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Generally favorable reviews- based on 233 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 19 out of 233
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  1. May 21, 2023
    Acho que as músicas do Panic se saem melhor no acustico ou com a banda ao vivo mesmo, porque no estúdio as produções são bem fraquinhas. Tem umas muito boas e umas qualquer coisa.
  2. Mar 2, 2023
    I enjoyed this album a lot, but you do have to detach it from their previous work. Their ability to top charts is impressive. Roaring 20s and The Overpass are phenomenal tracks!
  3. Aug 17, 2022
    This album has so much to offer but ends up wasting much of that potential on overproduced and poorly written songs. The bombast, camp, over the top Broadway inspired vibe is brilliant and really makes you want to enjoy the album but nearly every song has something to completely ruin it, some examples include;

    The line "everything's just cherries, cherries, everything's just cherries on
    This album has so much to offer but ends up wasting much of that potential on overproduced and poorly written songs. The bombast, camp, over the top Broadway inspired vibe is brilliant and really makes you want to enjoy the album but nearly every song has something to completely ruin it, some examples include;

    The line "everything's just cherries, cherries, everything's just cherries on top" on **** a silver lining.

    The overly distorted and overproduced "high high hopes" at the end of each chorus

    The crazy high notes in dying in la that sound more like a voice break

    The mosquito-like opening instrumental in roaring 20s (not to mention the lyric "roll me like a blunt cus I wanna go home")

    I've heard that this was originally just a collection of demos Brendon presented his record label and he was forced to release them despite not wanting to, and although I'm not sure if that's true, it would certainly explain why they're so overproduced and under developed.
  4. Jun 25, 2022
    The album is great overall with tracks like the overpass and Say Amen (Saturday Night) but tracks like one of the drunks drag on a tiny bit you can tell the amount of love and care with instrumentals and vocals goes a long way can't wait for the new album.
  5. Apr 28, 2022
    Brendon Urie returns with Pray for the Wicked, a magnificent album, fantastic and full of good vibes, hopefully Brendon's magic doesn't go away
  6. Mar 3, 2022
    I really love Brendon's voice so I'm not as upset as some people were when this album had more pop vibes. Out of all his albums this one has the most consistently good songs that I won't skip over when I hear them come on. Dying in LA was a bit weaker than the rest but that's my only critique.
  7. Feb 21, 2022
    Pray for the Wicked by Panic! At the Disco: 6.69

    Silver Lining: 0.75 Say Amen: 0.75 Hey Look Ma, I Made It: 1 :) High Hopes: 1 :) Roaring 20s: 1 :) Dancing’s Not a Crime: 1 :) One of the Drunks: 0.5 The Overpass: 0.75 :) King of the Clouds: 0.75 Old Fashioned: 0.5 Dying in LA: 1 9/11 ~ .818 -> 6.69 Pray for the Wicked left an overall positive impression even though it
    Pray for the Wicked by Panic! At the Disco: 6.69

    Silver Lining: 0.75
    Say Amen: 0.75
    Hey Look Ma, I Made It: 1 :)
    High Hopes: 1 :)
    Roaring 20s: 1 :)
    Dancing’s Not a Crime: 1 :)
    One of the Drunks: 0.5
    The Overpass: 0.75 :)
    King of the Clouds: 0.75
    Old Fashioned: 0.5
    Dying in LA: 1

    9/11 ~ .818 -> 6.69

    Pray for the Wicked left an overall positive impression even though it wasn’t quite as consistently good as other Panic! At The Disco albums. I loved how creative this album was (at times a little too much so) with the synth horns and strings, which added a ton to the songs they were used well in. It was very fun to track along with this musical theme, especially since it borrows from the band’s previous albums like Death of a Bachelor. I feel like some of the songs could have been better though if there were less repetitive lyrics. However, the music is (for the most part) more than good enough to make up for any lyrical laziness.

