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  1. Aug 21, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sin lugar a dudas un EP impecable, Del Rey nos conquista de pies a cabeza, empezando por "Ride" una obra maestra, que nos muestra todo lo que es ella, una diosa. Expand
  2. Nov 15, 2012
    Lana Del Rey returns with another lyrical masterpiece. Although pretentious critics say that her songwriting had regressed, I say the opposite! This album is another piece in the puzzle that is Lana Del Rey and a perfect counterpart to the original.
  3. Nov 17, 2012
    Born to Die Paradise Edition is a good example of a new concept of music with beautiful, deep lyrics and 9 new songs as good as the others from the last album.
  4. Jan 10, 2014
    Perfect EP. Ride, Body Electric, Cola and Burning Desire are the best. She mixes poetry and part of her life in songs like Ride, and Body Electric. I hope Ultraviolence doesn't disappoint.
    Lana made a good job
  5. Jul 10, 2020
    to this day one of the greatest things I have listened to. in my opinion her best album.
  6. Sep 8, 2020
    lana del rey queen of alt stream chemtrails over the country club and after school by melanie martinez
  7. Oct 22, 2021
    This EP is something so special. It makes you feel like you're in a move. And what can I say about the opener track "ride", probably the best opener in history.
  8. Aug 21, 2022
    I am honestly so in love with Lana’s work in this album. She has such a diverse range of expressing love and passion. This is her best album of work yet. Her song Ride is a masterpiece. Video games and summertime sadness are still popular after 10 years! Gods and Monsters is so amazing. Lolita and Carmen give youthful cheers. The title track Born to Die gives such intimacy yet harshness atI am honestly so in love with Lana’s work in this album. She has such a diverse range of expressing love and passion. This is her best album of work yet. Her song Ride is a masterpiece. Video games and summertime sadness are still popular after 10 years! Gods and Monsters is so amazing. Lolita and Carmen give youthful cheers. The title track Born to Die gives such intimacy yet harshness at the same time. A real queen who speaks her own truth and doesn’t need anyone else to explain her story- respect. Expand
  9. Mar 22, 2023
    é um bom ep, eu nn sou mto fã de yayo e umas outras lá mas ride, body eletric e cola são incríveis e merecem essa nota
  10. Nov 15, 2012
    This is a much needed improvement on Born to Die, lyrically and sonically. The songs can get slow (Bel Air) but it's all about atmosphere. And let's not forget that 'Cola' has this years best lyrics. Her voice finally isn't all baby talk and pathetic rap; now it is much stronger and much more emphasized. As a whole, 'Cola,' and 'Ride' are definitely the best tracks, the latter practicallyThis is a much needed improvement on Born to Die, lyrically and sonically. The songs can get slow (Bel Air) but it's all about atmosphere. And let's not forget that 'Cola' has this years best lyrics. Her voice finally isn't all baby talk and pathetic rap; now it is much stronger and much more emphasized. As a whole, 'Cola,' and 'Ride' are definitely the best tracks, the latter practically being the new 'Video Games.' However, I wish she tried to switch up her act a bit; I heard some leaked tracks that actually sounded poppy and I wished she had put them on the EP. If you're interested in it, listen to 'Hit and Run,' it's great and maybe a hint of the Lana to come.

    The low critic review is only based off of four reviews, so I implore you to do your own research and give this EP a chance! You'll probably be impressed, or at least shocked by some of the things she says coupled with the haunting vocals. It's a good listen overall!
  11. Nov 14, 2012
    The EP of our generation, The Fame Monster who? Highlights
    Cola: "My **** tastes like Pepsi cola" is probably the lyric of the Decade
    Body Electric : Beautiful
  12. Nov 15, 2012
    Lana Del Rey apresentou músicas excelentes neste "Paradise"
    Ride, American, Body Eletric, Bel Air, Cola, Gods & Monsters e Blue Velvet são canções lindas que com a voz de Lana se transformam em uma linda poesia em busca do Paraíso. Lana Del Rey mostrando que não está de brincadeira e pode sem problemas, se orgulhar de sua caminhada
    Lana Del Rey apresentou músicas excelentes neste "Paradise"
    Ride, American, Body Eletric, Bel Air, Cola, Gods & Monsters e Blue Velvet são canções lindas que com a voz de Lana se transformam em uma linda poesia em busca do Paraíso. Lana Del Rey mostrando que não está de brincadeira e pode sem problemas, se orgulhar de sua caminhada até aqui. Críticas? Sem virão, mas o importante é sempre está de cabeça erguida! Melhor Albúm do Ano
  13. Nov 17, 2012
    I was waiting like crazy for this album and i think is really good, some low points (Yayo) but great songs. Her vocal have impoved so much in such a short period of time. I prefer the Born To Die lyrics, this ones are repeated so much in my opinion but there are some great lyrics too. Congratulations to Lana for making a fabulous record that i will listen a million times
  14. Dec 9, 2012
    Much better than "Born To Die" She's at her when she's vulnerable. In "Yayo" sounds as if it was written for her by Jeff Buckley . Her voice doesn't cater to uptempo tracks. It completely takes away from the character of her voice, I actually think it would sound odd.She might be a one trick pony but its a trick that no other pony can do.
  15. Apr 8, 2020
    This album is great, I really like the sound Lana uses, bolder than her other bodies of work, truly iconic.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jan 2, 2013
    Born to Die's highlights are both slightly more numerous and slightly more effective--but it's still a very strong, successful record, whether taken as an addition or a follow-up.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Nov 21, 2012
    Though she makes a few knowingly meta nods to her own rep, Paradise leans too hard on the same tired drowsy-Lolita poses. [23 Nov 2012, p.70]
  3. 70
    Once you accept that Lana knows exactly what she's doing--that she, not Interscope Records or any of her co-producers, is the architect behind this R-rated retro-pop fantasy--then maybe you'll start loving her, too.