
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Jun 14, 2021
    It’s not bad music per se, but lacking Weiss’ sharp drumming and the virtuoso guitar work the two are so good at, there’s not much left of what made Sleater-Kinney exciting.
  2. What could’ve been a savvy dissection of seeking out connection during a surreal year instead see them go straight down the line.
  3. Jun 14, 2021
    On one level, it’s just like old times, with the Lennon and McCartney of the guitar underground strutting their off-kilter stuff. ... But ironically for an album made in 2020, the record stumbles most when it tries to deal head-on with the times of its making.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 2 out of 10
  1. Jun 14, 2021
    “Creative differences” - a very professional, non-descriptive phrase available for bands to use when parting ways with one of its members.“Creative differences” - a very professional, non-descriptive phrase available for bands to use when parting ways with one of its members. Unfortunately, it was not the phrase used by Janet Weiss (one of the greatest drummers of her generation) upon leaving Sleater-Kinney. Instead, Weiss unloaded details (dirty laundry) about her supposed marginalization within the band and sparked a fire of hurt feelings across the internet. An injury in a bad car accident further cemented her martyr status. Now nearly two years (and a pandemic) later, critics, fans, and trolls can still barely talk of anything else when the topic of Sleater-Kinney comes up. This is so sad. Not only does it potentially tarnish the legacy and dent the financial returns of the Sleater-Kinney catalog, it prevents people from coming with an open mind to any new S-K endeavors. I wish you had chosen the higher ground, Janet. Anyway, “Path of Wellness” is the newest album by the now “duo” of Sleater-Kinney. It is not a feminist punk record. Sleater-Kinney has not been a “punk” band for a long, long time. It sounds like indie rock made by fans of 70s acts such as Tom Petty, Chrissie Hynde, and Fleetwood Mac. This is no surprise from a band that covered Boston very early in their career. There are “of the moment” lyrics related to Portland’s riots, wildfires, and of course, the pandemic. There are heartfelt pleas for “mercy” and “love” as a balm for the internal and external exhaustion caused by our current times. Corin Tucker’s powerful voice reaches soothing new heights with “High in the Grass” and has perhaps never sounded so good as on this self-produced album. Carrie Brownstein adds keyboards and a new custom Fender guitar to her songs which continue the pop styling heard on “The Center Won’t Hold” album. The music on “Path of Wellness” is mature but also very vulnerable and human - a S-K strength that has thankfully never diminished. Perhaps that is the problem - applying the lofty, masculine “Rock God” paradigm to a band that has always been down-to-earth by both necessity and by choice, as women who eschew patriarchal notions of “perfection” and who instead celebrate the importance of “connection.” Any individual who decides to step outside the toxic commentary surrounding this band and give this album a real chance will reap the benefits of this connection. Full Review »