hoping for more stuff like Holy Books, my favorite song, which came out as a single. I kind of got that, however the songs that similarly lack danciness in favor heaviness here just don't work out. The rest of the songs are just bad.

    Nomad is alright. Really a good opener song if you haven't heard all the singles. Really shows what's to come. Other than that I'd give it a 7
    Freeze Me has really grown off of me. At first I liked it but it doesn't really have anything interesting in it. The riffs are OK. Light 5
    Caught Up reminds me of Royal Blood. I hate Royal Blood. I mean they arguably ripped of DFA and now they're basically ripping of RB. 4
    Outrage! Is Now is probably the least outrageous song on the album. Because it's pretty slow. The chorus is meh. It's OK. 6
    Dear god I despise Never Swim Alone. It has some OK points in it but then I immediately realise how bad of a song it is. The squealing vocals yelling what seems to be a parody of teens or the internet and a plea for a better generation is incredibly annoying. I mean they probably meant for that but not the way it comes across. The chorus/refrain is sort of interesting but then the Super Mario bass riff brings all the pains back. Light 2
    Moonlight is actually very cool. 8
    Statues was and still is my least favorite song on the album. It's everything wrong with the rest of the songs here. BORING! 2
    All I C Is U & Me is just OK. I'll give it a 5
    NVR 4EVR (despite the title) is actually quite enjoyable. It suffers from the same faults that most other songs here do, but it doesn't completely fall on its face. 7
    And FINALLY my favorite song Holy Books. It really does this new heavier style justice. 9

    So overall very mixed bag. Disappointed but I hope to see what they have in store for the future.
  5. Sep 8, 2017
    Quick Track-By-Track Review
    Nomad: 7
    Freeze Me: 8 Caught Up: 8 Outrage! Is Now: 6 Never Swim Alone: 6 Moonlight: 7 Statues: 8 All I C is U & Me: 8 NVR 4EVER: 8 Holy Books:7 Final Score: 72/100 or 7/10 Even though this album is somewhat repetitive, I have to admit that it was better than I thought it was going to be. The album itself starts off in a quite interesting direction
    Quick Track-By-Track Review
    Nomad: 7
    Freeze Me: 8
    Caught Up: 8
    Outrage! Is Now: 6
    Never Swim Alone: 6
    Moonlight: 7
    Statues: 8
    All I C is U & Me: 8
    NVR 4EVER: 8
    Holy Books:7
    Final Score: 72/100 or 7/10
    Even though this album is somewhat repetitive, I have to admit that it was better than I thought it was going to be. The album itself starts off in a quite interesting direction but it never seems to evolve from that direction, still, the album is extremely pleasing to listen to and should satisfy any casual listener due to the sheer talent at hand.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 3 out of 16
  1. Oct 25, 2017
    Outrage! Is Now is unequivocally uninspired, shelving almost all of the rawness that put the Toronto doublet on the map thirteen years ago. It’s lyrically apathetic, and Jesse F. Keeler’s basslines have lost all of their punishing nature.
  2. 70
    Hiring QOTSA producer Eric Valentine has given their bluesy bluster a hint of Josh Homme’s desert Bowie sleaze on tracks like Never Swim Alone, Statues, Caught Up and Moonlight. ... There’s still space for the weird bits, though.
  3. Sep 25, 2017
    The shallow cynicism and apathy that animates so many of its songs are under-interrogated by its writers, instead finding form as a pessimist’s non-committal, inconclusive pouting.