
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Jun 9, 2023
    Though Chris fully commits to Paranoïa, Angels, True Love's sweeping scope, as a whole it doesn't feel as rewarding as the diamond-like clarity and brilliance of Chris or La Vita Nuova. Even if it's missing some of the electrifying immediacy of those works, there's a lot of challenging and emotionally powerful music here for fans to appreciate.
  2. Jun 12, 2023
    Double and triple albums naturally sprawl, yet there’s an unexpected compactness to PARANOÏA.
  3. Jun 15, 2023
    A record composed of experimental dissonance and slick pop bravery, ‘PARANOÏA, ANGELS, TRUE LOVE’ ranks as the boldest aspect of his career to date. A project that searches for honesty, it places Christine and the Queens in a quite singular lane of alt-pop abstraction.
  4. Jun 8, 2023
    A far way away from debut ‘Chaleur humaine’, yet just as unafraid, ’PARANOÏA, ANGELS, TRUE LOVE’ is like no other exploration of grief - a new magnum opus.
  5. Jun 14, 2023
    At its very best, Paranoïa, Angels, True Love captures this feverish lightning-in-a-bottle energy. But where Kushner’s many moving parts lock into place, spurring each other on toward a harrowing, rapturous climax, the songs of Chris’s album never quite cohere.
  6. Jun 9, 2023
    The album is a full statement and requires a time commitment to appreciate it. The people who are willing to give themselves (and their precious time) over to Chris’ beatification are the only ones who will begin to understand its divine mysteries. And then they’ll hit play on it again.
  7. Jun 8, 2023
    What follows is a collection of wiry, introspective songs that break from pop conventions while asserting the life-affirming power of love.
  8. Jun 9, 2023
    Hypnotically melodic, clever, stylish, serious, fun, addictively unexpected and euphorically danceable, it’s the kind of pop they don’t make any more.
  9. 90
    PARANOÏA isn’t without flaw; some tracks work more as spoken poems than as songs due to their slack, unmoving instrumentation. But at almost 100 minutes, Chris’ most astounding work yet expands his craftsmanship to territories surprisingly well-suited for him.
  10. Jun 8, 2023
    There is a lot going on in PARANOÏA, ANGELS, TRUE LOVE and yet it remains remarkably cohesive. It skilfully borrows and elevates.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jul 9, 2023
    It is a very frustrating project for what Christine's promises since their first album. And with Madonna all along. Jees.
    I'm very confused.
    It is a very frustrating project for what Christine's promises since their first album. And with Madonna all along. Jees.
    I'm very confused. Almost all the songs are rendered incomplete, and yet, they last too long getting somewhere that, overall, this ended up being one of the most empty, unfocused, adrift and in several ways, pointless experience. There are peaces of ambientation here that would've been interesting to see evolve and take form, and I can admire the talent of the composition to put peaces of an ambient or a concept in each song of something that felt at least interesting. Instead, we have a great wall, blurring out everything that would've truly meant something for this album. Christine just needed a clearer direction, but we have a long long, very long way to a nowhere loop, really.
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  2. Jun 15, 2023
    His best album. A work of art so gloriously and vulnerably devoted to grief and (I imagine) feeling under the weight of the world. I feelHis best album. A work of art so gloriously and vulnerably devoted to grief and (I imagine) feeling under the weight of the world. I feel blessed that Chris dug so deep and produced work so raw, complex and emotional in Redcar.

    I don't think any of the songs, individually, are in my top 5 Chris songs (maybe a day in the water?) but as an album, this feels so explorative, unexpected, defining and complete - you're rewarded with every listen and never listen to it the same way twice.

    How the hell does anyone define grief? It's such an unfathomable, overwhelming emotion that cannot be described and everyone feels it and processes it differently. For Chris to unpack his grief in this album and subject it to the world, I think is incredibly courageous, considering the enormous mental struggle humans have with TALKING ABOUT IT. Pitchfork said this album felt like a 'first draft'... *sighs*. Personally, I find the rough edges in the production, muffles, missed notes, groans and incompleteness even more bold and moving. They only add to the notion of trying to explain the unexplainable. Chaleur Humaine and Chris showed us Chris is perfectly capable of producing polished pop. The imperfection here evokes intrigue and nuance and shows Chris' willingness to take risks for his art.

    Quick note on the production - wow. The layers and textures here are incredibly interesting and experimental - I can hand-on-heart say I've never heard a sound-scape like this in an album. Without getting too meta, I feel like Chris and Mike Dean (ft. A.G Cook) have created a landscape of grey-shades, soft and jagged textures, bright light and shadows and every song explores a different area within. It's expanse and depth is limitless and completely subjective, scoring this on a scale of 1-10 feels criminally reductive.

    Pure genius. Thank you, Chris.
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  3. Jun 13, 2023
    The first part of this record is brilliant, in its second and third part the album becomes heavy and a bit repetitive to listen to but itThe first part of this record is brilliant, in its second and third part the album becomes heavy and a bit repetitive to listen to but it still has gems that make your interest come back. Full Review »