    The album begins with Silver Lining, which was delightfully upbeat and had amazing music. The song was repetitive to the point where it took away from it’s quality, however. I had an issue with Say Amen’s vocal effects, though its chorus music and lyrics were solid. Its bridge was reminiscent of the band’s older stuff with the piano and the strings and I thought that the horns were a great choice for the song. Hey Look Ma, I Made It had an awesome dirty e-guitar that started the song off wonderfully. I enjoyed its lyrical theme, fun horns, and cool music breaks. High Hopes was the only song I had heard before listening to the entire album, so I knew I loved it going in. The upbeat horns made the song, and combined with delightfully catchy lyrics, wonderful backing vocals, and an awesome synergy, it’s no wonder why this song was the success it is. Roaring 20s was fun to listen to because of all the brilliant tempo changes. Like the rest of the album, it was nice and upbeat with great lyrics, and its organ/piano duo made a great team. Dancing’s Not a Crime is probably my second favorite after High Hopes. Its synths sounded great and I loved the air of confidence the song gives off (not unlike High Hopes). I could have done without the high vocal effect, but I didn’t mind a ton. There was a lot going on in this track but somehow this song manages to juggle everything. Groovy bass and lovely strings were other highlights. One of the Drunks was a little bit of a misfire in my opinion. The vocal effects were a little much and it felt like there was too much going on throughout. I had mixed opinions about the lyrics: some were good but I couldn’t say the same for some others. The end bit was unnecessary. The Overpass was a little messy but enjoyable. It had a cool intro, a great drumbeat, and an epic bassline. The panning was also really awesome. The bridge transition messed with me, along with the offbeat voice clip. King of the Clouds had some great harmony vocals and I loved the pattern of the bass/kick drum. I wish the post-chorus music was better, however. The drums were a little electronic for me in Old Fashioned, which is ironic given the song title. The acoustic guitar and the sound of the chorus were awesome though. The melody at some parts with the corresponding music didn’t agree with me, and neither did the repetitive bridge. If all of the song sounded like the chorus, this would have easily been a winner. The piano (and beautiful strings) was refreshing in Dying in LA and this song had really good and powerful lyrics.

    Overall, I was reasonably happy with Panic! At The Disco’s most recent album, even if it wasn’t quite as good as previous efforts. Brendan Urie’s voice, strong lyrics (when they’re not repetitive), and outstanding creativity are highlights of Pray for the Wicked. Perhaps this album would have been better if it was more consistent, since sometimes the verses are amazing but not the chorus, and vice versa. That being said, this album certainly has its moments. I hope that Panic! comes out with another album soon, but until then I will have a blast listening to some of the standouts from Pray for the Wicked. Highlights: Hey Look Ma, I Made It; High Hopes, Roaring 20s, Dancing’s Not a Crime, and Dying in LA.
  8. Apr 26, 2021
    I rate this album a light 3/10 with a very heart as a great band has released a pretty terrible album. This album is the embodiment of dumb fun (its not even fun) as 99% of these songs are horribly written and all of them feature the most annoying broadway inspired brass instrumentals. Hopefully Brendon retires the Panic name and goes solo. None of these songs are memorable at all and iI rate this album a light 3/10 with a very heart as a great band has released a pretty terrible album. This album is the embodiment of dumb fun (its not even fun) as 99% of these songs are horribly written and all of them feature the most annoying broadway inspired brass instrumentals. Hopefully Brendon retires the Panic name and goes solo. None of these songs are memorable at all and i dont think i will pay to see them live since i know that their setlist will be littered with songs from this album.
    Best Songs: The Overpass
    Worst Songs: High Hopes (Don't deny that this song is overplayed annoying), Hey Look Ma I Made It, King of the Clouds, Dying in LA, (F*** A) Silver Lining, Roaring 20s, Dancing's Not a Crime, Old Fashioned.
  9. Mar 20, 2021
    Good album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Timefor the next one
  10. Sep 2, 2020
    me gusta que en este álbum tenga un concepto religioso, aunque no sea tanto. sin embargo, sento al álbum un poco flojo, pues algunas canciones se parecen entre sí y es algo complicado distinguirlas, aún así creo que hay algunas canciones que salvan el álbum de no caer en la monotonía. mis canciones favoritas son king of the clouds, roaring 20s y say amen saturday night
  11. Jul 24, 2020
    this album gets a 10/10 for me. its energetic from the first note you hear. the music makes me want to get up and dance and sing. his voice sounds amazing and is a big improvement from the debut album. its amazing to see such growth in this artist, he just keeps getting better and better. i love this album because the songs don't sound alike, i don't get bored and i can listen to it backthis album gets a 10/10 for me. its energetic from the first note you hear. the music makes me want to get up and dance and sing. his voice sounds amazing and is a big improvement from the debut album. its amazing to see such growth in this artist, he just keeps getting better and better. i love this album because the songs don't sound alike, i don't get bored and i can listen to it back to back over and over and not get tired. Expand
  12. Jul 24, 2020
    what a great energetic album! love every bit of it, an amazing alternative type of pop
  13. Apr 22, 2020
    buenardo. los ritmos son asombrosos, brendon lo hizo muy bien con este álbum. no es el mejor de su discografía, pero está bien para ser escuchado.
    canciones favoritas: say amen saturday night, roaring 20's
    canciones menos favoritas: dying in l.a.
  14. Mar 5, 2020
    Brendon... I mean Panic! Have fully embraced mainstream pop music and have produced this album of absolute bops mixed with some absolute stinkers. The main takeaway from this is that it's now completely the Brendon Urie show and he's now turned his back on what made the band what they are now. Key tracks: High Hopes, Silver Lining, Roaring 20s. 52/100
  15. Feb 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. For me this is the best album of Panic! At The Disco. With the catchy tunes and the genre of alternative rock made this album cool and different. Three songs in this album that I love the most is : High Hopes, Say Amen and Dying In LA. Expand
  16. Feb 4, 2020
    This is what I call a solid album. Brendon urie has done it again. I love how he tries different sounds within this album. From modern pop, 50s, 60s and funk. Brendon shows off his amazing voice throughout this entire album. No one does it like brendon.

