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Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Nov 24, 2022
    This has really grown on my over the last few weeks and it feels like I've got in on permanently at the moment. The opening trio of "Lydia Wears A Cross", the Joy Division melody of "Love, Try Not to Let Go" and "Ignore Tenderness" is as good an opening to an album as you'll hear. It's not as if it tapers off from that point either with the quality levels remaining high throughout. HerThis has really grown on my over the last few weeks and it feels like I've got in on permanently at the moment. The opening trio of "Lydia Wears A Cross", the Joy Division melody of "Love, Try Not to Let Go" and "Ignore Tenderness" is as good an opening to an album as you'll hear. It's not as if it tapers off from that point either with the quality levels remaining high throughout. Her best yet and combining this with 2019's "Crushing", Julia Jacklin is establishing herself as one of the top level songwriters of the last 5 years. Expand
  2. Aug 30, 2022
    A very solid album. Didn't think it would be my cup of tea but it's good. If you have the time, check it out.
  3. Aug 30, 2022
    Very solid album from start to finish. Julia's melodies are truly a treat on the ears.
  4. Aug 26, 2022
    In my top 5 albums of the year for sure. Flawless album, Julia sounds more like herself in this new album. Raw and emotional.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Aug 29, 2022
    Though her debut album told us there’s virtue to having some miles on the soul, PRE PLEASURE kind of does the inverse: a more seasoned, matured artist letting the kid in herself win and giving herself permission to swing away at life.
  2. Aug 29, 2022
    Written on keyboards rather than guitar, Pre Pleasure was recorded in Montreal with Marcus Paquin of the Weather Station; you can hear the uptick in arrangement and production in the painterly thrum of the instruments.
  3. Aug 26, 2022
    Out of compassion, hopefully Jacklin has nothing but sunny days ahead. But her ability to rip out the listener’s heart and stomp it about a bit, on the dance floor or otherwise, will hopefully never leave her.