• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 70 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 58 out of 70
  2. Negative: 5 out of 70
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  1. Aug 15, 2017
    This was a beautiful collaboration of four very intelligent musicians that knew how to combine their different backgrounds to work towards a common goal, having a nice detectable release and unhurriedness in their sound as their process unfolded, asking only for the listener’s unwavering patience. My Score: 148/180 (Great) = 8.2/10
  2. Jun 20, 2017
    Is a decent album, but i don't quite like all the ambient-esque fillers here and there. And i'm not talking about the 1 minute instrumental songs " a la" Illinois.
    I'm talking about the HUGE 10 minute boring (for me) interlude between Mars and Moon. In an album long almost 90 minutes is overkill imo. (same it goes for the 4 minute intro in "Earth").
    If you strip away all those pretty
    Is a decent album, but i don't quite like all the ambient-esque fillers here and there. And i'm not talking about the 1 minute instrumental songs " a la" Illinois.
    I'm talking about the HUGE 10 minute boring (for me) interlude between Mars and Moon. In an album long almost 90 minutes is overkill imo. (same it goes for the 4 minute intro in "Earth").

    If you strip away all those pretty boring bits is quite a solid album, especially songs like Mercury and Saturn that are more pop than others like Mars (still a killing track though).

    If you like atmospheric instrumental interlude you'll love this album tho. If you do not you can just skip "Sun" and "Black Energy" and save 10 minutes of your time.
  3. Jun 15, 2017
    If you want to widen your perspective of universe or rather planet system, this is the album for you. Of course there´s some work to be done, but come on dude, you are going all the way, so little work won´t hurt. But I promise you after repeated listens of this album you will be guaranteed the experience of a lifetime, also you will not only visit all these planets, you will also go intoIf you want to widen your perspective of universe or rather planet system, this is the album for you. Of course there´s some work to be done, but come on dude, you are going all the way, so little work won´t hurt. But I promise you after repeated listens of this album you will be guaranteed the experience of a lifetime, also you will not only visit all these planets, you will also go into the deepest parts of mind, soul and blood of Sufjan Stevens. So deep, that you will sweat his sweat. This album is total perfection, only thing that can top is the live concert, by the way I have the ticket, yes the ticket to his planetarium!!!! Expand
  4. Jun 13, 2017
    In the same conceptual realm of Bjorks "Biophilia" ....this is undoubtedly a Sufjan Stevens release......broad in its scope.... and precise in its execution if a little overdone in parts....but as a whole I find much beauty here.
  5. Jun 11, 2017
    There is some gold on this record. With a few exceptions, every single lyrical song is a great piece of Age of Adz-esque electronic beauty. Sufjan relies harder on autotune on this record than he did on The Age of Adz. It's not as good as that album, but overall it is very satisfying for me, a huge Sufjan fan. The opening track and the closing track are both really emotional and beautifulThere is some gold on this record. With a few exceptions, every single lyrical song is a great piece of Age of Adz-esque electronic beauty. Sufjan relies harder on autotune on this record than he did on The Age of Adz. It's not as good as that album, but overall it is very satisfying for me, a huge Sufjan fan. The opening track and the closing track are both really emotional and beautiful piano ballads with a fantastic performance by Sufjan, especially when he hits those high notes. The more lush songs with grand electronics and horns also sound outstanding, especially on the songs Jupiter and Mars, and even the song Earth, which has a very long buildup to its biggest explosion of sound around the 7 minute mark.

    Like the opening and the closer, Pluto is a more quiet song, but around the 1.20 mark it explodes with incredible lush instrumentation, at it is one of many times on the record where it almost demands you listening to it on headphones, way louder than you probably should.

    The "interludes" grow a little boring, though, and bring the record down for me. Also, when I first heard Saturn as a single, I really did not care for it at all, and not only is it not a good song, it doesn't fit the overall album whatsoever. Still, this album was very fulfilling and satisfying for me.
  6. Jun 9, 2017
    It's a good, interesting record overall. Except that Sufjan's voice is given the futuristic/robotic treatment too often here. I know it's intentional and it's part of the theme. I get it. But it just ends up being irritating. I have seen the live performance of the Planetarium where it didn't bother me because the show is only two hours. I hope this is the end of Sufjan's voice soundingIt's a good, interesting record overall. Except that Sufjan's voice is given the futuristic/robotic treatment too often here. I know it's intentional and it's part of the theme. I get it. But it just ends up being irritating. I have seen the live performance of the Planetarium where it didn't bother me because the show is only two hours. I hope this is the end of Sufjan's voice sounding like Cher's "Believe". Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jun 28, 2017
    For the most part, the record warrants its own expansiveness as themes of self-doubt, isolation and faith slowly supernova among dazzling ambient instrumentals, careening string sections and Sufjan’s warped vocals that bring harmony, hope and futurism to the cold, dense expanse of space.
  2. Mojo
    Jun 27, 2017
    There are some lovely moments. ... But ultimately, the impossible ambition of Planetarium looms over every single moment. [Aug 2017, p.89]
  3. Jun 23, 2017
    Much more than The War Of The Worlds for indie kids, thoroughly recommended.