    His creativity goes through the roof, not only instrumental wise, but lyrically too. Is it a patd album without unique song titles?
    This is what I call a solid album. Brendon urie has done it again. I love how he tries different sounds within this album. From modern pop, 50s, 60s and funk. Brendon shows off his amazing voice throughout this entire album. No one does it like brendon.

    His creativity goes through the roof, not only instrumental wise, but lyrically too. Is it a patd album without unique song titles? This album is definitely a panic album. Brendon has grown as an artist overall, showcasing his talents per each album. Not to mention he recorded everything himself, that's what I call talent.

    Pray for the wicked got a 87/111 or a 86%. If you could give half rates I would've given an 8.5.
    (Max score is determined by the amount of songs, each song gets a maximum of 10 points)
  17. Dec 23, 2019
    This album... I can't put into words how much I love it! Every song has this something. This something that when you listen to it on the radio, you just have to pay full attention to it and start bopping. One of the best pop albums ever made. And the best albums ever in general probably. And his voice is obviously amazing! I sound like a 10 year old but I swear it's true. ^^
  18. Sep 6, 2019
    The debut album of the solo pop artist Brendon Urie, including very hip and trendy songs such as High Hopes and Dancing's not a Crime. In all seriousness, this album doesn't even deserve a 1. All of his previous music is amazing, not only is it cynical in the perfect way, it was also a way of restoring your faith in the human populous. But this latest album is a massive black blot on aThe debut album of the solo pop artist Brendon Urie, including very hip and trendy songs such as High Hopes and Dancing's not a Crime. In all seriousness, this album doesn't even deserve a 1. All of his previous music is amazing, not only is it cynical in the perfect way, it was also a way of restoring your faith in the human populous. But this latest album is a massive black blot on a clean canvas. This album is so pop-y that it hurts my f***ing ears.The fact that High Hopes is counted as one of Panic!'s classics alongside Nine in the Afternoon, This is Gospel, Death of a Bachelor, and I Write Sins not Tragedies is utterly disgraceful. Panic!'s previous songs were beautifully written not only to sound good, but to convey a meaningful message. (By the way, High Hopes is literally lying, listen to it closely.) (F*** a) Silver Lining: This song gets old after listening to it twice. i have dozens of hours on A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. The reason why is because not only are all of the songs meaningful, they also sound bloody amazing. Songs need to be good enough to make you wanna hear them again, that's why artists like Trevor Something are so successful. Silver Lining is one of the only not-utterly-and-completely-abysmal songs in this album, and I can't stand hearing it more than twice a week. I hate hearing this song blasted on every pop radio station. As for the message, it's literally just about seeing the good in life,, how basic can you get? Say Amen (Saturday Night). The second best song due to it having a meaning and not sounding like s*** The song sounds fine, that's it. As for the meaning, it's a reflection on his mormon roots, it wasn't executed the best, but I'll take anything from this s*** album. Hey Look Ma, I Made It is abysmal. It's about what four other f***ing songs in this album are about and it sounds horrible. I do understand that there is an underlying message, that being corruption in the music industry, but their first song was about this and it was about four hundred times better. Roaring 20's: This song is just filled with missed potential. The lyrics are about Brendon's broadway experience, which is fine. I just think that the lyrics are dull and repetitive. I don't think people realize the potnetial Brendon Urie had when it comes to emulating the music of the 20's, the instruments and singing tone. This is only ever touched on in There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet and Crazy=Genius, two of my favourite songs by Panic!. But this is just a disappointment, the only exceptional thing about this is it's intro music. Dancing's not a Crime is a crime, this song is so bad it made me tear my own liver out. The music behind it is f***ing aids, it sound's like if Alvin and the Chipmunks tried beat-boxing. The lyrics are as basic b**** as it gets and the song's meaning it useless. Something Giorno Giovanna would not appreciate. One of the Drunks: Did anyone actually listen to this song? In case you didn't, all I'm gonna say is the same things I've been saying this whole review. It's boring, repetitive and meaningless. King of the