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Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Mar 7, 2022
    A fantastic sophomore album pulling influences from everywhere with stellar production and her unique vocals make this an AOTY contender
  2. Mar 6, 2022
    This record just speaks to so many of my sensibilities and sounds like I like. Nilufer creates a really wonderful soundscape, consisting of Indie/ Jazz/ Hip Hop. Often times the melodies resemble those of Radiohead which is the best compliment...

    This is the type of record that grows on you with each listen. Songs that just seemed OK on the first go around, will begin to reveal
    This record just speaks to so many of my sensibilities and sounds like I like. Nilufer creates a really wonderful soundscape, consisting of Indie/ Jazz/ Hip Hop. Often times the melodies resemble those of Radiohead which is the best compliment...

    This is the type of record that grows on you with each listen. Songs that just seemed OK on the first go around, will begin to reveal themselves to be AMAZING.

    This is my favorite release from this week, and I look forward to continuing the dive in to this album.

    My favorite songs are L/R, Stabilise, Try, Anotherlife.

    Im rating this a HIGH 8 to LIGHT 9
  3. Mar 4, 2022
    moody guitar rock thrives with Yanya brilliant deep jazzy vocals. influenced by Radiohead arpeggios reminiscent of ''in rainbows'', especially on midnight sun, her return ,leaves little to be desired as she sinks into herself(''In a couple days I’m gonna lose this / In a couple places getting bruises / Just to heal my body'')and is a bliss watching as she threads worries into stickymoody guitar rock thrives with Yanya brilliant deep jazzy vocals. influenced by Radiohead arpeggios reminiscent of ''in rainbows'', especially on midnight sun, her return ,leaves little to be desired as she sinks into herself(''In a couple days I’m gonna lose this / In a couple places getting bruises / Just to heal my body'')and is a bliss watching as she threads worries into sticky narratives about loves pain an her longing resilience. unlike the previous stellar ''miss universe this record isn't interrupted by unnecessary skis but a lid heady record reminiscent of tirzahs 2021 release. the standout ''midnight sun'' is a sonic sludge that attempts to be vulnerable and protected all at once('Peeling back not noticing /The blood and bones beneath my skin. Feelings that we can’t compare / Taking chances anywhere'') but even in hose candid you feel at arms length from her but not in such a way the music doesn't resonate(it really does!)

    in comparison to the fiery debut hat almost melts with it's ferocity but this cool follow up stabiles into a swirling compilation of bleeding proclamations hat i just cannot stop repeating
  4. Mar 4, 2022
    Amazing second album! Nilüfer Yanya seems to be settling into something more downtempo and grounded but does not falter in building the atmosphere she's known for

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mar 18, 2022
    Because there’s a rap-type of percussion to her music, it’s hard to tell whether she’s ready to break into an indie harmony or some lo-fi poetry – yet this unpredictability is what makes PAINLESS so exciting to sit through. ... This should rubber-stamp Nilüfer Yanya as a generational star.
  2. Mar 11, 2022
    What she's gained in the process is more focus and confidence, and as PAINLESS proves, an intriguing foreshadow of things to come.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Mar 10, 2022
    A beguiling good time. [Mar 2022, p.71]