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  1. Sep 6, 2022
    Stereolab has been described as krautrock and hints of jazz , electronic and even brazilian with some of the percussion. Somehow they have been indie/EDM style historically but this album is on the road to becoming a commercial success. The production seems to focus on the guitar but all the other instruments provide a unique melody complete with lilting vocals that range from french toStereolab has been described as krautrock and hints of jazz , electronic and even brazilian with some of the percussion. Somehow they have been indie/EDM style historically but this album is on the road to becoming a commercial success. The production seems to focus on the guitar but all the other instruments provide a unique melody complete with lilting vocals that range from french to english. Based in England with few personnel changes beyond the death of one of it's original band members they took time to recover and the music never stopped. Pulse of the Early Brain Switched on Vol 5 grabs you from beginning to end. This is definitely worth a listen with some decent headphones to get the full effect of Stereolab's ethereal sound. Collapse

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Sep 6, 2022
    Even though the 3xLP/2xCD set jumps backward and forward in Stereolab’s timeline, the result is a fairly comprehensive portrait of their development from their initial motorik nihilist assault to the pop molecules of their later work.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 2, 2022
    This fifth edition's half-hour documents their second collaboration with Nurse With Wound and never fully recovers. [Sep 2022, p.83]
  3. Mojo
    Sep 2, 2022
    Seen from 2022, Stereolab's sheer breadth of endeavour here can justly be vaunted as heroic. [Oct 2022, p.100]