Clouds: Just sounds like something you'd hear on the local pop station. Not special at all. The Overpass: The same as King of the Clouds. Old Fashioned: Again. this is like the EVOLVE (by Shinedown) of this album, I think I've heard it once. It is just bad though, bad and unimportant.. Dying in LA is what gave me hope, this is the Impossible Year of this album, but instead of being basically forgotten about, it's the only thing that you don't forget besides the fact that you can tell your mates about an album that almost gave you a cerebral hemorrhage Joseph Stalin style. This song actually sounds fine, and has something called, say it with me: Metaphor. Y'know, one of those things that making conversation and speaking actually interesting. This song is about the over-hyping of LA, which is actually an interesting topic! The song altogether, is fine, definitely the best of the album. High Hopes: I saved this one for last because of how much I despise it. The song is about the same thing as Hey look Ma, I Made it. Brendon's rise to stardom. But the way it's told makes it sound like he just recently hit it off, I'm pretty sure that 12-11 years ago wasn't all that recent. Also, "I've always had High High Hopes for the living." Then what is I Constantly Thank God for Estaban about, or Ballad of the Mona Lisa, or Build God Then We'll Talk? All of those songs and many many more are about how much humanity f***ing sucks and the stupid s*** that they do. It's also way to over-exposed. And it sounds terrible. The end. I hear supporters of this album say three things: Panic! is better at this kind of music, I've been waiting for this for so long, and change is a good thing. 1. They're not better at this kind of music, 2. Then go listen to some Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy or Shawn Mendez. 3. Change is good if it works. Expand
  19. Jun 26, 2019
    I liked this album. It is very fun and makes you want to dance. A lot of new sounds are explored, making for an interesting listening experience. There are quite a few gems on this album, and hardy any duds (though even the "bad songs" are still okay). Sometimes I miss the guitars, but I can't be too mad. Interested to see where they go next. This album should be a blast live!
  20. Jun 24, 2019
    Panic! at the Disco is on the verge of peaking and the funny thing is it's not even Panic anymore It's Brendon! at the Disco and it's good. Real good. Between DOAB and Pray For the Wicked Brendon has revitalised his career.
    Hey Look Ma, I Made It, High Hopes and One of the Drunk are outstanding. The only song I didn't enjoy was Silver Lining. Over all this is a great album.
  21. May 24, 2019
    nao existe coisa mais enjoativa e insuportavel que a voz do vocalista... meu deus! 0/10
  22. May 21, 2019
    This is definitely Panic!’s best album so far. This album never fails to put the listener in a good mood. There isn’t a single song on here I dislike. Each song has it's own unique flavor without feeling out of place. Brendon Urie really outdid himself and I’m really impressed. Brendon is an incredibly talented artist and a beyond amazing vocalist. This album really shows that. Pray ForThis is definitely Panic!’s best album so far. This album never fails to put the listener in a good mood. There isn’t a single song on here I dislike. Each song has it's own unique flavor without feeling out of place. Brendon Urie really outdid himself and I’m really impressed. Brendon is an incredibly talented artist and a beyond amazing vocalist. This album really shows that. Pray For The Wicked is an amazing album with incredible vocals, timeless sounding songs, and a fun, broadway-inspired style that will make you want to dance. 10/10. Expand
  23. Apr 26, 2019
    I've got to say, pretty generic, with some good tension chords throughout which I always like, but mostly a sleek and maximalist produced pop album trying to cover up for its mediocrity and successfully failing at it. Not the best.
  24. Feb 18, 2019
    This is the worst album panic! at the disco has put out and it saddens me so much to say that. I really wanted to like this album but it just sucks. Ive been a fan of panic! for years. I thought death of a bachelor was kinda low but damn this album takes the cake and It takes it pretty far. How did "I'll sleep in the hive
    I guess all the buzzing got to me
    While I'm still alive At night
    This is the worst album panic! at the disco has put out and it saddens me so much to say that. I really wanted to like this album but it just sucks. Ive been a fan of panic! for years. I thought death of a bachelor was kinda low but damn this album takes the cake and It takes it pretty far. How did "I'll sleep in the hive
    I guess all the buzzing got to me
    While I'm still alive
    At night your body is a symphony
    And I'm conducting you"

