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Generally favorable reviews- based on 86 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 75 out of 86
  2. Negative: 1 out of 86
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  1. Mar 21, 2018
    A fantastic work of post-collapse rock, Rosenstock has packed POST- full with a variety of sonic textures and interesting bits of ear candy. Despite its ostensibly "punk rock" trappings, the influence of acts like Bruce Springsteen and Queen are all over the record. Energetic and dense, POST- excels in its song-craft, featuring catchy melodies, tastefully layered backtracks and rawA fantastic work of post-collapse rock, Rosenstock has packed POST- full with a variety of sonic textures and interesting bits of ear candy. Despite its ostensibly "punk rock" trappings, the influence of acts like Bruce Springsteen and Queen are all over the record. Energetic and dense, POST- excels in its song-craft, featuring catchy melodies, tastefully layered backtracks and raw sing-song energy. Highest recommendation. Expand
  2. Jan 10, 2018
    Gorgeous and energetic, Jeff’s manifesto in POST- (in parts), especially when we talk about politics, remind me those previous songs that some singers tried to bring along 2017 but could not pass a trusty message. He slayed them. His new record clarify minds and shake the soul with a contagious rhythm all whole the 10 tracks.
  3. May 25, 2018
    ____ The disc consists of nine memorable melodies, in which passion, aggression and cynicism are mixed, the dirty sound of guitars and dashing drumming. The album is perfectly in line with the spirit of the California mainstream, the part of the American punk rock scene that was beyond the attention of the domestic listener. Well, it pleases the presence of a pair of soul songs in the____ The disc consists of nine memorable melodies, in which passion, aggression and cynicism are mixed, the dirty sound of guitars and dashing drumming. The album is perfectly in line with the spirit of the California mainstream, the part of the American punk rock scene that was beyond the attention of the domestic listener. Well, it pleases the presence of a pair of soul songs in the style of indie punk, diluting the frantic pace of most tracks. In general, "POST-" is an album that, like a good friend, will support you in any mood.
    "POST-" is a high bar for the entire world punk community for the coming year.
  4. Jul 23, 2018
    An incredible album with lots of content. Everything is truly genuine and well executed.
  5. Apr 13, 2018
    Much to my dismay there's not a lot of good visceral, melodic screaming in rock lately. It's hard to find someone who can meet the levels of pained anguish found in Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison or Layne Staley's voice, to name a few. Jeff comes close though, it gives me hope that there are still some people willing to share their anger, pain and hurt so rawly in music.
  6. Jan 11, 2018
    Deeply marked by the current political environment and the fears and feelings of ordinary people, Jeff Rosenstock delivers his newest studio album Post-, released without promotional impulse by and soon after being finished recording, the album was made available by Polyvinil's label for download in an unconventional way: you can pay the amount you want, without a fixed amount.
    Deeply marked by the current political environment and the fears and feelings of ordinary people, Jeff Rosenstock delivers his newest studio album Post-, released without promotional impulse by and soon after being finished recording, the album was made available by Polyvinil's label for download in an unconventional way: you can pay the amount you want, without a fixed amount.
    Ranging from a negative to a positive, emotion-filled tone, Jeff delivers great compositions in conjunction with a punk pop that proves to be worthy of attention. The album grows every time it is heard and from its frantic start to its quiet end Jeff sings vibrantly and honestly on his journey portraying the everyday ordinary in an exceptional way.
    After a brief introduction in "Mornin '", "USA" opens the album grandiose and is a fervent demonstration of Jeff's potential. "Yr Throat" is anxious and pessimistic, his verses follow an easy path, but in a well-crafted way as in "All this useless energy" fourth track of the record that provides an uncontrollable will to sing along. The restless "Powerlessness" is hilarious and sounds like something Vampire Weekend would do, "TV stars" spoils a whole string of good tracks with something that could have been left out. "Melba" is the picture of a utopia after a bad day and is not more forgettable than the last. The sequence of bad tracks is broken by "Beating My Head Against A Wall" which tells of conflicting desires "All I wanna see is Peace / But I I wanna fight you". In "9/10" the use of synthesizer and the absence of noise causes the feeling that the track does not fit the context of the album and this is bad. Finally, "Let Them Win" enters into the definition of modern classic, overlapping voices and instruments in a tone of revolt once again provide the incredible will to sing together.
    Being one of the first surprises of the year, Post-revealed as an album of ups and downs marked by the fear of loneliness and the way in which Jeff conveys his ideas without hesitation. Even if the bad moments are evident, they end up buried by the flood of great tracks that this album carries.
  7. May 12, 2018
    This album came at exactly the right moment; in between governmental disaster and shifting ethical paradigms. 'Post-' is Jeff Rosenstock's last straw and his last stand.
  8. Feb 23, 2018
    Very enjoyable rock record. Political and engaging. An example of how pop punk can be done well. It fails to live up to the level of quality of it's predecessor for me, but it still comes through as a very enjoyable start to the year in 2018.

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Mar 29, 2018
    Overall, POST- is a moment-defining record both for Rosenstock but also for wider popular music and culture; it's equal places angry and fun, something we could all do with in 2018.
  2. Mar 22, 2018
    Post- is actually a pretty wild ride. ... Perhaps surprisingly so, Post- is also one of his most accessible solo outings yet.
  3. Mar 20, 2018
    POST- is an incredibly fun record, and its sequencing feels like the live experience. The way Rosenstock launches into each song is a delight.