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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 398 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 398

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  1. ChrisK.
    Jun 26, 2007
    The ablum was bad. Maybe becuase it wasnt his style of music, maybe he should do rock or sumthin. I do, however respect him for trying
  2. LenaK.
    Jul 7, 2007
    It really is THAT awful.
  3. CameronB
    Aug 12, 2007
    NW-who? K-fed is the new wave of RAPPERS!
  4. RyanF.
    Sep 11, 2007
    I like it.
  5. KyleMMacdougall
    Dec 17, 2008
    I laughed my head off when i listened to some off his (whatever you could call it). I just could not believe it!
  6. EvanG.
    Feb 4, 2008
    The MOST amazing album of all time! Its very existence validates mine.
  7. CarlosR.
    Mar 19, 2008
    Total crap! no good tunes, lame lyrics, unoriginal and disposable!! how good can it be listening to 11 tracks about money, drugs and parties?... If what gay-fed was trying to pull with this was his singing career, let me tell you he ended it before even starting it!
  8. AllanS.
    May 5, 2008
    Wow this piece of crap is so bad it makes elevator music sound composed by Beethoven. I think i now know what the devil makes while wanking and it's this.
  9. AaronW
    Jun 8, 2008
    A pure piece of drival.
  10. JoeS.
    Jul 4, 2008
    The feeling and theme of this album can be summed up in two words: WANNABE, and POSER.
  11. SarahP
    Sep 30, 2008
    I was going to use this album on my campaign, but once I found out that he used a Russian producer, I couldn't kill enough seals to make it worth while. Please buy this album and support the American economy. I would have given this 10 stars, but in my tour of that goofy evolution museum, I heard Po Po's Out playing in the back room and lost all hope in this genre. I guess I I was going to use this album on my campaign, but once I found out that he used a Russian producer, I couldn't kill enough seals to make it worth while. Please buy this album and support the American economy. I would have given this 10 stars, but in my tour of that goofy evolution museum, I heard Po Po's Out playing in the back room and lost all hope in this genre. I guess I have have to return to only listening to Britney. John said that he really digs that Womanizer tune. Power to the people. Just not the black ones. Expand
  12. ChrissieJ
    Sep 8, 2008
    After reading massive bad reviews on this CD , I sampled it at Amazon, and it only took me 10 seconds of listening to close the window and try to stop the bleeding from my ears.... I mean, this is just the worst album ever released. It makes Hannah Montana a Grammy winner! As I read before, there are millions of talented but unsigned musicians out there, but as soon as a moron who After reading massive bad reviews on this CD , I sampled it at Amazon, and it only took me 10 seconds of listening to close the window and try to stop the bleeding from my ears.... I mean, this is just the worst album ever released. It makes Hannah Montana a Grammy winner! As I read before, there are millions of talented but unsigned musicians out there, but as soon as a moron who didn't finish high-school like you marries a famous and gorgeous singer as Britney, you got the chance. You got the chance to prove that you had a teensy bit of talent...but it turns out there is no talent to prove! Bad lyrics, God awful voice and just an awful album. Shame on the people who spent money on this piece of crap! Expand
  13. Ranel
    Nov 4, 2009
    The only reason I gave it a 1 is because he at least tried. But this album is filled with the worst imaginable flow and sets of rhyming available. Soulja Boy Tell 'Em isn't even this bad.
  14. MichaelB
    Jan 3, 2009
    Fake. Lame. Rapping about how cool you are has never been entertaining, but hearing it come from Kevin Federline is laughable.
  15. IsaiahG
    Jul 22, 2009
    This album is a complete mess from the first track. The lyrics really don't make sense, it seems like he's trying to impress the hip-hop world, and the way he puts his rhyme together does not work out.
  16. ToddJ
    Nov 11, 2006
    like all other masterpieces of the 21st century 'Playing with Fire' is both exhilarating and breathtaking. No one will admit the beauty of this album, merely because he got famous. Do not fall into the same trap. reminiscent of 'Stankonia', 'The Black Album' and 'Late Registration'. 10/10
  17. RaoulV
    Nov 11, 2006
    Kevin Federline is a madman on a tear, beautifying and demolishing the world; when he
  18. JohnD
    Nov 11, 2006
    Should stand as an achievement alongside OK Computer, Kid A, Dark Side of the Moon, It Takes A Nation Of Millions To...ah, fuck it.
  19. DanB
    Nov 11, 2006
    just kidding.