    Go to

    "This is my roaring, roaring 20's
    I don't even know me
    Roll me like a blunt, 'cause I wanna go home
    Roll me like a blunt, 'cause I wanna go home"


    heres my rating on all the panic! albums

    Fever 9/10
    Pretty.odd 8/10
    Vices 9/10
    To wired 8/10
    Death 7/10
    Pray 4/10

    Thats pretty low if you ask me especially for panic! at the disco
  25. Feb 18, 2019
    This jazz-influenced album is without a doubt one of Panic! At the Disco's finest. Frontman and only member Brendon Urie recently starred in the musical "Kinky Boots" and it is easy to hear Broadway in the album's sound.

    Brendon offers (as always) impressive vocals, catchy hooks and a mix of deep and satirical lyrics. One of the things fans have criticized about this album is the
    This jazz-influenced album is without a doubt one of Panic! At the Disco's finest. Frontman and only member Brendon Urie recently starred in the musical "Kinky Boots" and it is easy to hear Broadway in the album's sound.

    Brendon offers (as always) impressive vocals, catchy hooks and a mix of deep and satirical lyrics. One of the things fans have criticized about this album is the lyrics. Many take it just as "Hey i'm famous and drunk but still depressed", when the lyrics in my opinion are satirical. Just listen to "F*** A Silver Lining".

    Another thing fans dislike, is the fact that "Pray For The Wicked" is very different from their (or should i say his) former albums ("Pretty.Odd" and "A Fever You Can Sweat Out"). Critics say they have moved from their roots in punk-rock to mainstream pop/Broadway/jazz/trap. Yes, Panic have changed, but that change isn't a bad thing in my opinion, but I get that some people might feel different.

    PFTW's five first songs are deferently the best. While "KIng Of The Clouds" is a bop, "The Overpass", "Dancing's Not A Crime", "Old Fashioned" and "One Of The Drunks" are the weaker elements of the albums. They're all still a blast, but they can't compete with the albums first couple of tracks. "Dying In LA" is okay, and is powerful performed live, but the closing song feels a tiny bit out of place for me.

