• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 27, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
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  1. Oct 27, 2017
    Beneath its glossy surface, there's not only plenty of melody, but a perverse sense of humor that keeps the record from sounding too smooth and settled.
  2. Oct 27, 2017
    As a collective work, Pacific Daydream is ultimately a step below the resurgent greatness of the White Album, but it still soundly ranks in the upper tier of Weezer’s new-millennium output. It’s peppered with some of the band’s best songs in recent memory.
  3. 80
    It’s the ever-present hint of neurosis in Rivers Cuomo’s voice and vaguely bi-polar lyrics (thankfully not produced using the cut-up technique he employed for last year’s self-titled release) that give this band their perennial edge of strangeness, and reaffirm Weezer’s unique place in American rock fans’ affections.
  4. Oct 24, 2017
    The album works extraordinarily well together, but the tracks wouldn’t work as, say, singular pulls for a personal mix. You can take or leave the album. It’s good enough. But the songs don’t stay with you.
  5. Oct 27, 2017
    Permission to sprinkle Big Sounds over their insta-recognisable songwriting might not have been something they’d allow themselves in the past, but here it transforms what could’ve easily been ‘churning out more of the same’ into 21st Century alt-pop bangers.
  6. Magnet
    Nov 21, 2017
    The lyrics are often stupid as hell. ... What's novel about Pacific Daydream is that its giant, overcompressed choruses really do burrow their way into your skull. [No. 148, p.51]
  7. 80
    Pacific Daydream is all carefree, expertly crafted pop, free of irony and all the better for it. Lock the doors, crack open a cold one, and enjoy an endless summer with Weezer.
  8. Q Magazine
    Oct 24, 2017
    Pacific Daydream can be read as a bitter reaction to the Trump era and geo-political chaos, or maybe it's just a set of (mostly) great tunes that provide light relief from it all. [Nov 2017, p.114]
  9. Oct 27, 2017
    Pacific Daydream is pretty much just fine--34 minutes of unambiguous, catchy music, competent enough to land on the good side of Weezer's discography without reaching for anything more.
  10. Oct 25, 2017
    Pacific Daydream is both exuberant and plaintive; it’s full of songs about past joys and present loneliness, recalling friends and lovers who are no longer part of the singer’s life. ... But there’s a whole pop apparatus around him--a tambourine shaking, a firm beat, happy backup voices--to insist that Weezer’s kind of music is far from extinct.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 123 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 123
  2. Negative: 36 out of 123
  1. Oct 27, 2017
    Weezer are in this weird sate where everyone knows they can make a good album, but they only choose to do it half the time. Therefore it onlyWeezer are in this weird sate where everyone knows they can make a good album, but they only choose to do it half the time. Therefore it only makes sense that after the White Album they make this.

    This album is the dreaded fun pop weezer except it's not fun and what regular pop fan even knows the name Weezer? It's an album full of mediocre pop dozers with about 3 memorable songs.

    Weekend Woman, Sweet Mary and QB Blitz are the only songs I would maybe consider listening to outside this album, though I doubt I'll come back to this album much. I don't know if I want to give this a 5 or a 0 so I'll just leave it at a 3

    I also have to admit Feels Like Summer ain't too bad.

    Good songs: I guess Weekend Woman and QB Blitz

    Bad songs: Mexican Fender, Beach Boys, Happy Hour, La Mancha Screwjob, Any Friend of Diane's
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  2. Oct 27, 2017
    I can't believe we're getting back to this all over again. I mean, seeing that Weezer did fantastic works with their previous two albums, it'sI can't believe we're getting back to this all over again. I mean, seeing that Weezer did fantastic works with their previous two albums, it's incredibly disappointing that this album just managed to be Raditude all over again, with excessive pop and tunes that don't fit well with the band. I couldn't bring myself to hear the tracks more than once, just like it happened with Linkin Park's One More Light.

    Just what the hell is happening with the rock bands we know and love? Seriously.
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  3. Oct 27, 2017
    I'd like to give this a lower score, but as a fan {former fan?} I just can't do it. Pacific Daydream is arguably a career nadir for Weezer.I'd like to give this a lower score, but as a fan {former fan?} I just can't do it. Pacific Daydream is arguably a career nadir for Weezer. Worse than Raditude? Possibly; but the songs are so instantly forgettable I cant be bothered to give them enough repeated listenings.

    Perhaps it's time to call it a day boys.
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