  20. AlexB
    Nov 12, 2006
    If it wasn't for Britney's money, would we even be rating this album? Even when her talentless career is in hiatus, she still finds a way to ensure that America is subjected to awful "music". Pitiful.
  21. CedricJ
    Nov 12, 2006
    The best album from a KFC assistant manager turned back-up dancer turned husband to white trash turned rapper turned WWF star you'll hear this year!
  22. FargoH
    Nov 12, 2006
    Wow. This was craptacular.
  23. RichardB
    Nov 13, 2006
    You all need to get a life. This album is definitely not amazing, or even close to perfect, but 2/3 of the tracks are tight-bordering-on-excellent. K-Fed knows his way with a rhyme, and you all should see the man live before you go off hating...without listening to the album. Saw him onstage at Webster, and the crowd was sparse but thrilled to see this young artist coming into his own. You all need to get a life. This album is definitely not amazing, or even close to perfect, but 2/3 of the tracks are tight-bordering-on-excellent. K-Fed knows his way with a rhyme, and you all should see the man live before you go off hating...without listening to the album. Saw him onstage at Webster, and the crowd was sparse but thrilled to see this young artist coming into his own. When Eminew throws his baggage out there, everyone acts like he's the second coming. On this album, K-Fed does the same thing, laying bare his psychological pathos, and anyone who actually listens closely will realize that Playing With Fire is food for not only the body, but also the mind. Again -- NOT PERFECT, NOT CLOSE TO PERFECT. But a good album, much better than TImberland's new one, Kanye's second joint, or the latest Meth. Expand
  24. [Anonymous]
    Nov 13, 2006
    Congratualtions Limp Bizkit you no longer have the worst album of this decade.
  25. KHole
    Nov 13, 2006
    K-fed rulez, yo!
  26. ToddW
    Nov 13, 2006
    I guess I'll add my score to the Legions of Zeroes. This guy is the human representation of everything that is wrong with our popular culture. A total no-talent, and I'm being kind, the only reason he got in the door of a recording studio was because of his ex-wife, another staggering waste of oxygen. Our airwaves are no longer priveleged for the talented and deserving. I guess I'll add my score to the Legions of Zeroes. This guy is the human representation of everything that is wrong with our popular culture. A total no-talent, and I'm being kind, the only reason he got in the door of a recording studio was because of his ex-wife, another staggering waste of oxygen. Our airwaves are no longer priveleged for the talented and deserving. They've become the sanctuary of the sheep who exalt the refuse of American Idol Nation, and this guy doesn't even qualify on that account. To even define what he does as "music" is to truly play with fire. Maybe some clueless music industry executive will wake up long enough from reading the stock page to smell just how bad the Sewerstream stinks and pull this slug's recording contract. Then he or she might focus on doing to Brittany what she did to this Warholian nightmare. Like lawyers at the bottom of the ocean, it would be a good start. Expand
  27. kfed
    Nov 14, 2006
    yo this is a sick album.
  28. DoctorFunk
    Nov 14, 2006
    K. Fed struck it rich by marrying Britney, and he strikes gold on this classic album.
  29. MisterB
    Nov 14, 2006
    Federline gives voice to men struggling under the strain of sudden marriage and fatherhood. His rhymes are the psyche of Middle America manifest, and are just as real to those living in a McMansion or a double-wide. An impressive debut.
  30. m898
    Nov 15, 2006
    Haha. the 2 people below me are serious? i didn't know that middle america manifest was about hard times like "smokin' marijuana", or ''10 G's in my pocket, 5 in my hand...'' and ''fill[ing] the Lamborghini up with shopping bags,'' oh i feel soo bad for him! he seems to be reallly strugling. Talentless guys like this show that if you Haha. the 2 people below me are serious? i didn't know that middle america manifest was about hard times like "smokin' marijuana", or ''10 G's in my pocket, 5 in my hand...'' and ''fill[ing] the Lamborghini up with shopping bags,'' oh i feel soo bad for him! he seems to be reallly strugling. Talentless guys like this show that if you have money, you can get anything. and that bands and groups with actual talent have to work even harder to get a major label. thank GOD britney dumped him. hopefully he'll run out of money and we'll never see his face on an album cover again! Expand

Overwhelming dislike - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 7 out of 7
  1. The worst thing about Playing with Fire is that it's too stale and inept to inspire laughter: it can only elicit weary groans.
  2. Billboard
    In general, Federline enunciates well. [11 Nov 2006]
  3. Other rappers might hesitate to brag about marrying into bling, but Federline isn't self-conscious about it.