    Brendon's vocals are still distinctive and very audible with incredible high notes ("Say Amen") throughout the album. In other words Panic! At the Disco is back and bigger than ever.
  26. Dec 2, 2018
    At first listen, I didn't enjoy it that much. I was like meh, a usual P!ATD album. It's definitely a grower album. High Hopes is THAT song, the production at the first and second verses alone deserve the 8 I gave. I'm glad to see the song reaching #6 in US. Its their highest charted song there yet.
  27. Nov 14, 2018
    Pray For The Wicked is the newest album from the very popular Alt-rock one-man band Panic! At The Disco. It’s already a highly successful album. It reached the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200, and now sits at number 39, twenty weeks after it’s debut. The hits so far are “Say Amen” and “High Hopes,” both of which I’ve heard on Alt-radio several times. Pray For The Wicked is Panic’sPray For The Wicked is the newest album from the very popular Alt-rock one-man band Panic! At The Disco. It’s already a highly successful album. It reached the number 1 spot on the Billboard 200, and now sits at number 39, twenty weeks after it’s debut. The hits so far are “Say Amen” and “High Hopes,” both of which I’ve heard on Alt-radio several times. Pray For The Wicked is Panic’s craziest, most overdone and overstuffed album yet, and it’s only 34 minutes long. The album is highly inspired by Broadway, like Pretty. Odd, but much noisier and crazier, minus the slow closing song “Dying in LA.” The album is mostly dominated by real, huge instruments; trumpet, piano, and anything that emulates the sounds of Broadway. Modern elements are thrown in a few songs, like the high-pitched electronic voice on “Amen.” Something similar can be heard during the chorus of “Dancing.” The lyrics are as overblown as they could be, reaching for the stars, full of Broadway-level ambition and charisma.

    To demonstrate the quality of this record, I would like to break down one of it’s songs; “Old Fashioned.” The song opens with some very cringey lyrics, and an awkward vocal performance by Urie. The chorus is huge, epic, and awesome, with a great-sounding performance by Urie. The second verse is slightly better than the first, but still cringey. The bridge is ridiculous and stupid, with Urie saying “boozy boozy” over and over again. Urie brings in a corny children’s choir for the final chorus. The mish-mash quality of “Old Fashioned” serves as a fairly accurate picture of the quality of the whole album. Some of it sounds really great, and some of it is straight-up hard to listen to. There are a few exceptions to this generalization. I love “Silver Lining,” “Hey Look Ma, I Made It,” and “Dancing.” The energy of these songs is fantastic, and the Broadway music hits all the right notes. “High Hopes,” “King of the Clouds,” and “LA” don’t have any unlistenable music, but are nearly as successful as the previously mentioned songs I really liked. “Say Amen” has pretty great music, but some pretty bad blasphemous lyrics that personally keep me from liking the song. The worst song on here is “The Overpass,” but it still has some really cool elements (the Mission Impossible-esque opening music).

    Panic’s newest album is commendable for it’s attempted style and nearly endless ambition, but the execution enough to really hurt the album. There is some great stuff on PFTW, but some real trash.
  28. Nov 11, 2018
    Este álbum es un refrito de DOAB, solo que mas pop, Beebo me desepcionas
    Thank u, next.
  29. Nov 2, 2018
    The worst album of Panic! by far
    It is a complete insult that Brendon continue to use the name of a band that should have already completed its cycle, if it is going to throw crap like this, it should do so under its own name.
  30. Oct 24, 2018
    The best summer release!
    the best album of panic!
    Each song is a whole story, vocals are beyond praise!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jun 29, 2018
    The poignant album-ending ballad “Dying In LA” makes you wish there had been more tracks showcasing Urie’s pop-transcending emotive vocals.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 27, 2018
    It feels harsh to criticise a Panic! At The Disco record for being bold and exploring its brash nature to the fullest. ... But there's no getting around the fact this one feels like it could have done with a defter touch and some sonic restraint. [30 Jun 2018, p.53]
  3. Jun 26, 2018
    Between horns, strings, synths, guitars and all the rest this record is definitely an attack on the senses and shows Urie's knack for constructing a radio-friendly hit, but delve below the surface and it doesn't have much to offer. Certainly not enough to justify diminishing returns for a long running act, definitely not enough to keep me coming back for anything but the first few beats.