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Universal acclaim- based on 251 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 20 out of 251
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  1. Mar 29, 2017
    Beautiful voice and piano. Atmospheric. Incredible beats. Probably it’s gonna be one of the top albums of 2017: Sampha was one hell of a discovery and you should definitely check out his music.
  2. Feb 3, 2017
    Process is an exercise in catharsis, a deep breath in that lays Sampha’s soul bare through gorgeous vignettes of his life. He worries, he regrets, he aches. He’s human.
  3. Feb 3, 2017
    Sampha is taking electronica to a whole new level. Meaningful songwriting, sophisticated production and beautiful vocals. Every track is a spine-chilling.
  4. Feb 3, 2017
    He’s separated from some of his R&B peers, fellows who douse themselves with sorrow and express their angst through detached, self-centered screeds obsessed with how things should be. Sampha, meanwhile, has an uncanny ability to eloquently express the painful facts of life that we learn to internalize. ... What makes Process exceptional is its delicate focus on relationships corroded andHe’s separated from some of his R&B peers, fellows who douse themselves with sorrow and express their angst through detached, self-centered screeds obsessed with how things should be. Sampha, meanwhile, has an uncanny ability to eloquently express the painful facts of life that we learn to internalize. ... What makes Process exceptional is its delicate focus on relationships corroded and fissured by time and unintentional neglect. Expand
  5. Feb 3, 2017
    Despite Sampha’s longstanding prevalence in the music world, the intensely personal nature of Process demands a renewed relationship to his work, one that appreciates the power of distance yet marvels at connection.
  6. May 2, 2017
    Powerful, atmospheric, sophisticated.
    Process is showing what electronic R&B is capable of as well as uncovering who is behind this fragile yet beautiful voice.

    Its definitely worth your attention and already one of this years bests.
  7. Feb 3, 2017
    Process is an exercise in catharsis, a deep breath in that lays Sampha’s soul bare through gorgeous vignettes of his life. He worries, he regrets, he aches. He’s human.
  8. Feb 4, 2017
    Just listen to it. I can already tell this will be regarded as one of this years best releases, another success story to arrive from the recent wave of electronic R&B records.
  9. Apr 19, 2019
    Simple, Honest, Heartbreaking, Beautiful.

    Favourite track: (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano
  10. Feb 9, 2023
    holy shti this album so good very good wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
  11. May 11, 2017
    Sampha has created something that starts with a process but ends in a satisfying solution. An electronic R&B masterpiece that will make you dance and weep but ultimately create a pleasing experience.
  12. Feb 26, 2017
    Few albums are exactly in-between two (or more) genres as this. While the sentiment present in each word evoked by his powerful yet soft voice makes this a great R&B album, the beats and melodies make it an electronic one.

    It's hard to tell which genre is more prominent, but one thing is for sure: it's almost a perfect album, whether a R&B or an electronic one.
  13. Apr 16, 2017
    This album is beautiful throughout. Sampha's vocals are filled with emotion and are so raw and chilling. The beats are sparse and stripped back which allows for the vocals to take centre stage. Highlights include 'Reverse Faults' and 'Plastic 100 Degrees' which are both stunning and contenders for song of the year.
  14. Apr 24, 2018
    This is a very good album. The fact that it's his first release is even more impressive. I look forward to hearing what he puts out in the future
  15. Jan 9, 2018
    Sampha's long awaited debut LP was well worth the wait. One of the best projects to come from 2017. Truly heart touching lyricism and chords throughout. Sampha's voice is powerful to say the least, and any song he touches reaches another echelon
  16. Feb 6, 2017
    Regardless of some of the production feeling slightly too skittish and/or weightless, the vast majority of Sampha's debut record Process is poignant and powerful. Highlights include 'Plastic 100°C', '(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano', and 'Timmy's Prayer'. Sampha's voice is rich with emotion and confliction, and he is often accompanied by exceptional instrumentation which underlines hisRegardless of some of the production feeling slightly too skittish and/or weightless, the vast majority of Sampha's debut record Process is poignant and powerful. Highlights include 'Plastic 100°C', '(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano', and 'Timmy's Prayer'. Sampha's voice is rich with emotion and confliction, and he is often accompanied by exceptional instrumentation which underlines his reflections with appropriate gravity. Expand
  17. Mar 22, 2017
    How beautifully written this project is! And the instrumentals are great. They're very sci-fi influenced, and are often flirting with being psychedelic, but they work well the hyperinstrospectivness of the lyrics. Sampha really takes you on a journey through the depths of mind with this album, and he's incredible at articulating his emotions in a way that while not frequently directlyHow beautifully written this project is! And the instrumentals are great. They're very sci-fi influenced, and are often flirting with being psychedelic, but they work well the hyperinstrospectivness of the lyrics. Sampha really takes you on a journey through the depths of mind with this album, and he's incredible at articulating his emotions in a way that while not frequently directly relatable is always compelling. Overall, it's an extremely well done alternative R&B album.

    -Justin Howell
  18. Jul 17, 2017
    Sus liricas y su particular voz me atrajeron desde el primer instante que escuche el disco. Sin duda una de las mejores revelaciones del 2017. Dissfruto escuchar sus canciones
  19. Mar 4, 2017
    A really excellent, spacious pop record that sees Sampha in top form for his official solo debut, with more good moments than mediocre ones (though there are a few of the latter.)
  20. May 14, 2017
    With his first solo album after gathering an impressive resume of collaborations, Sampha creates an elaborate and relaxing R&B experience that didn’t always seem to play to his strengths, but includes a few pleasant songs regardless. My Score: 126/180 (Good) = 7/10

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Apr 19, 2017
    Process seems unlikely to make Sampha a household name in his own right. Yet it has a drama and intensity that should increase his influence on those who already are.
  2. Mar 20, 2017
    His voice is an art form in itself, breathy and warm and aching with impartial soul. The track’s arrangements are stunning, from the sparse opener Plastic 100°C to the propulsive beat of Blood On Me, while the devastatingly beautiful, reflective piano ballad of (No One Knows Me) Like The Piano would stop the coldest of hearts.
  3. Mar 3, 2017
    Process is a moving, musical autobiography of futuristic, soulful electronica and brittle r’n’b.