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Generally favorable reviews- based on 107 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 91 out of 107
  2. Negative: 10 out of 107
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  1. May 18, 2022
    **** album for guys who lean all time, nice for mattew 13 years old and skinheads
  2. Apr 23, 2021
    If this mixtape benefits from what I can barely call a decent start as Playboi Carti shows his best flow on the best produced tracks, the rest is all about repeating the same formula over and over to eventually reach a point of total disgust.

    The production may actually shine here and there from time to time but nothing can erase Carti's terrible tone, dumb lyrics and awful lyrics
    If this mixtape benefits from what I can barely call a decent start as Playboi Carti shows his best flow on the best produced tracks, the rest is all about repeating the same formula over and over to eventually reach a point of total disgust.

    The production may actually shine here and there from time to time but nothing can erase Carti's terrible tone, dumb lyrics and awful lyrics delivery. If repetitiveness constitues the main flaw of the 'Playboi Carti' mixtape, there still are numerous others. The overall product sounds truly as emotionless as effortless. I feels like some tracks were produced just to demonstrate Carti's team ability to craft the most boring, uninspired, unergetic and generic songs. At least it is still better than those tracks made to make your ears instantly bleed like 'New Choppa', 'Half & Half' or 'Kelly K'. Conclusion: vulgarly talentless. Seeing such high scores (from users and the press) really makes me lose faith in a considerable part of humanity.

    I absolutely had to try it, but now I feel terribly ashamed to have listened to it.
  3. Jan 5, 2021
    Nothing special, just a generic, uninspired project that does not belong on the music market.
  4. Jul 20, 2017
    playboy carti - playboy carti
    mini review
    playboy carti has no talent he has terrible lyrics he has crap flows he's unenergetic to the point of not even forming words and just saying the first syllable then slurring the rest into a one syllable noise at the end of almost every line right before saying what yeah or i thought soulja boy had no talent but at least he sometimes tries and
    playboy carti - playboy carti
    mini review

    playboy carti has no talent he has terrible lyrics he has crap flows he's unenergetic to the point of not even forming words and just saying the first syllable then slurring the rest into a one syllable noise at the end of almost every line right before saying what yeah or i thought soulja boy had no talent but at least he sometimes tries and even though he has no content and doesn't even try i still find playboy carti worse than him i hate this album so much i'm only going to say mostly positive things because all of the content is horrendous. anyways let's start

    location: 0/10 nothing salvageable
    magnolia: 4/10 good beat
    lookin: 2/10 you are actually not saying words
    woke up like this: 1/10 i really like this beat
    let it go: 4/10 catchy with a nice beat
    half and half: 3/10 catchy with an interesting beat
    new choppa: 8/10 rocky
    other sh!t: 0/10 nothing salvageable
    NO. 9: 0/10 nothing salvageable
    do that sh!t: 3/10 nice flow in the opening lines
    lame n****z: 1/10 ok flow
    yah mean: 1/10 you have no flow to have taken from you
    flex: 2/10 1:01 thats disgusting you know that they suck your blood right
    kelly k: 0/10 nothing salvageable
    had 2: 0/10 nothing salvageable

    i never thought there could be a worse album than revenge but i might have found one i can't use words to describe how much i hate this album.

    best: new choppa
    worst: NO.9, location, kelly k, otha sh!t, had 2, yah mean, woke up like this, lame n's, lookin, do that sh!t, half and half,


    strong 1
  5. May 12, 2017
    Contrary to what KTT Trump supporters would have you believe, Playboi Carti is not a musical genius. This mixtape is basically a microcosm of Carti's entire library--mumbled chants sprinkled with ad-libs. Do not be mistaken, unlike Uzi, who makes up with his repetitiveness and lyrical lacking with melody, or Future, who can actually craft a song; Carti is unable to make real melody orContrary to what KTT Trump supporters would have you believe, Playboi Carti is not a musical genius. This mixtape is basically a microcosm of Carti's entire library--mumbled chants sprinkled with ad-libs. Do not be mistaken, unlike Uzi, who makes up with his repetitiveness and lyrical lacking with melody, or Future, who can actually craft a song; Carti is unable to make real melody or express himself in any meaningful way.

    Carti takes the repetitiveness that the new wave has been criticized for and turns it up to 10. You can honestly listen to one or two hooks from any of his songs and you've heard his entire discography. His songs are basically 80% filler hooks of him chanting one or two words ("pump fake, pump fake") followed by 'verses' that are more ad-lib than rapping. He has zero personality or interesting things to say (unlike contemporaries like Young Thug, Future, Uzi) , which I guess is fine because he's trying to appeal to an audience of people who find personality and lyrics about anything other than prescription drug addictions 'corny'.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jul 20, 2017
    Playboi Carti’s self-titled major-label debut album, which was released in April, is erratic, sometimes transfixingly so.
  2. Apr 26, 2017
    Carti’s efforts on this debut project are definitely well-absorbed and not taken for granted. While the majority of the mixtape isn’t anything radically different from the music he’s been making for the past three years, it’s a sign of consistency in sound.
  3. Apr 26, 2017
    There’s not much range here, just an excess of swag, but it’s worth a listen solely for the moments where Carti seems to accidentally stumble upon a wild flow (“Dothatshit!”), or an irresistible infection (“Half & Half”)